What OS & Version Are You Using?

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Lifehacker is running a poll on what Windows version people are using. We’re expanding it to all operating systems. Now if you’re like Uncle Dave (one with Vista, two with XP, two with OSX) you have multiple OS’ and versions going. Since the poll software apparently will only let you vote once, enter the OS you use the most.

And if you have something else, tell us what. And why.

  1. David says:

    I’m a bit surprised at the number of XP users compared to Vista or Win7. I use XP myself, but only because the machine is older and doesn’t run Vista too well. Clearly there are a disproportionate number of Mac users here, but if the Windows stats reflect the general population, it doesn’t say much for Microsoft.

  2. Benjamin says:

    I run Widows XP on my computer and dual boot WIndows XP/Ubuntu on my netbook. I am never going to buy a PC again. Next computer will be a Mac. I am fed up with every version of Windows having more and more bloat.

  3. brendal says:

    Well, “running” Vista is relative, isn’t it?

  4. Cephus says:

    Vista is massively bloated. I don’t know how much space it takes up right out of the box, I never looked before I started installing software, but just my Windows directory right now is about 20 gigs, that doesn’t include anything else like Explorer, other directories Vista uses, etc. That’s 20 gigs for the OS ALONE!

    I might not complain if it worked well, it just doesn’t.

  5. cgp says:

    Yeah OSX stats three times nominal stated values. ( I believe this poll) This is just another example of current level of truthful statements by players in the world’s marketplace.

    There needs to be a statistical quality number (like chi) I’d call it ‘bs’. How would it be calculated?


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