Do you favor a nationwide ban on cell phone use while driving?

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In the United States, where driving while using telephones without hands-free adaptor kits and texting at the wheel are not widely illegal, one in four people confesses to texting and driving, a survey found Wednesday. “We often like to say 26 percent of people admit to driving while texting. We are sure that underestimates the problem,” said Dave Grannan, of Vlingo, a mobile voice application company that polled 4,800 people.

Vlingo says it is the inventor of “voice user interface” technology allowing people to “control their mobile phones with the power of voice” instead of punching buttons. The company said the poll has a plus or minus 1.41 percent sampling error.

The news comes as those polled revealed that texting — often seen as more typical behavior for young people — generally has spread to older people: 60 percent of all mobile phone users are texting, the survey found. And that means more people potentially texting at the wheel, currently only banned in seven US states and the capital city.

Twenty-six percent of those surveyed said they could not resist a bit of texting while driving, it found. The Hall of Shame went to Tennessee where 42 percent admit to indulging in the dangerous behavior. And “in our survey, the youngest and least experienced drivers those 16 to 19, they admit by 66 percent driving while texting. That’s scary,” said Grannan.

“Despite more states adding the laws, and despite some high profile accidents, people are still driving while texting at the same rate they were a year ago,” he said, noting: “we would have thought it would go down because of the public awareness and public policy.” Last year, authorities in Los Angeles said the conductor of a train involved in a rail crash that left 25 people dead was sending text messages on his mobile phone during working hours.

Anyone who reads this blog should know that I am the last person to recommend more nanny state control. However, I ride a motorcycle almost daily and the number of times I have been cut off or had a car pull out in front of me is getting ridiculous. As a biker I fear for my life. Depending on the results of this poll, I may or may not give up my motorcycle obsession.

  1. BigBoyBC says:

    What ticks me off is, I saw a California Sheriff the other day, talking on his cell phone while he was driving a patrol car.

  2. cmon says:

    Looking at this the wrong way ’round. Ban cars!

  3. Named says:


    I ride my bicycle in my fair city. It surprises me how I daily say “Well, I almost got wasted”

    I’m a great rider too. If a car is making a right, I pull on the left of the car. I anticipate people opening doors by watching through their windshields. I always signal my own intentions for lane changes. I don’t swerve, and I keep speed at par with the rest of the cars on city roads. But years and years of riding has taught me to be very afraid of the drivers. And especially now with as many gadgets in the car as in the living room.

    I don’t envy anyone riding a motorcycle. I’m a lot more nimble on my bike, and I can always hop on the curb if things get too tight…

  4. McCullough says:

    #1. I see that a lot in Colorado too. But it’s legal here.

  5. denacron says:

    I voted “No” because of “nationwide ban”. State wide county or city, let those that reside there make that choice. That said, I feel its rather stupid that people text while they drive.

    Along those lines, my wife and Mother-in-law were hit head on by a dip that was fiddling with his radio. It nearly killed her, and the dips passenger was killed.

    I have no sympathy for those who receive heavy fines/penalties for not paying attention and risking the lives of others while driving.

  6. eaze says:

    Over here in the UK its been banned for quite a while, but thats not stopping anybody.

    An information campaign would do a whole lot better if anything.

  7. brm says:


    Isn’t talking on the cellphone no more distracting than having a bunch of kids in the car?

    Banning texting while driving is as goofy as banning reading while driving. All of this stuff is covered under ‘reckless driving’ laws.

  8. Patrick says:

    I don’t mind having rules for when you are driving a one tone chunk of metal at high speeds on public property. Although, such rules are only needed when people are being idiotic.

    The CHP conducted a test with intoxicated drivers & those talking on a cell phone. The cell users were worse drivers…

  9. sargasso says:

    A driver must be in complete control of the vehicle while in motion. That is already a law, in most places.

  10. Dave W says:

    Well, I voted no because studies have shown that using a cell phone is no more distracting than having a conversation with a real, live passenger.

    And guess what? Hand held cell phones while driving have been banned here for nearly a year, but every third car has a driver with the phone up to their ear. I guess one could say that it’s like speeding….everybody does it, 0.0001% get caught, but the threat keeps the general public down to 10-15mph over the limit most of the time, so the law does have an effect.

    Texting? It should be banned driving or not. Silly concept designed for 15 year olds!

  11. MPL says:

    Don’t we have law against driving while distracted already ?

    Few problems with this proposition:
    1) “nationwide”
    2) it smells like “Someone wants to sell more ………. law” – wireless headsets in this case

  12. ECA says:

    Idiot removal system??

    Its been posted HERE and in other places, THEY DONT need to be driving to get SMASHED, while txting or using a cellphone..

