Well, that explains it. They weren’t just pedophiles, they were profoundly stupid.

[A] retired Catholic Archbishop in the US is claiming in a soon-to-be-published memoir that he did not comprehend the potential harm to young victims or understand that the priests had committed a crime.

Said Rembert G Weakland: “We all considered sexual abuse of minors as a moral evil, but had no understanding of its criminal nature.”

Weakland, who retired in 2002 after it became known that he paid $450,000 in 1998 to a man who had accused him of date rape years earlier, said he initially: “Accepted naively the common view that it was not necessary to worry about the effects on the youngsters: either they would not remember or they would ‘grow out of it’.”

Weakland’s critics allege that, when he was Archbishop of Milwaukee, he had tried to cover up some of the widespread abuse that had taken place in the diocese – in particular by overseeing an evaluation in 1993 of Father Lawrence Murphy, one of those prosecuted for abuse.

  1. Dallas says:

    Love the buttons. haha Also, that kid with the finger is crazy funny.

    My mother would have launched a shoe at me faster than you can say stinger missile.

  2. Patrick says:

    Sick indeed.

  3. hhopper says:

    “Ignorance of the law is no excuse.”

  4. “We all considered sexual abuse of minors as a moral evil, but had no understanding of its criminal nature.”

    Eternal damnation is fine with us but please don’t send us to jail. Who knew this would mess up the kiddos?

    These people don’t believe in god or hell any more than I do they were just scamming the system.

  5. Whaap says:

    This guy needs to be sodomized by a horse every day for the rest of his worthless life. NO punishment is too much for this asshole and those like him.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    OK Alphie, come and defend this worthless piece of shit.

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    #3 hhopper,
    “Ignorance of the law is no excuse.”

    I guess, at least for him, ignorance of the law IS and excuse!

    BTW, how is it that a Catholic clergyman of ANY sort has $450,000 lying around?

    Aren’t these guys supposed to shun the ways of the world, put on the cloth of poverty, or somesuch? Isn’t that what this whole celibacy (imbecility?) thing is all about??

  8. so Alphie must be pro choice since he is fine with all this death stuff.

  9. amodedoma says:

    Looks like the devil’s been hard at work in the catholic church pretty much since the beginning. A cursory review of this cult’s history indicate that abusing children is probrably the least of their sins. Perhaps we should be greatful they don’t promote crusades or persecute ‘heretics’ (jews) like during the inquisition.

  10. #12
    quod erat demonstrandum

    Romans 14:10 from K James
    But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. pretty clear this death sentence you have come up with after judging is WRONG in the eyes of your god. Are you so with out sin as to be tossing death stones?

    In the states capital punishment is reserved for capital crimes, now if his cell mates want to do some mating with him I will shed no tears.

    I worry about your soul Alphie so much of what you spew out on this site goes against what the teachings of your clamed belief system.


    Alphie enlighten us why do YOU think your view of these religious convictions are the right way to believe and behave and are better than anyone else’s That’s not a request but a demand, evangelism is mandated by Christianity and their followers must make efforts to recruit as many people as possible into their faith.

    Tell me Alphie why should I believe in this? I’ll help you out I’m a realist reliance upon facts and the use of logic and analysis are good ways to convince me.

    Alfred go for it Proselytize It’s your duty as a Christian and the whole world can read it here. You might pick up lots of new believers.

    Any thing that involves “then god did it” with out some empirical evidence of god has failed to offer me confirmation of it’s existence much less that the Judeo-Christian view as any more truth.

  11. jopa says:

    what a bunch of fucken morons.

  12. SN says:

    the child is innocent whereas the slime deserves to meet His Maker …now…

    Oh, I get it. It’s immoral to kill the innocent but is moral to kill the guilty. So if I see a kid cross my yard, I can kill him because he’s guilty of trespass, right?

    You’ll probably think I’m kidding. But I’m not. I’m just trying to figure out under what specific circumstances killing is morally acceptable. The Bible says “thou shall not kill.” But apparently, from what you’re telling us at least, that’s wrong. I’ve got to get rid of some kids in my neighborhood. They’re a lot of trouble. Thanks.

  13. Canuck says:

    Alphie- don’t you realize that all religion is just a scam to extract money from stupid people. Do you remember the last time you were in church? Didn’t the congregation remind you of your high school slow learners class?

  14. eaze says:

    Canuck, to say all religion is a scam is extremely ignorant. Just because lots of people take advantage of something, doesn’t make the whole thing a scam. People take advantage of everything, thats like saying life is a scam.

    Back to my comment: I was going to say that someone should sexually abuse this priests kids in front of him to see how he likes it, although I think that would backfire as he would probably enjoy it.

