Well, that explains it. They weren’t just pedophiles, they were profoundly stupid.

[A] retired Catholic Archbishop in the US is claiming in a soon-to-be-published memoir that he did not comprehend the potential harm to young victims or understand that the priests had committed a crime.

Said Rembert G Weakland: “We all considered sexual abuse of minors as a moral evil, but had no understanding of its criminal nature.”

Weakland, who retired in 2002 after it became known that he paid $450,000 in 1998 to a man who had accused him of date rape years earlier, said he initially: “Accepted naively the common view that it was not necessary to worry about the effects on the youngsters: either they would not remember or they would ‘grow out of it’.”

Weakland’s critics allege that, when he was Archbishop of Milwaukee, he had tried to cover up some of the widespread abuse that had taken place in the diocese – in particular by overseeing an evaluation in 1993 of Father Lawrence Murphy, one of those prosecuted for abuse.

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    #58, Ayatollah1,

    I say the priest must die…as I am a Christian…the moonbats they bark at me…even though they suggested punishment worse than death, to him AND his children, who did nothing wrong.

    A couple of weeks ago (last week?) I raised the issue of my niece born with spina bifida. A most beautiful and wonderful young lady with the permanent scars from the condition and surgeries.

    You claimed at that time that we are all born guilty of sin. You said she wasn’t innocent. As ludicrous as it sounded at the time, I see you have now changed tact 180 degrees. Children are born innocent.

    So which is it? Should she be condemned to a life with god’s infliction or should god be executed for ruining her life before she was born?

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    #73, ease,

    #20 even if every church is a scam (im sure there are a few genuine, (the church of reality for example)) that doesnt make all other religion a scam.

    Very true. I am quite sure the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Extra Cheese Synode, is quite legit and follows his Noodliness’s Word to a meatball.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    #84, Cursor,

    Spouting scripture and adhering to the Old Way. Levite! You love your Old Wine because it tastes better. Jew, not Christian.

    Very interesting and illuminating. Only, do I care which book someone is using to justify their “guy in the sky” argument.

    Anyone with any sense of normalcy knows The Flying Spaghetti Monster can whip any other god around. With half his noodles behind his back.

  4. Dallas says:

    I too am fascinated to watch and photograph loonies on the street. In large cities like New York, San Fran, etc you see people dragging crosses, shouting an buildings, cursing at them selves, angry at the world.

    The equivalent is happening here with the loonies

  5. MrMiGu says:

    I find it kind of ironic that Alfred is calling for the head of child molesters, just days after saying the following:

    “rather than legalize prostitution…we should allow the impregnation of girls 16 years or older, to anyone will to pay….”

  6. Thomas says:

    Well, you are nothing if not consistent. Consistently ignorant and sophomoric but consistent none the less. You need to learn to READ what you actually wrote before you open your trap and stick your foot in it. YOU said that God might “make it up” to the kid in the afterlife in #66(“Who says God won’t make it up to the child in the afterlife”). Your words and they are ridiculous. Who cares if “God will make it up” to the kid, he still got bent by the priest. By the way, why would anything happen to the priest? Is your deity a forgiving one? Wouldn’t he/she/it/they forgive an ordained minister?

    In addition to ignorance, you are obviously lacking a degree of decorum and self-respect to consistently contradict yourself. Do you enjoy being regularly embarrassed? You must because you set yourself up for so often.

    This is a perfect example of the type of contradiction we see regularly in your posts. According to your collection of fiction, is man supposed to judge criminals or not? It cannot be both. Either he must or he must not. Your post in #82 suggests that indeed man (rulers) should root out evil. However, that is in stark contrast to the concept that man should not judge others because your deity will do that in the afterlife. Which is it?

  7. Patrick says:

    What’s weird is that the Vatican has always had a policy against Priests being homosexual. Why weren’t these guys kicked out as soon as discovered, on that basis alone?

  8. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #82 Alfred1, you’ve successfully pointed out another instance where the Apostle Paul was a simply wrong. If everyone heeded his words, America would not exist, because the founders expressly defied the governing authorities, contrary to Paul’s instructions and your general application of them. Or perhaps Paul just wasn’t prescient enough to see the day when there might be governing authorities that WEREN’T ordained by God.

  9. right says:

    Alfred1 – “As liberals do everything they touch, they have ruined the justice system till its the worst in the world…or nearly so…”

    So…you have a better justice system do you? And don’t be like all the others and say these are out of context, that’s an old saw:

    – God is angry. He decides to destroy all humans, beasts, creeping things, fowls, and “all flesh wherein there is breath of life.” He plans to drown them all. 6:7, 17

    – God tells Abram to kill some animals for him. The needless slaughter makes God feel better. 15:9-10

    – If a man has sex with another man, kill them both. 20:13

    – People with “familiar spirits” (witches, fortune tellers, etc.) are to be stoned to death. 20:27

    – Anyone who blasphemes or curses shall be stoned to death by the entire community. 24:16

    – The Israelites find a man picking up sticks on the sabbath. God commands them to kill him by throwing rocks at him. 15:32-36

    – God instructs the Israelites to kill, without mercy, all the inhabitants (strangers) of the land that they conquer. 7:2

  10. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #93 right, the whole problem is, only sane people can see that those things are evil. Believers are taught to selectively disengage their conscience so as not to have an unruly intrusion of humanity in their thoughts.

