Are they even using fish in the sushi? Makes you wonder what other food substitutions are going on.

A NBC Action News investigation indicates the vast majority of Kansas City restaurants sampled in a 20 restaurant test were serving diners something other than what was promised on the menu.

The undercover video obtained during the NBC Action News investigation shows restaurant workers repeatedly identifying the fish served as what was labeled on the menu.
We took samples from each [of 20] restaurant[s] and sent them to the Guy Harvey Research Institute at Nova Southeastern University in Florida.

“She’s actually going to extract the DNA from the sample,” said Professor Mahmood Shivji as a technician extracted a thin slice of frozen fish retrieved from one of the tested Kansas City restaurants.

The Guy Harvey Research Institute’s DNA tests would reveal so much mislabeled fish, out of 20 Kansas City restaurants sampled, the tests indicate 17 restaurants – or 85 percent – substituted fish, most of them with cheaper counterfeits.

  1. jimbo says:

    what is a cheap counterfeit for fish?

    Sawdust?I’m confused here

  2. billabong says:

    Jimbo this is serving pollock and calling it halibut……I was in the business and the supplier is probably relabeling the fish not the restaurant.For gods sake its K.C. order steak or b.b.q.Does anyone really expect great fish a thousand miles from the ocean.

  3. bobbo says:

    I once ordered flounder at a 4 star ocean front hotel chain restaurant and the fish I got was very obviously not a flat fish. I pointed this out to the waiter and asked what kind of fish it really was. The waiter fessed up and I had gotten a rather tasty but much cheaper local fish. I doubt it was the local fish monger as any chef/consumer knows a flat fish from the symmetrical ones.

    Note I followed my rule of never returning food to the cook. It wasn’t the money as much as not wanting to be thought of as THAT ignorant. After all, I do have an IQ of 150-.

  4. Special Ed says:

    I ordered the salmon and got gold fish.

  5. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    I ordered fish once and I thought they were serving Alphie’s mother.

  6. Micromike says:

    This has been common practice for at least 50 years in America. About 90% of all swordfish sold in the US is really shark meat and you can tell by the grain of the meat and the lack of bones.

    With our polluted water ways not getting the fish you ordered is the least you have to worry about when eating fish.

  7. SparkyOne says:

    Jesus, Kansas City! Chicken of the sea I might eat in Kansas City but not “fresh fish”.

  8. JimR says:

    #3, bobbo… I have an IQ of 151.

  9. eyeofthetiger says:

    Lunch time $1.00 a piece sushi at Sushi Gin. Tasty. Very “Globalized” Fish flown in from Seattle. Guatemalan kitchen staff. White middle aged man dressed as a 18th century Japanese house wife.

  10. Mr Diesel says:

    We go to Myrtle Beach every fall and there is a place that serves Grouper Fingers. (Just strips of Grouper deep fried.)

    2007 they were great and I could not wait to get back in 2008 to have them again. Sadly I sat there looking at a plate of farm raised Catfish they touted as Grouper.

    I doubt that any supplier would try to relabel Catfish for Grouper. I am sure that it was the restaurant personnel.

    Same thing happens with anything you can switch in order to pull the wool over someone’s eyes. Medicine, shoes, purses and blog comments…..

  11. brm says:


    “Does anyone really expect great fish a thousand miles from the ocean.”

    uh, no, but if I order the ‘tuna,’ I better get the ‘tuna.’

  12. ECA says:

    I read the whole article, 2 pages..NEEDS abit of re-wording.


    And you think that STUFF in a can is TUNA?? LMAO..

  13. billabong says:

    To you two dicks with the 150 I.Q.I have a 12 inch penis but what has that to do with the price of fish?

  14. GregA says:

    I won’t worry until the fish starts tasting like chicken.

  15. JimR says:

    #13, billabong… I have a 12.1 inch penis.

  16. ECA says:

    depends on how you slice it.. your penis that is.
    AND if you are willing, I know where I can get a good price for it..and someone will eat it, probably RAW..

    The problem comes with you PAYING GOOD money for GOOD fish, and someone slips you TUNA FISH..OUT of the can.

  17. chuck says:

    Just stick to eating hot dogs – at least you know what you’re getting: some pork, squirrel and about 20% rat feces.

  18. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    KC has possibly the greatest concentration of great bbq in the USA, and some of the best steaks too. Why the hell does anyone buy fish in KC?

  19. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    I ordered goldfish and was told they’d already given the last of it to a guy who ordered salmon.

  20. Angel H. Wong says:

    Ha! We just ate a 4.5 pound spiny lobster and you know what? IT COST US $12 B)

  21. JimR says:

    To be sure of what you get, order minnows.


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