How thoughtful of the government to think of those who have passed on. In this economy, every little bit helps!

This week, thousands of people are getting stimulus checks in the mail. The problem is that a lot of them are dead. A Long Island woman was shocked when she checked the mail and received a letter from the U.S. Treasury — but it wasn’t for her.

Antoniette Santopadre of Valley Stream was expecting a $250 stimulus check. But when her son finally opened it, they saw that the check was made out to her father, Romolo Romonini, who died in Italy 34 years ago. He’d been a U.S. citizen when he left for Italy in 1933, but only returned to the United Stated for a seven-month visit in 1969.

The Santopadres are not alone. The Social Security Administration, which sent out 52 million checks, says that some of those checks mistakenly went to dead people because the agency had no record of their death. That amounts to between 8,000 and 10,000 checks for millions of dollars.

  1. Mr Diesel says:

    Please tell me this isn’t the reason the fund will be cleaned out before I can retire.

    I’m hoping I’ll get a check for my late Father so I can buy some more ammo.

  2. Faxon says:

    WHAT Social Security STIMULUS check?????

  3. Ranger007 says:

    But they won’t make this kind of mistake when it comes to healthcare.

    Don’t you just love it?

  4. LibertyLover says:

    I guess they are using the ACORN voter rolls.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    #4, Liberty Loser,

    No, the Social Security rolls from the Bush era.

  6. contempt says:

    The bottomless pit of money Obama is distributing makes me wonder why we need to pay taxes at all.

    The government is comfortable printing about 50% of the non-taxed paper now floating around so why not just print 100% and suspend all taxes?

    Of course this won’t work – just like Qbama’s plan to spend us into prosperity, but still there are people who support that deception.

  7. Thom says:

    No surprises here. I have been fighting SS to give me credit for 3 years in the 90’s that are “missing”. Even after providing proof that I paid into it, they have been working on it for 4 years now….they are incompetent bufoons.

  8. Mr Diesel says:

    #7 Thom

    Hold on now, that disrespects buffoons everywhere.

  9. ECA says:

    I find it interesting that:
    STATES dont match up birth and death records.
    The FEDS dont do, what the STATE should be doing.
    AND if you find one of those names, you can register it and CLAIM ON IT..

  10. BubbaRay says:

    Being dead wouldn’t stop you for voting for LBJ either, so maybe it’s payback time. He finally came through!

  11. ECA says:

    you would think that the SS, would check on persons that hadnt had a job over 10 years.
    They follow you threw life, and KNOW who’s paying you and ALL the dates.

  12. Patrick says:

    I got checks for 2 deceased residents in my mail box. A couple quick fake IDs and CASH.

  13. LibertyLover says:

    #5, Then it must be ok because Bush was voted in by the majority. And we know the majority is always right, don’t we?


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