  13. Jim says:

    Professional drivers: Mandatory national NO cell phone use, with license suspension and big big fines (I’d love to knock off 50% of the cabs) This is because a professional driver is usually either ferrying people around OR moving larger vehicles and thus should not ever be distracted.

    Non-professional drivers: No hand-held cell phone use while the car is moving, with large fines and 3 strikes.

    Underage (<20) drivers caught: mandatory 2 year suspension.

  14. Benjamin says:

    I voted no because I am tired of the Nanny State. I do not recommend texting while driving. You need to be looking where you are going, but I don’t want to give cops another reason to pull people over and get taze-crazy.

    I do favor making the texter at fault in case of a collision.

  15. Benjamin says:

    #13 “license suspension and big big fines”

    Whoa, Jim, my state already has a problem with people driving with suspended licenses because they can’t afford the fine. I would assume having only people with valid licensees on the road because they are insured.

  16. Mouring says:

    #7: Isn’t talking on the cellphone no more distracting than having a bunch of kids in the car?

    I personally find talking on the phone (with or without a headset) to be less distracting. Why? I was raised that when you talk to people face-to-face you give them your full attention. That includes making eye contact.

    Not very safe to keep looking over at the passenger side trying to read their thoughts and make eye contact. =)

    – Ben

  17. Named says:

    “Well, I voted no because studies have shown that using a cell phone is no more distracting than having a conversation with a real, live passenger.”

    I disagree with that point. A passenger is within the same space as you and can see what’s happening just as well. If you see someone cut you off, your passenger is going to see it too and everyone first shuts up and then swears at the person doing the cutting.

    When you’re chatting on the phone, they have no idea about your space or environment, so they can be throwing things so mentally distracting WHILE you’re getting cut off. It’s completely different.

    And that’s why I don’t think hands free makes much difference. Without the awareness of the environment, the disembodied voice is much more dangerous than a passenger.

  18. Sean says:

    How is a cop supposed to catch you?

  19. gooddebate says:

    Well, we probably don’t have to worry too much anyway because when the new fuel standards hit we’ll all be riding bikes anyway.

    #18 wow powerful argument, you really disagree, huh? I didn’t realize that space mattered so much. Isn’t that a really weak argument because your opposition will just come back by pointing out that there are many things more distracting in your car than a phone. I mean one time I was driving down the road wondering what I was going to say on Dvorak Uncensored. Now that’s distracting.

  20. 2069995221 says:

    this is stupd. i can txt n drive fine. i good driver. truck argh (end of msg)

  21. stopher2475 says:

    I vote no but if I see you doing it I should be allowed to sideswipe your car.

  22. Jägermeister says:

    WTF are we going to do in the car if we can’t use our mobile phones… Play ukulele? Take a nap?

  23. Little Timmy says:

    #19. Uh, visually?

  24. chuck says:

    I’m typing in this comment while driving.
    Is that ok?

  25. Carcarius says:

    I don’t think there should be a law against using cell phones while driving simply because we have enough frivolous laws as it is. However, I am against driving while on cellphone (including voice, text, etc…). I try my very best not to use the phone. I won’t initiate calls for sure, but if one comes in I admit I will at least see who is calling and decide whether or not to pick up.

    It’s a personal moral/ethical dilemma. Unfortunately, most people don;t give a damn about safety or driver etiquitte (spelling?). It’s just like many other things like debt, war, religion, etc… there are always those people who do whatever they please no matter what consequences there are for others.

    Most people suck.

  26. Breetai says:

    Voted no because If it were REALLY about saving lives, car radios are 10 times as distracting and those should be first on the list to go.

    The babble about banning cell phones is just moronic sheeple following the politicians.

  27. McCullough says:

    #27. How can anyone say that changing stations on a car radio is more distracting than using two hands and looking down at a mobile while “supposedly” forming thoughts to text.

    What BS.

    “The babble about banning cell phones is just moronic sheeple following the politicians.”

    No one wants to take away your precious toy, but if you cut me off on the road while yapping on your effen cell phone, and I catch up to you….God help you.

  28. brm says:


    “but if you cut me off on the road while yapping on your effen cell phone, and I catch up to you….God help you.”

    Or what? What are you going to do?

    You’re going to escalate the situation? Way to go!

    You’ll be used as proof that we need tests for personality disorders at the DMV. Congrats.

    You’re obviously one of those people who just can’t STAND anyone to be on their cellphone ANYWHERE at ANYTIME. You’re probably one of those goofballs that held out until the last possible minute before buying a cellphone.

  29. Just today I saw an oriental guy texting while driving. He had slowed down to the point of impeding traffic and he was weaving all over the road. These people have a hard enough time driving as it is, hell – you can blindfold them with dental floss.

    Naturally I sideswiped the fucker with the church bus.

  30. JFStan says:

    This is ridiculous! Can’t type any more now, my exit is coming up..

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