No Agenda

We regret to inform you that the No Agenda podcasts for Thursday, May 21 and Sunday, May 24 will be delayed until the following week. Adam will explain all when we return.

  1. billabong says:

    You can love more than one person in this world……don’t judge until you know the whole story….I am going to miss the show this week…..Hang in there Adam you are still the man.

  2. brm says:


    I’m not really sure what more there is to the story that would make Adam not look like a jerk.

    Maybe if the story was a fake, but that’s about it.

    I’m not criticizing him for falling in love with another woman. Not at all. I’m criticizing him for not having the decency to go through with a proper divorce when he realized he fell out of love with his wife.

  3. Special Ed says:

    I look at it this way, I think my wife would be proud of me if she knew I was getting some of this.

    Whoops, wrong picture!

  4. eaze says:

    this story has made me realise how much faith i actually have in adam.

    right now im convinced that he engineered the whole thing ages ago and this is just part of his plan coming together. the only believable thing i can come up with is that patricia was being a dick to him, and the only way he could get her to divorce him was by having an affair, money obviously being involved.

    then again his wife could be in on this plan, whatever it may be. because we know he’s a smart guy, and when you rely on your wife to pay for your plane hobby AND you have a kid with her, you don’t cheat.

    that being said, we are all human and even if he is still in the wrong I would still greatly respect him for NA as well as his open cannabis use.

    whatever happens, please DO NOT STOP NO AGENDA, that would be a crime to humanity.

  5. Two to the Head says:

    what f’ing business is it of any of you. stfu.

  6. brm says:

    If you read the stories, Patricia says that Adam has ‘glassy eyes’ and is acting like he’s ‘on another planet.’

    If she listened to the show, she’d be able to connect the dots:

    Adam’s new girl is a Reptilian, and they’ve managed to get Adam under mind control. Watch what he says very closely from now on. He can’t be trusted.

    Of course ‘glassy eyes’ and ‘on another planet’ might just mean that he’s really stoned.

  7. brm says:


    It’s REAL NEWS dude!

  8. Brillie says:

    Een nieuwe vriendin, tja, dan heb je geen tijd om live te gaan.

  9. Travis McCoy says:

    Well more to it then I thought.. either way it’s his problem to deal with

  10. soundwash says:


    i wonder if all the people here calling him an ass have pristine histories know, perfect saints and such.

    yo Adam, cheat all you want if that’s what trips your trigger, just DONT stop the show!

    -ps, NEVER tell a christian its ok to thing you know you’ll be tied
    to a stake with firewood at it’s base.


  11. willblake says:

    #36 has a couple of interesting points. Adam has repeatedly shown enthusiasm for the “unscripted reality” shows, talked about his wife’s TV success in the Netherlands many times, and in a more subtle but obvious way we gather that Lady Patricia has been less than loving and interested in her marriage to Adam. Difficult as it is, divorce or separation before moving on to the next girlfriend is preferable in actual life to cheating, but what kind of show and real news would that make? Hope NA continues, Adam grows up, decreasing his whiny episodes and continues to combine his unique talent with the Buzzkill.

  12. MotaMan says:

    Aw man, does this mean no dailysourcecode either?

  13. David says:

    brm: You don’t know any of the details about what happened, and you’re already making assumptions about his character. At least wait until you get the full story before you start trashing people. This very well could have been a mutual agreement.

  14. Theguyintheplacewiththething says:

    Having listened to NA for a quite some time I had come to the conclusion that Adam and his wife had some kind of open relationship. This based on statements he made on NA about their marriage originally having been one strictly of convenience, and his frequent mentions of pursuing other women. I wouldn’t even care if it weren’t for the fact that women are a regular topic on the show. For those expressing shock and dismay at the revelation of Adam’s alleged/supposed affair(s), I have to ask… are you new listeners or do you not listen to what Adam regularly says?

