1. Mr. Fusion says:

    Does anyone think the cop will be reprimanded?

  2. noname says:

    Hum, what did people learn from watching this.

    If you
    1.) give up
    2.) lie down and be perfectly still with hands spread out
    3.) expect to be kicked hard in the face with steel toed shoes

    Well, what do you think the next person is going to do, wait to be kicked in the face or groin?

    This is why we have a screwed up country. Courts and Cops don’t recognize the worth of the bill of rights. In legal practice it isn’t worth it’s weight in crap.

    Shit Head Gestapo COPs know they are encouraged to lie, murder and abuse their authority with legal impunity. Courts will always absolve Gestapo COPs.

    And you wonder why some Americans question authority.

  3. Oblio says:

    The most frightening thing about all these videos is how f’n stupid these pigs are that they still can’t remember there are cameras everywhere. At least when i was a kid they had the common sense to drag ya into a dark alley before beating the crap out of people,,,er I mean defending themselves against hostile criminals.

  4. Hugh Ripper says:

    The high-5 at the end says it all. They are not public servants doing their duty. They are thugs having fun by beating folks up.

    Being a cop is a tough job at the best of times, but this is just cowardly and unwarranted.

  5. acquiesce says:

    “”As for the officer with a flashlight seen striking the suspect in the video, Armstrong said, “…it appears (the suspect) had his arm underneath his body. You cannot see what was in his hand.” “”

    that must be in the reverse angle shot all I saw was two hands spread wide with palms down on the grass. looks like they gave that Malinois(I’ve got one of these but she’s a coward) a free bite the K9 handler might be in for a reprimand too.

  6. Faxon says:

    Let’s see…. Shit head punk drives stolen car down one way street, endangering all innocent drivers and all kids and adults walking in vicinity. Smashing into an innocent person’s car. Jumps out, and runs away. I would have kicked him in the head too. And if it was dark, I would have shot the son of a bitch. Fuck him.

  7. Dave from IL says:

    If you run from the cops, you’re gonna get an ass whoopin’. Only been that way for…oh…about 100 years.

  8. Devil's Advocate says:

    I’m not saying what the cop did was right. However if the suspect did not lead the cops on a high speed chase he never would have been kicked either.

  9. AngryN8 says:

    I tend to agree with Faxon and Dave, and believe me I don’t particularly like the cops, or the government but to expect to just get a little slap on the hand and some counseling because you felt you had the right to run is bullshit. They, the police, should just put out advertisements all the time on TV, in Mags, News Papers, on Billboards, and teach the kids in school, “If you run from the police we will shoot you, no questions asked.” It should be a general understanding. People should know it as well as they know how to breathe. These fucking kids with their sense of entitlement and everything is owed to them is what is wrong with society at present. Let me guess, broken home, no father figure… whatever at least he can enjoy man sex for several years on our dime.

  10. Named says:


    Ah yes. The law is only the law when the enforcers can ignore it.

    You may not like it, but ITS THE LAW! Unless it specifically says “Officer can beat suspect while in custody” they were wrong.

  11. peter_m says:

    fuck that shit, I ain’t traveling to the US…

  12. brm says:


    The punishment he deserves is not up to you or me or the cops – it’s up to the court. That’s the price we pay in exchange for a civilized society. It’s worth it.

  13. brm says:

    They’re just blowing off steam! Their job is really stressful!

  14. Uncle Patso says:

    #1Mr. Fusion said:

    “Does anyone think the cop will be reprimanded?”

    HELL no! Every cop he meets for the next month (including the brass) will buy him drinks and donuts. As will, apparently, quite a few posters here:

    “And if it was dark, I would have shot the son of a bitch.”

    “They, the police, should just put out advertisements all the time on TV, in Mags, News Papers, on Billboards, and teach the kids in school, ‘If you run from the police we will shoot you, no questions asked.'”

    – – –

    Maybe they could shoot a couple of the kids in the class just to really bring the point home?

    Even dogs don’t attack another dog that has given up…

  15. Faxon says:

    Yea. Whatever happened to: “Stop or I’ll SHOOT!”?

  16. Long Time Caller, First Time Listener says:

    Nation of LAWS…
    Unless you’re in a “legally” recognized gang (cops)
    or rich,
    or priviledged,
    or otherwise “special”…

    “Legally Recognized Gang”
    Wear gang colors.
    Have gang-only signs.
    Only certain people get to join.
    If your not part of the gang, by definition you’re not even human.
    If anyone DARES atack one member, ALL member in the area join in on assualting the offending person.

    Hmmm… Crips, Bloods, Cops.

  17. Two to the Head says:


    Who the f@ck are you to decide who should die, judge and jury? Maybe you should try living in the society that you fantasize about in your little brain. Something along the lines of North Korea should suit you pretty well.

