Apparently this happened yesterday. Quite amusing.

Found by krush09 via Twitter.

  1. Alex says:


  2. Benjamin says:

    I was thinking of Leo when I heard this news story:

    Apparently, some fitness balls were recalled for that reason. I hope he is all right. John, you will have to get him to tell us about it Sunday on TWIT.


  3. boblement says:

    I love that clip, but found this one, just a little more entertaining.

    The main focus is the same.

  4. Joe Dirt says:

    Completely staged…

  5. Adam says:

    Augh! No Arduino was used in this popping.

  6. Li says:

    Hasn’t this happened once before? I think Leo needs to buy a nice Italian fitness ball next time. . .

  7. Eideard says:

    Fracking hilarious.

  8. widgethead says:

    Very funny.

  9. AdmFubar says:

    what the hell is leo’s ass made outta??? this is the second time he has done this…

  10. Selvy says:

    Yes, it happened before and he said he hoped the footage from that would never see the light of day.

    It’s probably real but it looked like he threw the remnants of the ball into the air after he hit the floor. His fat ass (not to be redundant) should’ve kept it pinned.

    No offense, aside from the Calie Lewis debacle I like the guy.

  11. This definitely was not staged. But the plastic used in these balls seems to tear rather easily if breeched. Once it began to leak it was sure to break. Seems like a good way to throw out your back.

  12. SysAdminDay says:

    Check out this WSJ Article.

  13. BillM says:

    If Leo insists on sitting on these balls all day, he really must lay off the burritos for lunch. Plastic can only take so much.

  14. Santa Maria says:


    Reminds me of Saddam Hussein when he popped out under the bottom of the screem. Glad Leo is a good guy and he is alive and well!

  15. Joe says:

    lol, poor Leo. I should watch his live video feed more often.

  16. skunkman62 says:

    i like the keyboard cat version

  17. J says:

    LOL. That was hilarious!! If you know there is a hole why would you continue to bounce on it?

    Really cheap latex! I thought they were made of much thicker and stronger material.

  18. akroeze says:


  19. McCullough says:

    Sue the bastards!

  20. Sean says:

    LOL It couldn’t have been more perfect if it was staged. (Conspiracy theorists, GO!) His hopeless look of a poor British sailor going down with the ship. “I’m sinking.” then BAM.

  21. RTaylor says:

    You should always have a pair of balls, just in case. I heard him say the other day he was riding around Petaluma on a recumbent bike with flags and an air horn. What’s next, clown makeup? Someone needs to post video of him riding that thing and blasting his air horn. Riding a recumbent bike in my town would be suicidal. It’s bad enough for regular bikes. Maybe he could mount a video camera on it.

  22. The Warden says:

    IT did happen to Leo before and I thought he bought went out and bought the one’s that are supposedly puncture proof.

    But maybe it was pay back for all the times he cuts people off on his podcasts!

    And yes, I enjoy Leo’s podcasts but he does cut people off. And so does Dvorak! Must be because of all the alcohol those two drink during TWIT.

    BTW John, how did Molly and Becky look with their tops off?

  23. The Warden says:

    Leo has been working out. You can tell he’s on the roids because he has the same B*tch t*ts as A-Roid! 😛

  24. BigBoyBC says:

    I too saw this live as it happened, it wasn’t staged. Ever since that report of the cheaper ones bursting, I’ve been waiting for Leo to hit the floor.

    It was great, like a magic trick, “Now you see the man on the bouncing ball? …now you don’t!”

    He seemed to find it just as funny as we did…

  25. FRAGaLOT says:

    I was just a couple weeks a go I saw him getting huge air off that thing bouncing like crazy, while doing “GizWiz” segments.

  26. ECA says:

    THATS # 2..
    he popped another one, when he first got them..

  27. jccalhoun says:

    Just before tapping’s today’s Security Now Leo was talking about it with Steve Gibson. Leo said (and I’ve heard him say this before) that the ball he had was one that had been recalled but he didn’t bother with the recall. Leo also saw that before he sat on it he saw it had a leak and figured it would be funny if it just let the air out and he just sank down. But he didn’t really expect it to burst. So yes it was staged in that he knew there was something wrong with the ball but no he didn’t know it would burst.

  28. sargasso says:

    Sell it on EBay, a lot of Twitterino’s would pay serious cash for that flat sucker.

  29. Mac Guy says:



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