    All that aside, this is very much in the “Back to Real News” category. Given the nature of Adam’s marriage (as described in his own words on the podcast) I have to wonder if outside forces pushed this into happening just to “get” at him. And I don’t mean in terms of some grand conspiracy. I mean in terms of one puerile little worms that John and Adam have regularly called out and mocked. They’ve antagonized some of the biggest goofballs in Dutch society, perhaps one of them “reached out” to get back at Adam.

  15. jkl; says:

    Hmm, the way I always interpreted his remarks about his personal life, I always thought Adam and Patricia were one of those “open marriage” swinger couples, with them both having jet-setting lifestyles and a few pieces on the side each. Guess these comments make me see things differently. Theatre of the mind is a powerful thing.

    I also hope yesterday’s show is just delayed, not scrapped. If there really was some juice, that would be cool to hear; it would suck if legal divorce related reasons prevented them from airing this one.

  16. brm says:


    I make assumptions as the story unfolds. I’m not sitting on a jury, so what obligation do I have to wait until I get the *entire* story, when it seems pretty clear what’s going on?

    I’m more than willing to change my opinion later on, but it doesn’t look good, and you’ve apparently not read the news, because you wouldn’t be saying, ‘could be a mutual agreement.’ Fire up google translator and read the Dutch news – unless his wife is totally lying, he’s the one who seems like the jerk here.

    I love Adam. I love what he does. I’m a huge fan. And even if he’s the asshole in this story, I’ll still be a fan, and I’ll still think he’s great. Except for this *one* thing.

  17. brm says:


    My theory seems like the obvious logical explanation! Well, logical to a NA listener.

  18. mike williams says:

    brm, unplug your computer from the internet before you hurt yourself. Maybe you and laxdude should get together for cuddle time, watch Lifetime Movie Network and go buy tampons together.

  19. brm says:


    I’m just giving an extended eye-roll at all the people who are all like, “hope everything works out for ya Adam! stay strong!”


  20. denacron says:

    I suppose this song will probably regain popularity for a time.

    Whatever….. I am looking forward to the next NA at any rate.

  21. Wow says:

    I just looked up Micky Hoogendijk. She’s stunning.

  22. Uncle Dave says:

    Wow! 55 comments and not a single one from Alfred moralizing and Christianating all over the place.

  23. ltclarke says:

    I guess this is the way to remind us for those donations.

    Gives John more time to cork some portuguse sausage, while Adam proves to his fans he is just as paranoid with our without pot. 😀

  24. Great American says:


    Jesus love you and Adam Curry too. You know that right?

  25. green says:

    Clip show…. hello.

  26. mr show says:

    #59 Exactly! Where are those “evergreen” shows JCD talks about when isn’t in town to record a live episode of Cranky Geeks? The next best thing would be a “best of” clip show.

    Anyway, I really have enjoyed No Agenda thus far. Although Curry’s personal life is none of my damn business, this bit of “real news” really has tamped down my enthusiasm for it. But none of that really matters when you consider what his actions have done to his family.

  27. brm says:


    “has tamped down my enthusiasm for it”

    no way, I can’t wait to hear him spill his guts.

    And I’m just as enthusiastic about the episodes to come, no matter what the heck happened.

  28. Nimby says:

    #56 – Unc! Shhhh. Do not invoke the name of the righteous!

    As for Adam and his problems. Well, they are HIS problems not mine. I listen to the show because I like Johns take on things. Not because I care much for Mr Curry.

    I do, however, have two questions:
    1) How much of my (admittedly) small donation to the show will Patricia get?
    2) Is there ANY chance she will also get the “In The Morning” button? (please, oh please)

  29. Topi says:

    Whatever happened, it’s probably for the best. Adam and John are amazing together and it would be a shame to see such a great thing end.

  30. knew it says:

    Well, that’s it for No Agenda….they were dying on the vine for lack of donations, and now this will dampen them down further.

    It was great while it lasted! John, do a serious show about the financial shenanigans. Without Adam it will get some respect.


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