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Small doggie doing a great job. I can’t tell but it “looks like” the guy at the car is unarmed.
It would “seem wrong” somehow to send in a dog against a man with a gun.
Emotions. whoa, whoa, whoa, whoooooaa-oh.
Training video you can see the guy has the dog suit under his jacket.
Those puffs of smoke from the end of his arm say otherwise. He’d have a helluva time getting a good shot off at such a low, fast-moving target anyway. He appears to be looking to his right when said underdog is flying through the air and he turns his head just in time to see a close-up of a mouth full o’ sharp teeth.
i tend to agree on the training video angle.
-his body and legs look too puffy.
-and the cops came in too quick and
didn’t start kicking him right away..
Ha that dog rolled his ass. Training video or not he went for a ride
Those puffs certainly look consistent with a gun but when the guy falls I see his hand clearly and I never saw a gun. The cops run in pretty fast meaning they were pretty close for dealing with a guy with a gun.
I wonder. Drug dogs, tracker dogs. Do they have specialized small dogs to attack gunmen? And why not just a fusillade of excessive response as cops are want to do?
Fun to speculate.
There is a metal object thrown to stage left as the man is taken down by the dog. Whether it’s a cap gun or a real one is something else.
Yea where’s PETA and SPCA on this?
Some of the best cops have four legs
Cops on Cops action. hehe
When criminals in this world appear,
And break the laws that they should fear,
And frighten all who see or hear,
The cry goes up both far and near for
Speed of lightning, roar of thunder,
Fighting all who rob or plunder
Underdog, Underdog.
When in this world the headlines read
Of those who’s hearts are filled with greed
And rob and steal from those in need.
To right this wrong with blinding speed goes
Speed of lightning, roar of thunder,
Fighting all who rob or plunder
Underdog, Underdog.
#12. Amazing……and a little frightening.
#12: you have WAY WAY too much time on your hands. Great ditty, though!
Some countries issue stab-proof vests for police dogs.
Not really, I just googled the lyrics from to old cartoon show. I didn’t want to type it all in, nor try to remember the whole thing.
I agree with Will Rogers, if there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.
Is that a rolling checkpoint for immigration and is that the pastor?
12. The execution of that song was just brilliant in the original. In the same league as “Spider-Pig” from The Simpsons Movie.
And in my perfect Wally Cox imitation: “There’s no need to fear… Underdog is here.”
A mouth full of sharp teeth in strong jaws trumps a taser any day. Ouch!
I remember the Underdog cartoon from my childhood. That theme song is imprinted in my brain. Very catchy.
He does seem to be shooting a gun, and the first Officer coming in towards him on our left is apparently trying to pick it up as the cut ends.
Rushing the guy that way is sound tactics – while he’s busy with the dog, you can often finish the job without killing anybody. If he shoots the dog, you may have to shoot him, or he may just get loose to shoot at more people.
It DOES look like the guy’s wearing a padded suit, though, and the photographer had to be extremely lucky or waiting for this….
I think I’ve seen this before. IIRC, it is a training exercise for the Russian police.