Prague — They say the Golem, a Jewish giant with glowing eyes and supernatural powers, is lurking once again in the attic of the Old-New Synagogue here.

The Golem, according to Czech legend, was fashioned from clay and brought to life by a rabbi to protect Prague’s 16th-century ghetto from persecution, and is said to be called forth in times of crisis. True to form, he is once again experiencing a revival and, in this commercial age, has spawned a one-monster industry.

There are Golem hotels; Golem door-making companies; Golem clay figurines (made in China); a recent musical starring a dancing Golem; and a Czech strongman called the Golem who bends iron bars with his teeth. The Golem has also infiltrated Czech cuisine: the menu at the non-kosher restaurant called the Golem features a “rabbi’s pocket of beef tenderloin” and a $7 “crisis special” of roast pork and potatoes that would surely have rattled the venerable Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel, the Golem’s supposed maker…

Eva Bergerova, a theater director who is staging a play about the Golem, said it was no coincidence that this Central European story was ubiquitous at a time of swine flu and economic distress. “The Golem starts wandering the streets during times of crises, when people are worried,” Ms. Bergerova said. “He is a projection of society’s neuroses, a symbol of our fears and concerns. He is the ultimate crisis monster…”

RTFA. Interesting as is always the best of mythology.

Some superstitious folk think George W. Bush was a Golem. They’re wrong of course. He was a dybbuk!

  1. Eideard=Retard says:

    Eideard you are such a retard! It is funny that everything relates to Bush. He is out of office, can’t you finally get over your “Bush derangement syndrome”? Common dude, get a life.

  2. Y’no, it’s not nice to sear, Eideard.

  3. LDA says:

    I love the Golem.

  4. Sea Lawyer says:

    in other news…

    from CNN:

    “President Obama is planning on Friday to resume the Bush administration’s controversial military commission system for some Guantanamo detainees”

  5. moss says:

    #1 – I guess folks shouldn’t laugh at your religion.

    Why not pray for Cheney to be appointed archbishop of the Republikan Church?

  6. newrepublican says:

    Cheney’s obviously the dybbuk.

    Whiners like #1 are just the wee imps that dance around their master shouting cute little slogans.

  7. lynn says:

    Where’s Roddy MacDowell when you need him – (obscure?)

  8. newrepublican says:

    He lives next door.

  9. mary says:

    Was it really necessary to use the word retard? I’m giving you the
    benefit of the doubt here but certainly you know that the word
    retard used as slang is extremely hurtful to people living with
    special needs. Before I had a child with a disability, I pretty much
    was like you. I don’t know if I used the word but I certainly didn’t
    flinch when I heard it. What’s the big deal, right? It is a huge
    deal to people who have cognitive challenges. They get what you are
    saying and they understand that you are mocking them, even if it’s
    Anyway, thank you for hearing me out.

  10. Yes, the Golem could be also responsible for the world financial crisis, wake up .. better for you


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