(Click pic to embiggen.)

Actually, this photo is a bit out of date. Two were laid off due to cutbacks. Several were reassigned to watch those in the office who fill out Sarbanes-Oxley paperwork. Andre’s job was outsourced to China, so he’s gone. The other guys are still watching the hole. Hey, someone’s got to do it. Can’t let passersby fall in and sue the company!

  1. rudedog says:

    Hey is that a trade show picture with the names changed to protect the unions?

    Looks like what I have to deal with at every show/event I do here in the US……..

  2. Gern Blanston says:

    Not just businesses – Looks like most school districts – only they already laid off Andre…

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    This is the typical Wall Street style business model. This is what made America strong.

  4. AdmFubar says:

    yes we need to lay off more workers… that way there are less people with income to buy things…

  5. Jeanne says:

    The people making the decisions to lay off employees are the managers and the people with the higher paying jobs. They are not going to want to harm themselves.

    Human society in microcosm. The ones in power do better in lean times than the ones that are not.

  6. JimR says:

    The dead weight standing around can’t afford to pay Andre $60 an hour in this financial climate (without taking a slight pay cut themselves), so they have lowered the pay for digging a hole to $15 an hour. Andre quit, and Jesus gladly took the job.

  7. susan gibson says:

    I don’t know whether these are IT professionals or not. They look like the work for the council (local government) in England.

  8. RTaylor says:

    As soon as they solve the problem of greed, the economy will be fine. It will take a new specie, but the Earth has plenty of time left.

  9. KD Martin says:

    Just jugding by the dress code, I’d say this was top level management at Burger King or Sonic.

  10. jbenson2 says:

    The photo is missing the 800 pound gorilla – the bureaucrats the government.

    Consider the successes Obama has already achieved in managing the auto industry (GM and Chrysler).

    * Manage the auto companies with a govt committee – staffed with bureaucrats who have zero experience with the automobile industry.

    * Slash advertising by 50% – keep new car releases a big secret – what a great idea!

    * Eliminate 4,000 dealerships – if the consumer does find out about a new car, make it harder to find a dealer who sells it

    * Continue to increase unemployment – the 4,000 terminated dealers will have to fire 100,000+ employees and stop doing business with thousands of local suppliers

    * Force the other car companies to cut their profits (and eliminate employees) in a futile attempt to be competitive with the hundreds of thousand of brand new cars that will be dumped onto the market courtesy of the government shutting down 4,000 dealerships.

  11. lostdoggie says:

    That can’t be in Calgary. Here they must all lean on shovel handles or be fired. Furthermore, one must be watching Andre and coaching him so he can get on permanently. Those are the benefits of unions and management systems. As one unionist pointed out, incompetent managers lead to lazy unions. Any idea which comes first, Silly Hall or the Union?

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #10, benson,

    Consider the successes Obama has already achieved in managing the auto industry (GM and Chrysler).

    Don’t you mean the mess Bush’s policies left for Obama and the screaming from the right wing nuts to let them fail?

  13. Guyver says:

    12. Good grief. Presidents have little influence on an economy. No president would want the economy to go to the crapper if it were in their power to do so.

    JBenson2 makes a very good point, but you’re too blind in your partisanship to see it. All you can do is blame Bush for things he had little control over.

    What’s the statute of limitations for blaming Bush on the economy? Or ANY president for that matter? You liberals seem hell bent on laying blame every chance you can to deflect that your liberal leader is doing some pretty stupid stuff when it comes to running a business.

    If you want to lay blame, blame the Congress. The Democrats controlled the Congress the last two years of Bush’s presidency. Case in point. Congress could have easily stopped the Iraq war a LONG time ago. They hold the purse strings. But no, you partisan hacks look the other way and try to blame Bush for not stopping the war (as if you didn’t know that Congress has the power to kill a war by denying funds). Way to go. You’re so philosophically opposed to Bush that you’re more worried about your team than what’s best for your country.

    The BIG difference I see is Obama doesn’t hesitate to blame the previous administration for things to deflect the stuff he’s dropping the ball on. But when Bush was in office, I didn’t see any of that when he inherited a recession from the Clinton Administration. Two different leadership styles.

    Obama has until the next Congressional election to turn things around. Otherwise, he’s probably losing control of Congress. I just hope you partisan hacks don’t blame Bush for that as well when and if that day comes.

    I would hope that this current president will learn to take responsibility and lead rather than laying blame. People are going to grow tired of the blame game if he keeps this up.


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