    I was also going to say that he should have his penis removed, but he looks like he’s getting on a bit so that wouldn’t cut it (pun intended 😉

    He deserves a serious beat down, and to at least watch his wife/mother/sister getting raped (even though they of course would no deserve that).

  15. BubbaRay says:

    Say alfie, do you realize how difficult it is to prosecute a member of the catholic church? There is so much interference thrown up by the jerkwad pedophiles in that one organization of your so called religion it’s nigh near impossible.

    So don’t blame it on us. Go vote in a new DA, you moonbat. And stop claiming how wonderful organized religion is.


  16. 18 – Oh come on, you know the church is a scam. How else can they keep the pope in red shoes and gold walking stick and the robo-pope coach? You know he got the $450K that he paid off his raped “date” by skimming the plate.

    I hope this creep goes to jail and winds up never making another sound when he farts.

  17. Cursor_ says:

    #7 #8

    That seals the deal for me.

    You are a JEW. No doubt now.

    Stop calling yourself a following of Christ liar!

    You are a wolf dressed as a sheep.

    You can call yourself Christian until the end of this world and it still will not be true. Those posts showed your true nature. Just as this article shows the true nature of these men that LIED they did not know it was criminally wrong.

    They and you have a lot in common. You are liars.


  18. SN says:

    22. “Yes, its called justice when murderers are executed…but murder when innocent children are slain…

    So it’s OK to kill murderers. But what about this case. Back in 7 you wrote:

    He deserves to die…I support the death penalty in such cases…

    He didn’t murder anyone. The damn kids who won’t get off my property are not murderers either, but they’re certainly guilty of trespass. I just want to know, can I snuff ’em out? Thanks!

  19. Floyd says:

    Sorry Alfred and the rest of the bible quoters. He “bible” was written by people, not by God.

  20. BubbaRay says:

    Let me know when someone figures out how the software can run without the hardware. I’m so worried about special hells. Sniff.

    Maybe Misanthropic Scott can explain this.

  21. SN says:

    29. “I say that is worthy of death…while the life lost is not “physical”, its real to the person who lost it nonetheless.

    That sounds pretty grey to me. Kind of wishy washy. Lots of wiggle room. I want a clear rule. “Thou shall not kill” is clear, but you’re saying it’s wrong. If immorality gets me sent to hell, shouldn’t there be a clear rule that keeps me out? My life is going to heck because of these blasted neighbor kids. Isn’t that enough to fill ’em full of lead?

  22. brm says:

    Not much to say about this. The quotes are just mindblowing.

  23. #21
    Quoting scripture out of context is the way of the bible ilk so not my bad.

    I worry about your soul Alphie
    I asked for your help to become a Christian and you ignored me.
    Proselytize me It’s your duty as a Christian. I’d hate it if you wound up in hell on my account for asking this of you. Heck the Mormons send a two kids on a mission to my house every year. I bet they have even baptized me at some point, at least there not hypocrites

    I waiting
    Lets start by defining god. What’s the nature of god? Where is god?
    If this god if has no definition, no characteristics, and no location logic would lead me to think you don’t even know what you are talking about.

    Still I’m game, convince me. Everlasting life in heven sounds like a good deal I’d like that. Its like Mulder says on the X Files I WANT TO BELIEVE

  24. #35
    When I was young and some one stole my bike my trust in my fellow man was ruined for ever in many ways.

    So we should be able to kill the bike thief?

  25. SN says:

    32. “you simply lack the intellectual capacity to think.

    So are ad homnium attacks a part of God’s plan for salvation?

    I guess I’m just so confused. Looking over your arguments your moral system seems pretty subjective.

    I judge the child’s life was lost…

    I say that is worthy of death…

    I support the death penalty in such cases…

    I support Jessica’s law…

    I find many of its beliefs and practices wrong…

    It seems that your moral system is based entirely on your subjective wants. I guess religion is not for me. I prefer real moral standards, not the subjective chaos you’re preaching.

  26. chuck says:

    “…the common view that it was not necessary to worry about the effects on the youngsters…”

    I think the only group that accepts this as the “common view” are child molesters.

  27. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #35 said, “25 But if a man finds the betrothed maiden in the open country and the man seizes her and lies with her, then only the man who lay with her shall die.”

    From the book of Sister Mary HGoQR:
    26 In days of old when knights were bold and rubbers weren’t invented, they’d wrap a sock around their cock and babies were prevented.

  28. jopie says:

    I always thought the catholic church was exactly invented for this. You can steal, rape, murder, masturbate and molest all you want. Just remember to do the confessions, say some prayers and feel good about yourself again.

  29. Special Ed says:

    #42 – Alfred, I’m pretty sure you are the reason animals eat their young. On behalf of Fusion, Jäg and myself, blow us!


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