Love Land is no more...

BEIJING – This investment turned out to be as risky as it was risque.

A sex theme park that featured explicit exhibits of genitalia and sexual culture is being demolished before it can even open, a government spokesman in southwestern China said Monday.

The park, christened “Love Land” by its owners, went under the wrecking ball over the weekend in the city of Chongqing, said the spokesman, who like many Chinese bureaucrats would give only his surname, Yang.

Yang refused to give the reason for the demolition or other details. However, photographs of the adult-only park had circulated widely on the Internet over the weekend, prompting widespread mockery and condemnation.

Exhibits had included giant-sized reproductions of male and female anatomy, dissertations on how the topic of sex is treated in various cultures and what the official China Daily newspaper called “sex technique workshops.”

  1. Ah_Yea says:

    Awww. Now what am I going to do?

  2. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Now I’ve got to make all new vacation plans and book new reservations. The kids were so looking forward to riding on the Vagin-a-Whirl and the Orgasma-Coaster. We’d been looking at the brochures for months. Pirates of the Caribbean is going to be so… well… anti-climactic.

  3. Ah_Yea says:

    Here is a little tidbit about Chinese society.

    Oddly enough, they have a lot more freedoms in some respects than we do. You can do just about anything you want as long as you don’t run afoul of the powers that be.

    Apparently, the owner of the park paid off whatever local official he had to, but when this went crazy on the internet, the Chinese government “lost face”.

    Loosing face is absurdly important in Asian cultures. It’s ok and even expected to kill yourself rather than be shamed.

    Hence all the going-on around the lead paint debacle last year.

    Hence the closing of the park.

  4. JimR says:

    #2, Gary…“Pirates of the Caribbean is going to be so… well… anti-climactic.”

    … and, anti-climaxic. 🙂

  5. Oh no !
    So much for my travel plans and all my themes of fun
    I was going to stay a good long extended time period too

  6. orangetiki says:

    how about you just draw the girls badly with big eyes, and move it to Japan? Should be a hit over there.

  7. Guyver says:

    3, Except one cannot practice religion of their own free will (unless it’s the government version) nor can they access certain websites due to historical discrepancies (i.e. Tiananmen Square or Dali Lami).

    Yes you are correct about losing face in Asian cultures, but the expectance of killing one’s self is only probably true in feudal Japan amongst samurai or in communist China (versus persecution).

  8. KarmaBaby says:

    The other two owners, known only as “Wang” and “Poon”, refused to speak with reporters.

  9. Jägermeister says:

    #3 – Ah_Yea

    Good post. Very true.

  10. Jägermeister says:

    #11 – pedro – That’s the economy going full throttle

    You’re full of shit… as usual.

  11. 2badaparadox says:

    This is a great example of how information technology is directly responsible in destroying everyone’s sexual freedoms of which many men have died for in wars fighting for our freedoms to express ourselves. There was more sexual freedom when things were kept quiet, personal, not “outed”, and nobody’s business. Today, because of media voyeurism governments have created a myriad of rules, contracts, guidelines, and sexual behavior bureaucracies, unlike anytime in history. Thanks to all the technology gods, we are less free than ever, except in one thing, blogging. Whoopee. We all now sit locked in our rooms, cubicles, offices, buildings, free to type. Wow. That’s not what my forefathers fought for or is it?

  12. Glenn E. says:

    They could have done this “park” more easily as a virtual website, online. But then the pay for real sex “education” thing, wouldn’t have been possible.

    Anyone willing to bet this torso doesn’t show up on eBay, someday?

  13. Ah_Yea says:

    #10 Jägermeister


  14. Nimby says:

    I blame DU.

  15. Bottomface says:

    I wonder what they are going to do with all of the crazy statues that were in this place, here is video of the park (must see for sure):

  16. Glenn E. says:

    They seem to VERY carefully taking it down. Like they’re making sure not to damage it. Why? If they really had no future plans for this, they could have just let it drop and hacked it to pieces. But…. I’ll bet it’s going into cold storage, somewhere. Or to some Chinese general’s private estate. The equivalent of Michael Jackson’s “Never Never Land” (Hardon Hardon Land). And probably mounted the other way around (feet upward) this time.


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