A 20-year-old woman in Hannibal, Mo., used her 1-year-old son as a shield against a stun gun during an arrest, police allege.
Hannibal Police Capt. James Hark said Maliea A. Martin attempted to protect a man from possibly being shot with a Taser gun by holding her baby in front of him, The Hannibal (Mo.) Courier-Press reported…
The responding officers said that while talking with Martin, 22-year-old Joshua A. McAtee, who lives in Martin’s apartment complex, approached them and began issuing threats.
The officers said when their attempts to calm the man failed one officer threatened to use his Taser on McAtee.
Martin then held the baby in front of McAtee, the officers said.
Martin was charged with endangering the welfare of a child and McAtee was charged with resisting arrest.
Sometimes, there really is nothing like mother’s love.
Sounds like a calculated attempt to keep the boyfriend from getting tased. Still an inexcusable level of stupidity.
Deep in the heart of meth country.
(queue banjo music)
It’s certainly possible this story is exactly as reported. It’s also possible that the truth was not told. Unless there are other witnesses or video of the event…
#3 True story, my home town. On the upside given the accuracy shown by occifers in the past, they would have missed. #2 Meth capital is the Milan/Princeton area about 2.5-3 hours northwest on highway 6. Were number one.
Mark Twain would be proud. I lived in that dump of a town for two years. It has to be one of the worst cities in Missouri. I knew two women over the age of 25 that didn’t have a litter of children. Most women in that area have their first child by the age of 17. There is a HUGE drug problem in that town. Almost all of the elected officials and the police are corrupt. 8.6% sales tax (high for Missouri) and all of the roads are bad.
The town has a genius marketing team because somehow they are able to draw in tourists from all over. It might seem nice if you only spend a weekend there but once you really start to look around and get to know the local people, you’ll see how bad it really is. It is depressing to see so many people with such low standards.
That would explain why the Boy Scouts of America are now earning assault rifle medals.
Go Boy Scouts. Teach ’em to kick some ass early and that way they can be videotaped beating the crap out of some dirtbag and end up on DU.
If a boat turned over and a guy could only save his wife or his kid, I think most guys would save the wife.
Likewise, I think most gals would save the kiddie.
So this gal put her kid at risk to save someone she “loved.” And that makes her a bad mother because we actually don’t respect adult love.
Put another point up for the Church.