  11. right says:

    You are right Gary. If Alfred deigns to reply, I’m certain any argument will be disengaged.

  12. eaze says:

    #86 i sympathize your lack of intellect.

    and its e.a.Z.e bitch.

  13. right says:

    Hey ease:

    “you are correct that as a christian he should not judge this guy as that is up to God”

    It’s impossible for a non-existent being to judge anything.

  14. Thomas says:

    > Incorrect, God is abhorred
    > by man’s evil acts

    Your mythos does believe that your deity created man does it not? It believes said deity is omnipotent does it not? If it is able to create man and its evil, why not create a revised version of man without any evil? Or is your deity limited?

    > God has the same right as you,
    > to expel evil doers from His house:

    Except that he created both the evil and the doers.

    > If God doesn’t have the right to drive
    > out of His creation, then neither would
    > you have the right to drive pedophiles
    > out of your children’s bedroom…

    You are talking in circles. Your deity CREATED pedophiles. Why does it not simply change them with a lightening bolt or two or extinguish them? Why the need for man to do your deity’s dirty work?

    > God thereby instructs us as to
    > the gravity of sin, innocent
    > animals die to pay for our sins

    A: He/she/it could not have simply said that instead of requiring the sacrifice of animals.
    B: How does the death of innocent animals have anything remotely to do with a priest molesting little boys? Is it that your deity cares more for molesters than innocent animals?

    > Animal sacrifices were a tutor
    > teaching us Christ,

    I’m sure the animals loved it. Again, how in the world does the arbitrary killing of an animal have anything to do with the price of tea in China? Unlike your other adolescent friends, you cannot simply throw out arbitrary statements and expect us to give any credence to them. You have to actually assemble a logical argument which you have yet to comprehend much less complete.

    >> If a man has sex with another man,
    >> kill them both. 20:13
    > Homosexuality is sin…all sin results
    > in death:

    You are contradicting yourself and again not reading what is ACTUALLY written. It does not say that you WILL die if you are a homosexual; it says you must be put to death. It is saying that homosexuals should be executed as opposed to living their life being judged in the afterlife. This is a prime example of Christian hypocrisy and given how illequipped you are to handle real logic, as opposed to whatever it is that you use to assemble your arguments, I doubt you will be able to wrap your head around the enormity of the hypocrisy in your response as well as the passage.

    > As for stoning…its purpose is to
    > communicate the terror one will
    > experience when standing
    > naked and ashamed before God

    FFS, not only are you making this up as you go, you suck at it. If stoning is meant to convey terror, wouldn’t that make your God a terrorist?

    > Just as a loving father scares his children
    > away from evil he knows will harm them,
    > so does God.

    Unlike your deity, a father does not put his children to death when they steal from the cookie jar.

    All too easy. You really are a child. Ignorant. Self-absorbed. Mistakenly thinking you are always right. I’m guessing you have the intellect of a high school student who thinks they know everything and hasn’t the foggiest clue as to what they do not know. I would recommend you read a few books on logic before you respond to help mitigate your (additional) embarrassment.

  15. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #99 Thomas, Alfred1 has maintained a consistent position on many occasions. To sum it up, no matter how evil this god’s actions may seem to an ordinary person, God has the ultimate authority as Creator to do anything he chooses, whether it’s killing innocent children and leaving grieving families in his wake or torturing people to death because hell alone isn’t punishment enough.

    It is our duty to fear God and to make any adjustments to our conscience that are necessary to view him as something we could worship, and we must refrain from vomiting in repugnance at his evil behavior. If we are unable to dull our consciences to that degree, the price we pay will be eternal damnation.

    None of these blatant moral contradictions should ever be construed as proof that this god is mythical, concocted by not-so-bright men with various agendas, for logic is Satan’s tool to deny us the sheer bliss of spending eternity with a sociopathic god (and sociopathic followers, but I won’t mention any names).

    No matter how illogical, it is also our duty to put our absolute faith in the veracity of the writings of long-dead men whom the church has told us were honest authors inspired by the Creator himself, even though some of the authors’ identities are completely unknown or widely disputed among Biblical scholars. If it’s in the Bible, it has the stamp of approval of a church that would never lie to us.

    You tend to rely much too heavily on logical argument, Thomas, which immediately tells me that you must be one of Satan’s henchmen. Damnation be upon thee!

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    If nothing else, Alphie can be entertaining, in a masochistic way.

  17. Nimby says:

    #102 – Fusion: His god reminds me of an episode of Star Trek where the “god” turned out to be a tantrum-prone adolescent.

  18. right says:

    Alfred1, give us facts please on the following:

    “Sound logic will conclude God is our Creator…our heavenly Father”

    You know you cannot. I’ve read that there is a physical reason in the brain why people like Alphie believe in non existent beings so any arguments against them does no good.
    But we try to enlighten and spread the word.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #103, Nimby,

    Yes, I remember that episode. The “gods” in Star Trek always seemed to be dressed as Greek Aristocracy too. That way they wouldn’t offend the 1960s Christians as much.

  20. Thomas says:

    I believe #103 is referring to “The Squire of Gothos” in which the “god” turned out to literally be an adolescent omnipotent being whereas you are thinking of “Who Mourns for Adonais?”. Not that I watched TOS much as a child ;->

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #107, I enjoyed Star Trek many years ago before all this Platinum Blond appeared in my hair. I never worshiped the characters or studied the plot lines all that much. You are probably correct.


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