No Agenda

We regret to inform you that the No Agenda podcasts for Thursday, May 21 and Sunday, May 24 will be delayed until the following week. Adam will explain all when we return.

  1. mr show says:

    #61 Ugh you’re right…I DO want the show to continue but this news is damn irksome.

    Anyway, I’ve loved the give and take between JCD and Adam since I started listening in late 2007.
    Ah well, we’ll see what happens. I guess it’s just entertainment after all…

  2. brm says:

    I’d be surprised if this was the end of the show. I think you guys are all reading into this week-long break too much.

  3. Great American says:

    No Agenda will be back baby!

    And, if not, maybe Dvorak should start another show called “Dvorak After Hours”. Each week John would interview a semi-famous internet or newsmaking person in only the way he can. It would be what Bill Moyers or Charlie Rose should be (without the Bill Moyers perpetually befuddled look).

  4. In The Morning says:

    Conspiracy theory time, it only seems appropriate…

    So, Adam knew a divorce was coming several years back, and he had to come up with a way to squirrel money away, hidden from the prying eyes of the divorce lawyers. So he started a show. A small show at the time, with no donations page or anything. But soon enough, the cogs started turning and he figured out the divorce was inevitable. So began the begging for donations. He would amass a few G in a hidden bank account for himself after the shit hit the fan, which was inevitable. So overall, No Agenda was a cover for amassing a small fortune to float himself until he can establish a new identity and start another show.

    How about dem apples.

  5. Yeah let’s all show our appreciation for the real news here 🙂

  6. Uncle Patso says:

    I was often made a bit uncomfortable by the way AC talked about women — sometimes he sounded like an adolescent and sometimes like a twenty-something horn-dog hustler. I would sometimes think, isn’t he “getting any?”

    This is likely to introduce a lot of chaos into all their lives for a while.


  7. soundwash says:

    #64 -wins the day..


  8. yoshimura says:

    No Agenda must go on! I’m already jonesing for a new show with Crackpot & The Buzzkill.

  9. mr show says:

    #70 Yeah it sometimes reminded me of Howard Stern banter.

  10. ip says:

    Going according to adam’s great conspiracy theories. Is this a for of 2 TO THE HEAD?

    A great way to shut him up? no>?

    God i love these bullshit conspiracies..crack me up!

  11. Mike says:

    Confused, noted that J.C.D. stated in his Tech5 of May 21st – “..listen to the No Agenda we recorded today…”. So did they or didn’t they record an episode?

  12. rqd says:


    Adam is a DJ at heart and may see himself as Howard Stern but when he attempts the Howard Stern banter he fails miserably….like when he talked to Mimi.

    From the looks of Micky, his MILF fantasy is being fulfilled.

    One more vote for the death of the “In the Morning” button.

  13. gmjbyrne says:

    I had always assumed his Howard Stern stuff was in the style of Stern himself, that is always being faithful despite the talk.

    Guess I was wrong.

  14. Randomized says:

    At least Adam didn’t make a movie about how great his marriage was like Stern did. I really hope the show doesn’t end like this.

  15. brm says:


    He didn’t make a movie, but he had a reality show about how great his home life was.

    Doesn’t anyone here use google? Cripes.

  16. TThor says:

    Nevertheless…. you don’t beg for money as these guys do and simply disappear! They should arrange someone else to talk about current affairs with John. Glad I did not spire to the Knighthood…. $25 was enough!

  17. ecohitman says:

    Kinda reminds me of Confessions of an Economic Hitman, where Perkins talks about the various methods employed to prevent him from writing the book, especially beautiful women. Adam’s situation would make a nice conspiracy … but alas, that only happens to men like Perkins.

  18. McGee says:

    40 year old man married to 60 year old woman has an affair. Didn’t see that one coming

  19. Ah_Yea says:

    Anyone thought the reason NoAgenda is delayed is because Adam is leaving and John needs the time to find someone else to fill his place?

  20. Ah_Yea says:

    I’ll volunteer to take Adams place. I may not be quiet as interesting, but I wouldn’t have that “In the Morning” button either!

  21. Great American says:

    #84 Hey why not?

    I recently saw the movie “Conspiracy Theory” and the Mel Gibson character gave me an idea:

    The revamped show should include you, Jason Calacanis, John and Adam Curry as the cab driver driving around San Fran talking about “Real News”. Each podcast would end with you guys reviewing a restaurant while having dinner at the restaurant.

  22. brm says:


    I’m only 30, but I’d totally get busy with Patricia. Must’ve been something else.

  23. Softinc says:

    I wish Adam and Mickey all the best, it’s a heavy blow for Patricia, but she will recover from it, no worries. But who will do Adam’s hair ??

  24. Great American says:

    #87 “But who will do Adam’s hair ??”

    That’s an easy one…one of John’s many professions (paper delivery, air quality officer) was that of a hair stylist? Just one look at that coiffure and you know he has the skill.

  25. podbaydoor says:

    You guys, I understand, but will miss it. Don’t you know I have no life.

  26. repete says:

    Is this the only thing that is holding backing this weeks No Agenda, and I was expecting some kind of “Adam gets a rectal probe”-history .. and it’s just American Idol (apparently without Americans) ..

    Ok, I’m signing up for the subscription .. go NA ..

    Thumbs up Adam and John!


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