Found by Rollinhand via Twitter.

  1. riker17 says:

    The gestapo in action. Is this America? Under the color of authority, these officers use fear and anything else at their disposal to ellicit a response. I side with the pastor and all that is good under the US Constitution.

  2. Zybch says:

    What a bunch of fucking assholes!!
    THIS is why people don’t trust anyone in uniform any more, and rightly so.
    Of course we don’t see what has happened before the video, but given the prior actions of the border patrol agents its probably safe to say that they just decided to target this particular victim because he stood up for his rights.

  3. Zybch says:

    Also, that tasering went on for one heck of a long time (the clicking sound), certainly far longer than would ever be necessary to subdue anyone.

  4. ttscha says:

    The land of the free is by far gone…

  5. SparkyOne says:

    It is not the uniform they do not trust. It is all that it stands for.

    Prior to the video, the dog saw the word GOD on the Pastor’s bumper sticker and reacted causing the “officers” to suspect DRUGS or GUNS or MONEY or NEW IDEAS or BLUE UNDERWEAR or screwit just tase him it is almost the end of shift.

  6. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Police officers in general are getting out of hand in their use of tasers. Tasers have become a tool of convenience, even when a suspect can easily be controlled and taken into custody without tasing, as would appear to be the case here with this pastor. They seem to forget that tasing someone with a hidden medical condition can sometimes produce lethal consequences. Or maybe they just believe the hype from the taser manufacturers that they are harmless.

    Potential life or death criticisms aside, though, I like the music that accompanies the footage from the border patrol’s video 😉

  7. pjd says:

    He deserved it. He should have just gotten out of the car and let them check into what they couldnt prove to begin with, they would have let him go if he had nothing to hide.
    Total dumb ass in my opinion.

  8. peter_m says:

    This guy is systematically testing all the border check points in his area. I understand what he is doing. I understand the principle/values behind his actions. I understand that the officers are completely out of line.

    -What is he waiting to press charges?
    -What is the mainstream media waiting to pick this up?
    -Who the hell is hiring these boneheads for officers?
    -Why is he so masochistic?

  9. Steve says:

    These types of of videos will soon be illegal. Our only hope is to weed out these crimes from inside law enforcement. Don’t hold your breath.

  10. peter_m says:

    #7, according to your statement, then if a cop shows up without a warrant at your home and insists on searching your home, you would let him in right?!?!

    That was a rhetorical question. What I really want to know is after letting him in:
    -Would you serve him tee and crumpets?
    -Would you beg him to kick you in the nuts just before he left?

  11. Whaap says:

    The stupid asshole should have cooperated with the other stupid assholes.

    No sympathy for this idiot.

  12. Number 6 says:

    #7 is absolutely right. If someone has nothing to hide they should just obey, without question, anything the cops tell them to do. If they don’t obey, then the cops are totally justified in useing any amount of force and it’s not their fault.

    After all, this is a free country so just obey and you are free not to be hurt by the peace keepers.

  13. Zybch says:

    #11 – Why? because he saw his constitutional rights being shredded by petty thugs and objected?

  14. zacharski says:

    I agree with #7–he deserves it. I’ve watched his other videos. He goes around to Border Patrol checkpoints trolling trying to get the officers to overreact. Re. #10, the analogy doesn’t hold. This is not police trying to enter your house without a warrant. This is a legal Border Patrol checkpoint.

    You would think a pastor would spread peace and understanding. This guy is aggressive and angry.

  15. yankinwaoz says:

    Isn’t this the same guy who refused a search of his car by border patrol agents in New Mexico 100 miles from the border? It was featured on DU a couple of weeks ago? It sure sounds like him. It looks like the officers got their revenge.

  16. Mr Anderson says:

    If I have nothing to hide,
    then there’s no need for any search.

    I see a market for taser proof clothes!-)

  17. killer duck says:

    #15 I am with you, sounds like the same guy from a video at the border patrol stop a few weeks ago.

    #7 Please move to some country where you are guilty until proven innocent, I think we will all be happier once you do that.

