Apparently this happened yesterday. Quite amusing.

Found by krush09 via Twitter.

  1. Carcarius says:

    Well at least he was prepared for it. He could have been injured had it caught him totally by surprise.

  2. Joe says:

    Well, I for one am shocked: Jaiku is still around?

    But seriously someone should send this to Adam; I love that he thought Wolfram Alpha was a conspiracy by Google.

  3. eggyacid says:

    this happened last year, it’s May 19, 2008 not 2009.
    lame, old news

  4. Grandpa says:

    There’s a difference between funny and silly. Too often Leo is the latter. This time he was funny!

  5. 5centcigar says:

    I love Leo.
    I wish John would put pressure on him to do his voices more. They are brilliant.

  6. AmazingJanet says:

    Funny! The same thing happened to me when I was on Skype with my sister.

  7. NV0U says:

    Dang, someone beat me to the keyboard cat video. Oh well, here is mine….

  8. Nimby says:

    John – Suggest Leo look at this. After having one of the balls things pop under MY big fat ass I’m ready and waiting for this device to be available…

  9. jccalhoun says:

    this happened last year, it’s May 19, 2008 not 2009.
    lame, old news

    No this happened yesterday. Someone gave him those wooden shoes on the left just the other day and the crystal head vodka is a new addition as well.

    He had a ball burst on him a year and a half ago or so but he wasn’t even in that room at the time. He was still upstairs. (I guess I have too much free time on my hands to remember that off the top of my head…)

  10. peter_m says:

    Not the first time. Only the first time it’s caught on video

  11. Eric says:

    I like Leo a lot. Funny, smart guy. Plus he hangs around with that sexy Veronica Belmont. Lucky.


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