
A mother’s fling has resulted in her bearing twins – by different fathers.

Eleven-month-old Justin and Jordan Washington may have arrived in the world within just seven minutes of each other, but in an amazing twist of fate, they are half brothers.

Each has a different dad because their mother Mia Washington, had an affair and conceived two babies by different men at the same time.

There is only a one-in-a-million chance of twins having different biological fathers.

The bizarre double conception happened when Mia cheated on her partner James Harrison with another man.

One of the boys is James’s son, but the other is fathered by another man, whose identity has not been released.

  1. GF says:

    It’s official. We need a holiday for sluts.

  2. Nimby says:

    There are doctors who believe this may not be as uncommon as the article indicates. Fraternal twins (i.e. not identical) require two eggs to be fertilized and this can happen two or three days apart.

  3. Buzz says:

    Even if the “one in a million” number were true, that would imply that out of all the twin births in the world, millions of two-dad examples would have been born.

    Hardly a dent in the billions of humans alive today, but common enough to qualify as normal human behavior.

    There will always be jerks who label normal human behavior as deserving pejorative appellations without mercy, and to those assholes I can only .. erm … never mind.

  4. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    There were more than two, she is the Community pincushion.

    //enjoys pejorative appellations

  5. eaze says:

    #3 i was going to say the same thing but i think the odds of one in a million only apply to the obvious scenario here of 2 dicks and one hole.

    I hope the kids manage to live normal lives despite their whore of a mother.

  6. GigG says:

    #3 Buzz

    I believe it was more a saying than a studied and calculated statistic.

  7. JimR says:

    So? Most men are man-whores. Double standards as usual?

  8. Dave W says:

    I really don’t care to label the woman a slut for having an affair. That’s just normal human behavior for about 50% or better of the population.

    But I will label her stupid for having an affair and not using birth control AT LEAST with the “other man”.

    I do wonder how the kids will turn out. Have to check back in about 20 years.

  9. skunkman62 says:

    you are NOT the father!

  10. RBG says:

    3 Buzz. “There will always be jerks who label normal human behavior as deserving pejorative appellations without mercy”

    Then the “normal” human behavior that needs more support include thievery, drunk driving, tax evasion, speeding, and deadbeat dadism.

    #9 Dave W. Birth control methods are just too unreliable given the seriousness of creating a new human life.


  11. Chris says:

    So how do they know? There’s certainly no reason to routinely DNA test newborn twins for a “one in a million” oddity. Are the babies different races? Theres a gaping hole in the reporting here.

  12. Lou says:

    The 3rd guy she banged was seen with a smile.

  13. UNKN says:


    I concur

  14. steve canuck says:

    I love it when she says the other guy will never find out. Unless someone in her crowd heres of the internet.

    What a porcupine she is- theres a lot of pr1cks in her.

  15. Ron Larson says:

    “…had an affair and conceived two babies by different men at the same time..”

    I keep re-reading this phrase…. “at the SAME time”.

    Are they saying she had two men inside her at the same time? Thats not a discrete affair. I believe the description they want is the French term “Ménage à trois”.

  16. Nimby says:

    # 8 Sagrilarus said, “…twins generally exchange some amount of genetic information during development…”

    Say what? I think you need to reread that Reader’s Digest article.

  17. Ron says:

    WHORE Why dont you go back to whore island!

  18. bobbo says:

    One in a million sounds high to me. The odds are sex with two guys times having two eggs ready to go. Thats gotta be rare.

    Not included: sex with one guy and the other is immaculate conception. Its a shame for the second coming (sic!) to be derailed in such a manner.

  19. Buzz says:

    You are all a bunch of (pejorative expletive deleted). So there.

  20. Alex says:

    #12: “So how do they know? There’s certainly no reason to routinely DNA test newborn twins for a “one in a million” oddity. Are the babies different races? Theres a gaping hole in the reporting here.”

    Dude, RTFA before criticizing it: “The truth came out when Mia visited Clear Diagnostics DNA Lab after noticing the twins have different facial features.

    “A paternity test confirmed her fears – it showed there was only a 0.001 chance that Justin and Jordan have the same father.”

  21. Concerned says:

    It’s sad for the kids, even sadder that the “other” father will never know that he has a son.

    I pray that God begins to help all those people who think like this and do these things. And then we wonder why people are commenting so negatively on other people’s misfortunes. This world needs to Wake Up!!!


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