  18. Whiskey man says:

    This guy has more backbone then some of you idiots on your best day. yeah, he’s challenging the “authorities” so effen what. So, just lay down and let the jackboots rape your dumb asses.

  19. tomyerex says:

    The majority of folks I have spoken with in the United States do not see this type of event as deeply disturbing. Perhaps the problem is denial, or as the state claims it is looking after everyone for security reasons and no one complains about the odd individual who suffers.

    I admire the U.S. anthem because of reference to “home of the brave”, but when this type of event occurs and there is not greater outrage I worry that I am doing little to improve the situation (other than post a ranting message on this blog)….

  20. denacron says:

    # 7 pjd

    Yes and there ought to be more places set up so we can show that we have nothing to hide. Before going into a store to purchase groceries, before visiting the dentist, before getting a hair cut etc.

    Perhaps a random tasing of those inline to be searched just so the rest get a good idea of what its like to deny the searcher access.

    There is searching to be done folks. Bend over and be submissive, you are next. Screw the idea (LAW) dealing with unreasonable searches and seizures.

    I think the taser is not enough though. That guy ought to have been water boarded to find what he might be “hiding” elswhere.

    The people that are doing this are so morally upright they would NEVER abuse their power or authority. Never would they single out a person to be ‘searched’ that may have cut them off in traffic or has a better car than them. And for sure they would not ever ever ever target them for searches if they had a political bumper sticker that was of a party that had a different view than they hold.

    Yes. The moral super hero’s are there to search and search they must. Roll over sit beg, good boy good!

  21. GigG says:

    OK I agree that the Tasering was a little much but he was at the border and you don’t have any right to not be searched at the border.

  22. JimR says:

    I agree with Gary, the dangerous infidel… the music is very nice.

  23. Tech_1 says:

    The new freedom:

    [Aw c’mon. Please drop the WWW from URLs as WordPress doesn’t display it properly… plus it’s unnecessary. – ed.]

  24. Improbus says:

    If you don’t stand up for your rights they will be taken from you. Are we going to have to have a civil rights movement to get back our Bill of Rights?

  25. yankinwaoz says:

    Also, did these cops find the “drugs” that they claimed their dog smelled? I’m betting not. Or worse, they planted drugs on the guy.

  26. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    That was alfred’s pastor proving that tasering is no big deal.

  27. joe says:

    once again people acting like little bitches for their piece on internet fame. how many of us drive up to a border checkpoint with camera already rolling. second, I’d like to see the WHOLE video, not and edited version. did he deserve to be tased, my answer is yes. you can’t hit him with a baton, (excessive force) flashlight, (excessive force) walkie talkie, (excessive force) or use their side arm (Really excessive force) so all the officers are left with is the taser.

    Also, I firmly believe that even if border patrol or law enforcement in general had stun the idiot with star trek phasers, people would still call that excessive force.

  28. This is what happens when you skim money off the collection plate.

  29. JimR says:

    Here’s a video from the Baptist preacher, explaining what happened.

  30. JimR says:

    Oh, this is priceless… disclaimer copied from the above web site…

    “The information presented here is Biblically accurate. Opinions concerning the technical difficulties, fitness requirements, safety, and ratings of self-crucifixion, flagellation, stoning, destroying enemies of GOD utterly, without mercy, and other activities inherent in Christianity are subjective and may differ from yours or others’ opinions; therefore be warned that you must exercise your own judgment as to the difficulty and your ability to safely protect yourself from the inherent risks and dangers. Do not use the information provided on this site unless you are a True Christian â„¢ who understands and accepts the risks of participating in these activities. Landover Baptist Church makes reasonable efforts to include accurate and up to date information on this website, errors or omissions sometimes occur, therefore the information contained on here is provided “as is” and without warranties of any kind either expressed or implied. Viewing, reading, or any other use of the information contained within this web site is purely the voluntary will of the viewer or user. You, ‘the viewer’ or ‘user’ shall not hold the publisher, owner, authors or other contributors of The Jesus Experience responsible for any incidents related directly or indirectly to the Experience. Landover Baptist Church, et. al., assumes no liability or responsibility for your actions.”


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