  18. AngryN8 says:

    #15 Right on!


    My point was that there is no respect for the law anymore. It should not be “PC land”, why put all these restrictions on law enforcement when the criminals can do whatever the fuck they want?

    How about this, the asshole that was evading arrest just hit a lady with a kid in a stroller, better yet for the sake of argument, one of YOUR family members. Or your car on the side of the road. Would you not want to inflict some road side justice? Or just wait for the courts? Fucking bleeding heart libs…

    Like I said, I don’t like the cops, but I sure as hell respect them. When I get pulled over, I put my hands out the window and wait for them to walk up. I tell them exactly what I’m going to do and I do it slooowly.

    And yes there are good cops and bad cops, I’d even go so far as to say more bad then good. But this running and chasing bullshit stems from a lack of respect and liberal society that just lets them get away with it. What you are seeing there in that video is what that guys DAD should be doing, kicking his ass for fucking up. But alas, absentee father = dregs on society with the libs ready to coddle and litigate instead of some tuff love. The poor poor criminal who just committed several felonies just needs a hug to bring him in.

    Fuck… it sickens me… #Fail

  19. noname says:

    Make you wonder if cops have enough education to understand how they themselves make their own job harder and more dangerous?

    How are people in the crips, bloods, latin kings gangs going to respond to police when they see this tape?

    Are they going to repeat what this guy did?

    1.) give up
    2.) lie down and be perfectly still with hands spread out
    3.) expect to be kicked hard in the face with steel toed shoes

  20. AngryN8 says:


    Oh I see, if you just give up, you should not receive any punishment for your actions that you just chose to make? That the fucking problem. This whole PC world everyone is living in.

    That is they same mentality with the banks and car companies failing. “Oh if I just lay down and surrender I should not receive ANY pain for my actions.” No, you need to fail and learn. No fucking bailouts on crime or banks.

  21. noname says:

    # 18 AngryN8,

    If you don’t expect the police to follow the law, don’t even dare expect people to follow the law either.

    The public doesn’t work for the police, the police works for every public citizen.

    If the police don’t understand public service, importance of law and the bill of rights, then; I say fire them.

    If the police can’t keep their tempers in check, fire them.

    It’s a public death sentence to someone if there is a hot tempered gun carrying cop out there.

  22. AngryN8 says:


    You are blind from your liberal ways. You have been sold a fake reality in which you think criminals have some greater rights then the poor souls that signed up for the job to capture them.

    This is retribution manifested by an appropriate agent, in this case a cop.

    Now, if this asshole did NOT run, did NOT resist arrest (and just laying on the ground after the fact does not mean he did not resist arrest, he ran), and was then beaten, YES, fire the cop.

  23. brm says:


    “How about this, the asshole that was evading arrest just hit a lady with a kid in a stroller, better yet for the sake of argument, one of YOUR family members.”

    I’d probably want to kill him. But that’s why I’m not the one who decides the punishment.

  24. brm says:


    ‘poor souls’

    Did you just seriously refer to the police as ‘poor souls?’ Really?

  25. Steve says:

    So the guy gives up after trying to flee. If professional law enforcement do their jobs, the guy is arrested, tried and convicted. If you boneheads can’t see that kicking the guy in the face throws the whole system in the sewer you must be as ignorant as you seem.

  26. smartalix says:

    Unfortunately, the gestapo-defense pukes posting here have no concept of the constitution or civilized society, but sadly, that’s how they have been raised by us.

  27. Sean says:

    Yeah… if only there were some way of dealing out punishment after a fair trial…

  28. Sean says:

    (The above comment was directed at #20…. I just forgot to write it)

  29. Some Guy says:

    More to add to the endless list of reasons I am glad not to live in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

  30. Hugh Ripper says:

    Tonight’s the night that we got the truck
    We’re goin’ downtown gonna beat up drunks
    Your turn to drive I’ll bring the beer
    It’s the late, late shift no one to fear
    And ride, ride how we ride
    We ride, lowride

    It’s roundup time where the good whores meet
    Gonna drag one screaming off the street

    And ride, ride how we ride

    Got a black uniform and a silver badge
    Playin’ cops for real/playin’ cops for pay

    Let’s ride, lowride

    Pull down your dress here’s a kick in the ass
    Let’s beat you blue ’til you shit in your pants
    Don’t move, child got a big black stick
    There’s six of us babe, so suck on my dick

    And ride, ride how we ride
    Let’s ride, lowride

    The left newspapers might whine a bit
    But the guys at the station they don’t give a shit
    Dispatch calls “Are you doin’ something wicked?”
    “No siree, Jack, we’re just givin’ tickets”

    As we ride, ride, how we ride
    Let’s ride, lowride


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