No Agenda

We regret to inform you that the No Agenda podcasts for Thursday, May 21 and Sunday, May 24 will be delayed until the following week. Adam will explain all when we return.

  1. Travis McCoy says:

    I think I know why from twitter but I won’t mention anything.

    I hope Adam makes it through whatever challenges he’s facing right now.

  2. laxdude says:

    I guess that either Mevio Corporate Council or Adam’s “the shit has hit the fan emergency management publicist” nixed it.

    I have to say, an affair like that is a pretty shitty thing to do to your kid. Hopefully she learned long ago that Daddy was a douche.

  3. Personality says:

    At least Micky ain’t bad looking.

  4. pguyton says:

    Nooooooo! this make also provoke suicide (much like the Mps the the previous article)

  5. laxdude says:

    It might be none of our business, but it greatly colours everything he does. Cheating is like lying. It is rarely ever done once and does make you a less trustworthy person.

  6. Joe says:

    I can see the headline now:

    “Ex MTV VJ commits suicide after wife discovers affair”

  7. laxddue says:

    Not so far fetched if you can believe the new woman’s wikipedia page where it says she was blown up in a car bomb that took her then husband’s legs and caused her to loose her second pregnancy.

    Who knows if it is true, everything written about her online has been translated from Dutch.

  8. ijsbrand says:

    she was blown up in a car bomb that took her then husband’s legs and caused her to loose her second pregnancy.

    O, that’s true. Completely true. But the weird thing is, years later she played the part of a pathalogic manipulator in a daily Dutch soap. And many people now feel that she was typecasted for that.

  9. mike williams says:

    Hey LaxativeDude, who the fuck cares if Adam cheats on his wife. Its not like he is a preacher giving sermons about morality. He’s a freaking product of MTV.
    Gezus, this fucking Nancy Grace mentality is BS.

  10. lividd says:

    jeez, an affair.. thats it! why all the hate?

  11. Freaky Tiki says:

    Gives a whole new twist to No Agenda’s “Real News” segment.

  12. David says:

    None of us are privy to the intimate details of Adam’s personal life, nor is it any of our business for that matter. With that in mind, it’s premature to rush to judgement on the character of anyone involved. Honestly, grow up.

  13. Google Knows says:

    Here’s what nobody seems to have pointed out… In this world of Google searches, you can’t expect to “supress” the real back story from anyone that chooses to do a bit of poking around.

    That, plus DUTCH to ENGLISH translation services, and the details are pretty straightforward.

    It originally seemed like Adam was about to announce some new tv show or some interesting internet project… That just piqued interest among some of us.

    I would think that… “The No Agenda show will be on hiatus for an undisclosed period due to Adam’s need to attend to urgent private matters… The show will return as soon as possible.” would have been a better way to cover the issue.

    The tease of “…will explain when he returns.” was probably not as sensible as text similar to what I suggested above.

    Anyway… I am not trying to comment on the actual “thing”, but just that it was naive to think it wasn’t trivial to discover the “thing”.

  14. chuck says:

    Nothing to see here – hey, look over there!

  15. Joegolby says:

    Well Adam has one excuse

    He is a knight of the No Agenda
    knight of the No Agenda
    knight of the No Agenda
    knight of the No Agenda and he Sucks

    Still love you Adam, hang in there buddy.

  16. magnus150 says:

    Ah, now Adam has his own segment of Real News.

  17. laxdude says:

    First off, I have never watched that batshit crazy Nancy Grace. However I am married with 4 kids. I now view Adam in a much different light and would think twice about getting into business with someone who had a post mid-life crisis and chased something shiny at the expense of his wife and daughter.

    Thinking about it now my guess is that nothing new really happened and Patricia just got sick of what was a regular thing. The kid is out of school and this is when many a divorce happens. Adam wants to be based in the States and Patricia is bigger than ever in Holland. It doesn’t seem to have been long in the works though. I guess someone found out, and the affair was more than an affair.

    Adam has always come off as a sleazy kind of guy, his family life and established marriage was all that countered it.

  18. skunkman62 says:

    # 1 Travis McCoy said “I think I know why from twitter but I won’t mention anything.”

    i love comments like this one. how about this, dont post to begin with jackass. or is this your way of saying “first”

  19. Dennis says:

    Wait a minute?!?!? I PAID for the Broadcast / Podcast!!!

