Reuters – Fri May 15, 2009:

A man who tried to hire a prostitute to take his 14-year-old son’s virginity as a present was spared jail by a court on Friday.

The Polish national took the boy out in his car and allowed him to pick out the prostitute, who was standing at the side of the road in the red-light district of Nottingham.

But the 42-year-old father was arrested because the teenager had chosen an undercover police officer, Nottingham Crown Court heard.

The man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was handed a 10-month prison sentence, suspended for a year, after he admitted a charge of trying to solicit a woman to have sex with a child.

  1. Patrick says:

    No good deed goes unpunished.

  2. SparkyOne says:

    That kid is destined for greatness.

  3. Faxon says:

    Heartwarming story.

  4. Faxon says:

    I don’t get the Easy Rider part, however.

  5. SparkyOne says:

    Future President

  6. chuck says:

    #5 – it’s not easy rider – it’s Starsky and Hutch – going “undercover”.

  7. amodedoma says:

    Somethings are just better learned as late as possible. Maybe times have changed but 14 sounds a little young to me.
    Still if it’ll teach him to use a damn condom it’s worth it. Nobody wants a teenage pregnancy or an STD.

    Dad should’ve known better, but I don’t find this morrally reprehensible.

  8. OvenMaster says:

    Why the hell didn’t Dad take junior to Amsterdam instead? Dumbass.

  9. Chris says:

    Favourite story of the year so far.

    Where did the dad come up with that idea? and why did he follow through with it?


  10. Nimby says:

    This is disgusting. Giving your kid a streetwalker. Heaven knows what sort of diseases he could pick up! Not to mention the “hurry up and get it over” demands of strolling whores. The kid might be mentally scarred forever. This is a man who does not love his son.

    If he loved him, he would have taken him to a good, clean, safe brothel for a real girlfriend experience.

  11. JimD says:

    The Dad should sue the Police for breaking up a touching male bonding experience between himself and his son !!! The kid should sue for emotional abuse at the hands of the fake hooker !!!

    Oh yeah, ABOLISH ALL “VICE” SQUADS !!! We don’t need Genital Police enforcing CHURCH POLICIES !!!


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