1. Common_Sense says:

    #18 –

    How about this:

    He just ran over your mother, tried to evade police, gave up and was caught… and then had his conviction thrown out and wins a million dollar lawsuit on the backs of your property taxes because of some child-in-uniform who can’t control his impulses needed an adrenaline release at the end of that chase?

    We should be able to dishonorably discharge officers for “conduct unbecoming” a peace officer. We do it in the military.

    I’m a “Yes sir, No Sir” kind of guy when it comes to dealing with cops, but even I’ve caught that above-the-law whiff from some of them. Some people disgrace the uniform, and this guy is one of them.

    There was NO call for that kick. None.

  2. phoenix12 says:

    Call me naive, but I’d prefer that cops not mete out their own retaliatory, on-a-whim, high-fiving self-congratulatory street justice. Is it too much to ask that cops conduct themselves in a professional manner, rather than like immature hot-headed frat-boys who happen to carry guns? Give this cop a pink slip, ASAP!

  3. jopa says:

    This cop should be given a medal.
    I bet this punk will remember the kick in the head he got for ever.

    It is time people fear the police.

  4. jopa says:

    One more thing.

    To all the punks out there: life is not GTA. You don’t have a “save game” option either. When you screw up and run, the cops are going to get YA!

    Viva la police.

  5. WOW says:

    Law enforcement??? Poor country!

  6. Nimby says:

    “I do not know what was in the mind of that officer” Nope. But we know what was in the mind of the suspect: a boot.

    #11 – Better stay home, Chief. We see these stories from all over the world. Especially the UK.

    On the other hand, while what this cop did is inexcusable, we have to be careful about painting the tens of thousands of good cops with the same brush. – Sorry. Just joking.

  7. Toxic Asshead says:

    #23 – If the punk hat hurt your family member then you should be the one deciding punishment.

  8. noname says:

    I think what # 34 jopa really meant to say was not

    “Viva la police”

    but instead he meant

    “Sieg Heil police”

  9. eaze says:

    they get real mad when you make them run

  10. noname says:

    If you look really close at the tape you can read the cops lips as they high five,

    “Whew, that’s hard work, I’ve earned me some more donuts”

  11. steve says:

    i fully commend the cops actions

  12. Mac Guy says:

    Oh shut the hell up. This slimebucket led cops on a high-speed chase, and everyone’s up in arms over one kick? What about the property he damaged? What about the lives he endangered?

    Cry me a fucking river.

  13. noname says:

    # 42 Mac Guy

    Typical Un-american conservative neo-con comments:

    Shut Up, Obey and oh yes, Sieg Heil.

  14. tcc3 says:

    This thread is truly frightening. If the supporters of that kick represent a common public opinion, then the rule of law is dead. And America with it.

    They don’t have to subjugate us – we’ll gladly do it to ourselves.

  15. Miss_X2b says:

    You never know when a camera lens will be pointed at you. I’m lovin’ it…LOL!!

  16. Try living in America without cops says:

    Allegedly media shows only the part that makes it look like the cops are the bad guy cuz that’s what sells. They replay this part of the kick in the head ten thousand times. Too bad they don’t have footage of what the cops see every day and know this alleged gang member did to many innocent folk in the community. Remember these alleged crooks “gang bang” hitting each other in the heads, kicking, and stabbing, etc. all the time for fun. Really, it’s allegedly nothing in context.

  17. tpressman says:

    i love the douchebags’ (unsuccessful) high five at the end. what a bunch of fat fucks.

  18. el.queso says:

    I’m sure those cop apologiest here are all for paying the law suits awarded to victims of police brutality.

    That cop doesn’t deserve to get fired, he should get a bullet in the head.

  19. natefrog says:

    Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.-Benjamin Franklin

    I hate using rhetoric and pejorative terms, but people who defend these cops’ actions are truly Un-American and are more threatening to our country and freedom than any terrorist. There simply is no other way to describe these people.

  20. Rabble Rouser says:

    Welcome to the Police States of America, where the police don’t have to obey the law, because they ARE the law.

    (I ought to write a macro for that)

  21. jack says:

    I’d kick that guy too for making that fat cop run a half a block. I like to lay flat on the ground with my arms and legs spread when I try to hurt cops too. The look on their faces is priceless.

  22. JimR says:

    #6 Faxon, and Jopa, your mindset is destructive to a civilized society. Unfortunately, the reasoned responses from noname, smartalix will never make sense to you because somewhere along the way your faculty for reason has already been compromised… as is evident in most of your previous posts on other topics. I can only hope that you are in a minority… or the USA is f*cked.

  23. grog says:

    um, how about all the lives the fugitive endangered?

    what about them?

    you think that kid would have stopped had he run someone over? he clearly didn’t give a fuck about anybody else’s safety, what did he expect, roses?

    fuck that kid.

    mind you, i’m a liberal.

  24. grog says:

    p.s. come driving like that through my kid-filled neighborhood and i might kick you in the head myself.

  25. Buzz says:

    Vengence is mine, sayeth the cop.

  26. JimR says:

    Re: #55, grog, that kid is representative of the failed society you live in. Would you rather have the solution be the satisfaction of kicking the shit out of a kid on a joyride who luckily didn’t kill anyone, or would you rather that kid, and others like him, have previous guidance from a very young age to reduce the number of such incidences? Kicking that kid as punishment is destructive to you and everyone else. It just compounds the failures that led him to do that in the first place. Sure, he should be punished… there has to be consequences, but once you have anyone doling out punishment as they see fit… you are screwed. … You back into my car by mistake and I shoot you because you knocked my newborn out of her seat and I think you did it on purpose because, etc., etc…. is that what you want?

    Raising kids properly should be a group effort throughout society, just like health care and education should be. As those kinds of societal glues get more and more fragmented, your “society” simply falls apart.

  27. Jestyr says:


  28. brm says:


    “If the punk hat hurt your family member then you should be the one deciding punishment.”

    I’d probably kill him. Which is why I shouldn’t be the one deciding punishment.

  29. Jumpin' Jersey Joe says:

    Did the perp deserve to get kicked and whooped? YES. Should he actually have gotten it? NO.

    The perp is lucky he has a legal system to save his punk ass…at the VERY end of WW II in Germany, kids were snipers, they’d shoot and kill a few American GI’s and then come out to surrender all peaceful like. The GI’s were pissed but, they weren’t allowed to hurt/kill them by Geneva Convention rules of war. Word of this practice got up to Allied top brass (who got even more pissed off) and they issued immediate official orders that snipers were to be shot and killed, NO exceptions for surrenders-after-the-fact.


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