    I guess they ARE just in it for the money and the fame …..


  20. I am sorry his ego goes beyond unbelievable says:

    The odd thing is that he got caught “IN THE MORNING!” playing that stupid “IN THE MORNING!” obsessively while they were having sex “IN THE MORNING!” at the exact time Sigmund rolled over in his grave “IN THE MORNING!”.

  21. Ron Larson says:

    An affair? Who cares. That is his personal biz.

    What boggles my mind is how does one find the time to have an affair? He lives in SF and London, plus hoping over to Holland, France, etc all the time. Between running Mevio, going to France to learn advanced video editing, maintaining an airplane and pilot license, raising a family, creating podcasts, etc., etc.

    Hats off to Adam if this is true. Amazing.

  22. Special Ed says:

    Adam went to get a haircut.

  23. mike williams says:

    Hey LaxativeDude, I think we’d all be pleased if you quit reading Dvoark’s blog and just went back to watching the Lifetime Movie Network.

  24. jescott418 says:

    Should this surprise anyone? It seems every celebrity has at least one.

  25. Ah_Yea says:

    Although I also agree that whatever Adam does with his sausage isn’t really any business of mine, (nor do I really care), there are consequences.

    Assuming the worse:

    Be prepared, this may mean the end of the No Agenda podcast. Why? Because people like myself may wonder if Adam is going to be able to dedicate the time and effort to make the show worthwhile. He may not be able to continue the show at all!

    Therefore, no more donations until things get sorted out, and who knows how long that will take in a high profile divorce.

    No donations, no show.

    Also #19 laxdude has a good point. I have to do a lot of business with other people, and if the deal involves any exposure on my part I want to know who I am dealing with. If I find the other person has cheated on their spouse, then that changes things.

    I then know I can’t trust them. If they would cheat on someone they have a given lifelong commitment to, they would certainly cheat on me.

  26. soundwash says:

    if your traveling around alot, it’s quite easy to have a f*ck buddy at one of the locations you frequent.

    personally, i think calling a f*ck buddy an affair is a misnomer used only as a matter of convenience for tabloid-like talk.

    lastly..given Adam’s love of exposing TPTB’s
    nefarious plans, i would have a great laugh
    if in the long view, the gal he was bedding with turned out to be a plant by said PTB’s, specifically to get him off the air for a bit,
    if not for good.

    -as he was for the first time, opening the eyes of a lot of “regular folks” to the reality and inner workings of the NWO/PTB.
    (including JCD)

    -ah the irony…


  27. brm says:

    Hey, if my best friend did what Adam did I’d be telling him what an asshole he was. I’d be mad at him, and I’d think less of him.

    The No Agenda listeners have a kind of personal relationship with Adam and John – when something good happens to them, we’re happy for them. When they act like assholes, we’re allowed to have an opinion about that.

    All this ‘oh, it’s his personal life, leave him alone’ is a bunch of bullshit.

    He’s a celebrity. By choice. Which means he’s forfeited total privacy. And he tells us about his personal life all the time on No Agenda, so boo-hoo if we have an opinion about it.

    This attitude that, ‘if they didn’t break the law we can’t judge’ is so lame. Sorry, but I judge. I do it all the time, just like all of you. ‘being an asshole’ doesn’t have to be illegal for my judging to be justified.

    I’m not going to quit listening to Adam, and I’m not going to hate him. I’m still a fan, and I appreciate what he does. That doesn’t mean I can’t think he’s being a prick to his wife and daughter.

  28. mike williams says:

    brm, I’m an atheist, and respect your right to judge Adam…unless you claim to be a christian, in which case I will refer you to John 8:7

  29. brm says:

    …and I’m certainly not going to be ‘wishing him strength and good luck’ like all the goofballs on twitter (which is who my rant targeted, mostly.)

  30. brm says:


    I’m an atheist too, but I think you’re an idiot for trying to tell Christians they can’t judge people.

    You’re the kind of bible-quoting atheist that makes me hate hanging out with other atheists.

    Ooh! You guys get a gold star for not being hypocrites (by default, because you don’t have a rule book – what an accomplishment!) but you all get an ‘F’ for being assholes to everyone isn’t an atheist.

    Piss off.


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