HooBoy! Clear as mud.

  1. Whaap says:

    It’s easy to become flustered or confused when you lie so much you forget what lie is needed to cover the previous lie. Then you start believing your own bullshit.

  2. bill says:


  3. Jägermeister says:

    Obviously they’ve already legalized drugs…

  4. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    She’s not real bright, is she?

  5. noname says:

    Can someone explain to me what is impressive and infallible about the credibility of the CIA?

    So since the CIA wasn’t professional enough to get reliable records, it’s all going to boil down to Media politics and which political bent you have.

    Let see, if I was briefing or meeting with the legislative branch of the government, I would at least have an official transcript of the briefing or meeting.

    Instead what the CIA relied on are 7 year old memories from the CIA briefers’ scraps of meeting notes.

    Hum, the CIA is who got the intelligence of Soviet collapse, wrong; promoted the Nigian yellow cake lie; claimed Atta’s had an Illicit Meeting in Pragu; all in the lead up to the WAR.

    Now in addition to Pelosi there is Sen. Bob Graham of Florida, is also disputing the CIA’s version of the briefings that he received at the time.

    What good has the CIA done this country???

  6. Ranger007 says:

    Next thing you know, she’ll have plans to initiate national healthcare.

    Or some kind of hundreds of $billion stimulus program.

  7. I see
    I accept responsibility
    But does not understand the concept fully
    Yet she sure is clear on her left wing ideology and agenda
    My hamster understands more
    At least it does not bite the hand that feeds it

  8. noname says:

    Why would the CIA relied on 7 year old memories from the CIA briefers’ scraps of meeting notes instead of an official transcript of the briefing or meeting?


  9. Dr. K says:

    She’s no less honest than most of the house and senate.

    Bush may have had low approval ratings, but the Congress was lower. Never saw that leading the news.

  10. steve says:

    our founding fathers of this great country would be appalled at the level of deceit and stupidity that our elected officials exhibit….and takes more idiots to elect her into office…again and again..she should be selling braziers at kmart

  11. deowll says:

    “So since the CIA wasn’t professional enough to get reliable records,”

    Um, you misunderstand. The mistake in the modern world is to have any records because anything in those records can and will be used against you.

    Worse you can’t take anyone’s word for it that the sun raises in the east and sets in the west. You have to check.

    Uneasy rests the head that wears the crown.

  12. noname says:

    I for one applaud Pelosi for calling out the CIA. I hope she doesn’t back down and keeps the fight going.

    More and more Congress members are coming out and saying the CIA lied.

    This is historically and legally very important, because; you can successfully prosecute the torturers unless you have the truth.

    The CIA has already demonstrated it purposely destroyed evidence after lying about it.

  13. Patrick says:

    Leon Panetta already put the nail in her coffin…

  14. Chris says:

    Someone just give her a gun and let her shoot herself already…

  15. Timuchin says:

    She’s got a job until her term’s up — or longer if Obama declares a national emergency before then.

  16. noname says:

    # 15 Chris,

    Someone just give her a gun and let her shoot herself already…

    Hopefully she will keeping shoving the subject into every ones face, on the NEWS.


  17. Nimby says:

    “I was briefed on interrogation techniques the (Bush) administration was considering using in the future. The administration advised that legal counsel for both the CIA and the Department of Justice had concluded that the techniques were legal…” -Nancy Pelosi (Dec 2007)

    So, she was told the techniques were legal. No moral outrage, Nan? As long as it’s legal, it’s okay with you?

  18. Ah_Yea says:

    Pelosi’s done. Finished. Thank heavens.

    When God was passing out brains, she stood up and said “No thanks, I’m an Atheist!”. (That’s a joke, nobrain)

    It simply comes down to this. Either she was complicit in “Enhanced Interrogation” and backstabbed the country when she thought it was in her best interest, or she was so entirely and absolutely incompetent in her job that she should have been fired years ago.

  19. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    #18, Nimby

    The Congressmen were not allowed to take notes or discuss the subject with anyone else. Please, explain how you would expect anyone to verify the legality under those circumstances.

    We saw the exact same issues play out a few years ago when it came out Bush was intercepting Americans phone calls and emails without going through the FISA Court. Jane Harmon was saying the same thing where

    1) they were only briefed that it was foreigners being intercepted

    2) it was legal

    3) it was super secret and the Congressmen briefed were not allowed to speak with anyone.

    This is a setup whereby the Bush Administration is attempting to make this look like the Democrats fault when it was the Republicans that authorized the whole thing and were the overseers. It looks like they fooled a few people.

  20. Breetai says:

    Why do people act surprised? I don’t get it she’s a freakin politician. The only difference between her and Bush is the party designation and the lies they spin.

  21. steve says:

    #21 is right there rebulicrats and demicans can you tell the difference anymore?!! crackpot for president buzzkill for vp

  22. steve says:

    more Nancy Mussolini dribble

  23. steve says:

    you want to understand what these people are about read ” the confessions of a economic hitman” and The shock Doctrine that will get you thinking

  24. Hugh Ripper says:

    If Pelosi wasn’t such a dangerous lying hellion, she’d have dealt with this responsibly. Sounds to me like she has a guilty conscience.

  25. RSweeney says:

    Remember, this lying moron is 2 heartbeats away from the Presidency of the United States.

    Talk about scary.

  26. Ah_Yea says:

    As I said before, the battle lines are being drawn.

    And now the Evil Emperor Rove is weighing in. Now that he has put his hat in the ring, her life if going to be hell. Rove and company won’t let her off easily.

    What’s worse, he makes a real good point.

    “Mrs. Pelosi also claimed that the CIA “did not tell us they were using that, flat out. And any, any contention to the contrary is simply not true.”
    “The Obama administration’s CIA director, Leon Panetta, and Mr. Goss have both disputed Mrs. Pelosi’s account.”

    “It is clear that after the 9/11 attacks Mrs. Pelosi was briefed on enhanced interrogation techniques and the valuable information they produced. She not only agreed with what was being done, she apparently pressed the CIA to do more.

    But when political winds shifted, Mrs. Pelosi seems to have decided to use enhanced interrogation as an issue to attack Republicans.”

    Let’s face it, Obama’s not going to go to the wall for Nancy, she’s a liability.

  27. Robart says:

    I think Pelosi is being thrown under the bus by Obama. She has been a little hard to handle and this is the administrations way of getting her to fall in line or get out.

    Look for her to step down so she can spend more time with her family.

  28. algore says:

    If this Bitch is talking this Bitch is lying. The CIA will destroy her stupid ass. She’s done. Can you say Speaker Hoyer? This cunt is toast!

  29. raster says:

    wow, droppin the C bomb…

    Glad to see DUC discourse is a suave as ever.

  30. Nimby says:

    #20 – Ralph –
    I’m not saying anything about verifying the legality. I’m saying that they did not appear to find anything morally repugnant about it at the time. How have their morals changed since then?

    “3) it was super secret and the Congressmen briefed were not allowed to speak with anyone.” Apparently not since Nancy admits she was briefly briefed though not thoroughly. A more important thing is to remember, Pelosi was the Chair of the Intelligence Committee. Don’t you think she should have bothered to go to the damned meeting?

    This is not a set-up: This is simply comeuppance for a woman who thinks her poop doesn’t stink, who changes her opinions based solely on the way the wind is blowing. I guarantee you, if tomorrow the public opinion polls strongly agreed that torture is a good thing, she’d admit she was not only briefed on the methodologies being used but suggested they be enhanced!


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