1. Breetai says:

    A buddy of mine sent me that vid. After the first 30 seconds or so I stopped watching it because coming from that buddy, I expected someone to stick their hand in there.

  2. SparkyOne says:

    Is that a carbon tax machine?

  3. eyeofthetiger says:

    Got wood, too?

  4. longboxes says:

    Wow~ Takes me back to my childhood in the Vermont hills, when we heated our home by wood stove. Each year, in the late summer, we would get a cherry picker load of wood. My family would then spend then weekend after weekend cutting, splitting and stacking the wood. I tell ya, i hated it at the time, but now, as I get old, I kinda miss it. It was good exercise and it (could be) a fun family activity. – though, in hind site, I wish we had a machine like this at our disposal! Yes sir!

  5. sargasso says:


  6. Jet70 says:


    If it could stack the wood, then it would be really cool.

  7. Zybch says:

    Also works well on puppies and elderly relatives.

  8. Some of that wood looks like the delicious (to smoke with) Alder! Mmmmmm, Alder.

  9. Named says:

    You call that instant? All that waiting around and tumbling? I want my wood NOW!

  10. deowll says:

    Rather faster than a crosscut saw and an ax.

  11. Troublemaker says:

    Is that machine really cost effective?

  12. Mark Derail says:

    The machine was slowed down for the sales video.

    Notice on the levers, he’s not full throttle.

  13. Ron Larson says:

    That’s great, as long as the wood you get is all straight and uniform size. The wood I get is usually twisted oak chunks, some stumps, and whatever else I can get. The only thing I can do is let it dry and then hand split it.

  14. faxon says:

    Ohhhh. Don’t you know? In Kalifornia, firewood is EVIL!!!! Global warming, doncha know? Nonetheless, I wish I had one.

  15. Lumberjack says:

    I used to work in a sawmill as an electrician right after I got out of the service. This brought back some good memories. I love the wood processing process. And this video was way cool!

  16. KD Martin says:

    Alder? Hickory and apple, I tell ya’! Mmmmm, hickory and apple.

  17. If you do it that way, the wood only heats once. If you do you the old fashioned way, it heats three times: when you cut it, when you stack it and when you burn it …..

    I think once you get to the point when you buy your wood pre-chopped like that, it is probably just worth investing in central heating!

  18. Ohhhh. Don’t you know? In Kalifornia, firewood is EVIL!!!! Global warming, doncha know?

    Wood is carbon neutral.

  19. bobbo says:

    I’d like to see a pellitizer. I guess thats not for the diy market.

  20. Gazzer says:


    Can I have the 2 minutes 9 seconds of my life back please?


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