• Napster goes to $5 a month for its subscription services.
  • Craigslist getting peeved at South Carolina.
  • Biz Week slams iPhone in offhanded way.
  • MSFT Win Mobile 6.5 is announced.
  • Scribd.com has new sales model worth looking at.
  • TSA in trouble over naked picture scanner.
  • Duke Nukem may live.
  • MSFT will buy any search start-ups.
  • JP Morgan says Win7 will not help PC business.
  • AMD and Intel in a beef as usual.
  • Today’s show brought to you by SQUARESPACE.COM. Use the code word TECH for discount.

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  1. SparkyOne says:

    JP Morgan? Yea, they know numbers.

  2. Hugh Ripper says:

    I could never work out why Microsoft are so USELESS when it come to search. Why is it so hard? I guess I should not be surprised. This IS the company that thought the internet wouldn’t catch on (remember the Microsoft Network?).

  3. Randomized says:

    $50 a month for Napster?!?!?

  4. Editor says:

    JD you need an editor. $5 a month, not $50.

  5. B.Dog says:

    Windows 7 might turn out OK, but the economy won’t. The Federal gov’t and its favorite contractors might buy new machines with Win7, but a large number of businesses and individuals will have to make do with what they have now.

  6. qb says:

    Gartner says companies should think about skipping Vista and going straight to Windows 7. Well no duh?


  7. Paul Smith says:

    This is how music should be sold. With reduced distribution costs it should become a amenity. You pay so much for all you can eat.

  8. chuck says:

    Dvorak says “This is the tech business – you take a look at what’s going on and you can kinda figure out what’s gonna happen.”

    – That’s the same research system used by Goldman-Sachs!

  9. noaho says:

    can you please put a volume control on your player now!!!

  10. brendal says:

    Intel is the one with mad cow disease.

  11. BubbaRay says:

    #9, the Tech5 Report on Cage Match has a volume control.


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