• Palm Pre has best PR.
  • Hubble fixed.
  • Google and Google alone gaining in market share.
  • New Atom chip from Intel.
  • Dell has germ free notebook.
  • Wal-Mart wants Apple.
  • Mockingbirds have a long memory.
  • Slew of HP stories telling how great the company is. All are planted as far as I can tell.
  • Oracle may sell Sun hardware business.
  • Microsoft clones the Wii remote.
  • Windows 7 getting more ink too.
  • GPS system could fail within a year. Oh no!
  • Todays show brought to you by Avis.com/tech5. Get a discount.

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  1. Angel H. Wong says:

    M$’s wiimote will also be shaped like a penis and like most phallomorpic products sold for the double moral USA it will be nothing but a showoff item with no practical use whatsoever.

  2. ECA says:

    Umm, why am I listening to 2 voices??
    Distracting enough listen to devorak..

  3. t-bonham@scc.net says:

    What the heck is with the annoying & distracting voice in the background?

    Really bothersome!

  4. John Paradox says:

    ….sold American!


  5. Grandpa says:

    Please drop the background noise. It sux.

  6. hhopper says:

    The auctioneer makes it difficult to concentrate on what JCD is saying.

  7. dexton7 says:

    i think Dvorak is running a psychological test to see how many people the ‘auctioneer’ audio overlay makes batty. Or he forgot to turn off a tv. Could qualify as a mild form of torture.. hah.

  8. Martin says:

    Off Topic…

    Made a PayPal “donation” the other day. I didn’t expect much as it was less than $100, but I’m surprised there was not even a “thank you” email. But, the blog is still good stuff to read.

  9. qb says:

    The Atom/Moblin combo is a pretty wickedly good idea. I’m betting it’ll be either Moblin or Android as the winner on Netbooks. What would be even cooler is if a new manufacturer came along with sexy Netbooks, but it’s unlikely since the margins are thin.

    Instead it will be Dell, HP, Acer, zzzzz…..

  10. Joe says:

    Samsung has a netbook (the NC-10) with an antibacterial “nano-sized silver ion powder” coating. I’m guessing Dell will be doing something similar.

    Seems kinda pointless, especially on laptops/netbooks since they’re generally only used by one person.

  11. Ron Larson says:

    That background voice sounded more like a horse race announcer than an auction to me. Whatever it was, it was irritating.

  12. amodedoma says:

    M$ innovates again, a wiimote clone! Will the big N file a suit for patent violation? I doubt it. M$ has a long and glorious history of copying what they couldn’t buy, and stealing what they couldn’t copy. Their army of lawyers always prepared to defend any action their masters may have taken.


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