Found by Rollinhand via Twitter.

  1. ahtnos says:

    No, he was not at any border. According to the posted info from the video, “I was NOT crossing a border! I was approximately 50 miles from Mexico traveling on a highway from west to east! ” So unless they had REASONABLE grounds, they had no reason to arrest him. The drug dog is pretty flimsy grounds, definitely not something that would warrant tasering an otherwise innocent person. He probably would have gotten out if they had said “Open up or we’re breaking in.”, but instead they’re just, “Close your eyes.”, BANG, ZAP!

  2. JimR says:

    Seriously though, although the preacher is retarded, the border highway patrol agents involved in that attack should be tasered repeatedly or at least kicked in the balls a few times before being fired and thrown in jail for a year. None of that violence was necessary.

    And if the border patrol are allowed to ignore the Fourth Amendment, why not post an official list of rules at each post, advising what you must submit to?

  3. JimR says:

    ahtnos, check it out… apparently homeland security allows checkpoints like that up to 100 miles from the border.

  4. Number 6 says:

    “What am I being arrested for?” asks Anderson.

    “For failing to obey me right now,”

    See, if he obeyed without question then he doesn’t get hurt. It’s a lesson we all should learn. And those who don’t should be taught through pain.

  5. ahtnos says:

    #33, JimR
    I’m aware they have their “100 miles away is still the border” rule. I believe that is exactly what this guy was contesting in his other video. Sometimes somebody really crazy has to stand up and be tazed to protect everyone else’s rights. Hopefully this guy sues on the grounds that this wasn’t a border, and that law is unconstitutional (citizens have the right to be secure in their possessions and searches require a warrant).
    I guess my point is that the guy was just sitting there; if they had really wanted to search him they should have just made him stay there ’til they got a warrant.

  6. SparkyOne says:

    The BP is gaining more enemies within. How long until the fence is built to keep us in?

  7. BigPimpin says:

    This guys deserved every last minute of it! Hope we see more of this pussy getting tazed!

  8. Guyver says:

    Start watching at 8:03 here:

    It continues on to part 4.

  9. Dallas says:

    This guy being a pastor doesn’t mean squat.

    What are the laws pertaining to border searches? Still, I don’t see a need to taser the guy even though he was virtually asking for it.

  10. JimR says:

    ahtnos re:“Sometimes somebody really crazy has to stand up and be tazed to protect everyone else’s rights.”

    No…. they don’t. If this guy wanted to contest the system, he could have stated his objections, complied to their demands, filed an official complaint, and then taken his video to the news… just for starters. Now he’s lost some credibility because he’s retarded.

    However, I’m not defending those thugs with the god complex, in any way.

  11. Doughoist says:

    What an idiot. When the officer asks you to step out of the car, step out of the car. He has a job to do and you have a responsibility too.

    What should they have done, let him go without search and the if this had been Tim McVay, then what would you have said.

    He refused to obey a lawful order.

  12. Shubee says:

    I know of several pastors that should be tased and beaten like that.

  13. Whiskey man says:

    #42. Ha ha! you slay me! Pat on head.

  14. deowll says:

    Okay so we have a foolish pastor. He got educated.

    They will work out the rest later.

  15. jopa says:

    Don’t screw with the poooolice…

  16. Cephus says:

    Every single one of those cops needs to lose their jobs and every single one of them needs to be behind bars, that’s assault and battery, not policework. The guy was entirely correct, if they place him under arrest, they have to tell him *WHY* they are doing it and precisely what law the accused has broken. There is, whether these assholes in blue like it or not, absolutely no law requiring citizens to obey an officer simply because they say so.

    Hope this guy gets millions off the inevitable lawsuit that will come of it. He deserves it.

  17. noname says:

    I mixed feelings about this.

    Was there a dog and did it really alert on his car as they said it did? I only have this Shit Head Cops word for it. It seems it’s typical American gestapo at work, make up a story, lie and it’s your word against the Shit Head Cops.

    Cops are trained by our court system to do this shit, lie and stick with the story!!!

    Unfortunately this Shit Head Cop gave a lawful order, which I believe any person is legally bound to comply with.

    Did the Shit Head Cop have to taze him, NO!

    I agree with # 6 Gary, tasers have morphed into a tool of convenience rather then an alternative to deadly force.

  18. right says:

    Get about 10 cars in a row to do the same thing at that checkpoint. You have one screwed up country.

  19. Randomized says:

    Braveheart style executions should suffice for these worthless agents.

  20. Miss_X2b says:

    The drug sniffing dog is probably so old it can’t even smell its own ass.

  21. noname says:

    # 49 right

    We already have a screwed up country where the bill of rights doesn’t matter and Shit Head Gestapo COPs lie, murder and abuse their authority routinely with impunity.

    And you wonder why some people question authority.

  22. John E. Quantum says:

    #34 “What am I being arrested for?”

    An obvious case of “driving while white”.

    His resistance to the MAN gave way to his conductance of the electrons.

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    The guy’s biggest error is not leaving more information, such as when, where, and who. There is just no way for anyone to follow up to see if the BP were charged or not.

    And to all those who think he deserved it, get a life. Preferably somewhere other than your mommy’s basement.

  24. Evil Jason says:

    I come from a law enforcement background. The pasture admitted to the officer that the drug dog DID smell something. It seems a little convenient that the video only started recording when things started to get interesting. And yes, law enforcement can search your vehicle, house and even you, with out a warrant, as long as their is probable cause, and the evidence may be compromised in the time to receive a warrant. A drug dog hit is probable cause.

  25. Evil Jason says:

    I come from a law enforcement background. The pasture admitted to the officer that the drug dog DID smell something. It seems a little convenient that the video only started recording when things started to get interesting. And yes, law enforcement can search your vehicle, house and even you, with out a warrant, as long as their is probable cause, and the evidence may be compromised in the time to receive a warrant. A drug dog hit is probable cause. Now i do believe that the officer could of been a little more tactful, and not go to such extremes. But we don’t actually know how long the pasture was holding out. In my line of work, it would look suspicious to me. But I guess that i am one of THEM.

  26. Faxon says:

    Dumb shit. Lesson learned. Get out of the fucking car. Also, we have no information about WHY he was stopped and asked to get out. If only we could keep all the criminal immigrants out. I say, have at it.

  27. Li says:

    It’s worth noting that nearly 2/3rds of the US population lives within 100 miles of a land or sea border, and thus lives in a constitution free zone if you can be searched without cause at random times in random places.

    I applaud the efforts of this pastor and others like him. This has to be challenged, no mere law can simply declare 2/3rds of the populace exempt from constitutional protections.

    #42 “Dickhead Pastor could have spared us all the girly whining if he just obeyed the lawful command of the law”

    From the mouths of babes. Apparently, Alfred believes that the word of these men is a command, that it is itself law. If not a spoof, Alfred is apparently an foe of both the rule of law and the constitution, since he so vociferously favors the rule of thuggish men.

  28. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    “Warrant? We don’t need no stinking warrant!”

  29. ahtnos says:

    Has anyone noticed that the video is now marked “adult” on youtube? However, I figured out long ago that even restricted videos still play when embedded. That’s why we still see it. But try clicking it and going straight to the youtube page. Without a youtube/google account, you can’t see the video on its page.

    The only reason this is interesting is that the Pastor guy claims that his and his wife’s gmail and blogger accounts, G1 phones, and the view counter on the video have all been having problems since posting the vid. He accused Google of censorship and thought the govt. was monitoring him. Maybe he’s right.

  30. Octavian says:

    “Stop quoting laws to us, we carry swords!” — Pompey the Great


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