• Craigslist gets kudos from South Carolina for suing them. Huh?
  • HP chief says things going to get worse. What changed?
  • Microsoft pays $200 million for infringement.
  • KUMO coming. The KUMO acronym contest begins.
  • Sun to do the worlds biggest app store around JAVA? Oh brother.
  • Ethernet getting some sort of certification process.
  • Dumb story about fitting 300 DVDs on one disk.
  • The Palm Pre continues to be in the news. Pre shortage expected by Sprint. I say make more of them!
  • TSMC cranking things back.
  • Pope tells young to use the Internet.

click ► to listen:


Right click here and select ‘Save Link As…’ to download the mp3 file.

  1. hhopper says:

    The Pope is full of poop.

  2. #1 – I don’t know, he may look like an evil old man but he really makes me wet. 🙂

  3. Dallas says:

    The commercial internet has been around for about 18 years now.

    I suppose it is now time for the wise leadership of the church to lead from the rear.

  4. Special Ed says:

    #3 – Doesn’t the church pretty much do everything from the rear? Or to it?

  5. Grandpa says:

    Maybe H-P is looking at the same data Wal-Mart is looking at. Wasn’t Wal-Mart touting wonderful results recently? Now they are cutting employee hours by 5% or more throughout the country. Maybe they don’t like what is happening like:
    10% or more higher college costs
    Credit card bill that forces interest rate payment from day one.
    Green auto bill that raises costs of autos.
    Employers forcing employees to pay more for health care.
    Higher military costs for Afghanistan.

    I remember once they said “Where’s the Beef?”.
    I say “Where’s the jobs?”

  6. ahtnos says:

    Now everyone’s getting an “app store” What, is it that people want a unified, predictable, and easy way of installing and removing applications? Odd, that sounds just like a linux software repository with a shiny UI and a boat load of PR.

  7. Uncle Patso says:

    John, both you and Leo (and Molly and Becky) need to re-acquaint yourselves with the Windows file search feature. Just go to Search Files and Folders, banish the cute puppy, point the program to all the disks/partitions to be searched (you can skip the restore partition) and put in *.mp3 or *.aac and you should find all your music files in a few minutes. Or *.wav or whatever for sound effects. I can search my entire hard drive that way in a minute or so.

  8. mike williams says:

    Looks like the pope is on twitter too


  9. Angel H. Wong says:


    [Please drop the WWW from URLs as WordPress doesn’t display it properly… plus it’s unnecessary. – ed.]

  10. Glenn E. says:

    “Pope tells young to use the Internet.” So long as they avoid the contraceptive websites, I’ll bet. Condoms are evil. But cyber porn is Ok.

  11. dvdchris says:

    The pope is Lady Gaga?


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