
Cold water on waterboarding | Philadelphia Inquirer — Interesting. FYI

A former FBI interrogator who questioned al-Qaeda prisoners testified yesterday that the Bush administration incorrectly declared success from extreme techniques such as waterboarding, when those methods actually were slow, unreliable, and led an important witness to stop talking.

Ali Soufan, testifying to a Senate panel from behind a screen, said his team’s nonthreatening interrogation approach elicited crucial information from al-Qaeda operative Abu Zubaydah, including intelligence on Jose Padilla, who was convicted of supporting an al-Qaeda cell.

Soufan said his team had to step aside when CIA contractors took over. They began using harsh methods that caused Zubaydah to “shut down,” Soufan said, and his team had to be called back.

  1. ECA says:

    If you are being beaten you know what they wish to know..they are telling you.
    YOU can fight agaisnt that, as well as answer ANYTHING with a lie, to get them OFF YOUR BACK for awhile.

  2. Ah_Yea says:

    Starting to sound like the inevitable Cover-Your-Ass circle jerking.

    Expect to see a lot more of this.

    Someone is gonna swing, and you bet it’s going to be an underling. Ali Soufan is seeing the axe coming his way and is smart enough to step aside.

  3. Lou says:

    Cheney still trying to cover his ass with more lies.
    Why is he not is jail ?

  4. amodedoma says:

    Torture is fun – for sick sadistic bastards – which by the was the military is full of. It’s never been an effective interrogation tool, organized use of torture has never produced positive intelligence results. However, the Spanish Inquisition shows us that it can be a valuable tool for social repression. The Spanish got rid of their little problem with the jewish population at the time.

  5. bobbo says:

    As sharp as these guys were in protecting the country for 8 years, they were/are equally as sharp in all their other tax/spend/regulation policies as well.

    Guess which area of expertise killed more people or wasted more money?

  6. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    It’s hard to imagine anyone in US psy-ops is ever going to say anything different than what Soufan is claiming, this has been widely known since the height of the cold war. PLUS you get the whole reciprocal thing.

    Cheney is a complete dumbass, yet the right-wingers would put him on the dime if they could.

    What is it with Republicans and their need for revenge?

  7. noname says:

    It’s nothing new, torture doesn’t work, period.

    In fact, it’s BUSH/CHENEY reliance on lies, I mean torture that sent US into war with IRAQ.


    I agree with Jesse Ventura, prosecute these draft dodging chicken hawks, prosecute them all.

  8. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Alfred, you believe Cheney because Rush tells you to believe him. At what point do you start using your own brain?

    You’re simply a parrot so long as you listen to that idiot and his sycophants.

  9. Dallas says:

    Conservative wingdings suffer from what is known as “Conformity” in psychiatry.

    The well known Asch Experiment shows how individual judgment is affected by group dynamics and prejudices. The conclusion is it is natural for groups to elicit conformity among their members even if they don’t believe what they’re seeing. The “Lying Eyes” syndrome.

    look it up on Google. The bottom line is you refuse to believe the disgusting actions of people you trusted so you defend them.

    You really don’t believe elieving Your Lying Eyes

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #6, Ayatollah1

    I trust President Cheney before I would Obama.

    Look at this sentence any way you like, it is true in so many ways.

    And that is why you are such an Ayatollah idiot.

  11. bob says:

    And it looks like Obama is going to do the same things but call it something different.

    Obama’s not really against torture, he’s just against Repubs getting to do it. (Remember, he’s a product of the Chicago system, and if you piss off the wrong people there, you get chainsawed in the bathtub, not waterboarded with a doctor present.)

    But since it’s being done by the ObaMessiah, everyone will forget about it….

  12. Wretched Gnu says:

    Since when have conservatives cared what most intelligence experts have been saying all along about torture? I mean, they’ve seen *24* — isn’t that enough?

  13. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    I am a registered Republican and consider myself fiscally conservative, socially libertarian. I voted for McCain this past November. But when I read #6 post, I am dumbfounded. Believe Cheney? When Cheney spewed the Iraqi/911 connection for over a year after it was disproved by his own CIA. After Karl Rove, Cheney was the most partisian political operative in the Bush administration, but I should believe him now? Cheney began the Bush admin by breaking a major Bush campaign promise in the first weeks after being sworn in. I can not begin to wrap my mind around the assertion that Cheney is just concerned for this country.

    I considered all those conspiracy theories about Bush/Cheney holding on to power to be someone’s fantasy. I believe I now know whose fantasies they were.

  14. Dallas says:

    #16 Actually, you were right the first time. Cheney was president and Bush a rubber stamping buffoon.

  15. MrMiGu says:

    And why shouldnt they howl at the mention of your former leaders who lied to invade a sovereign country so their companies could make a huge profit?

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #19, Ayatollah1,

    …any mention of Bush Cheney Republican immediately starts the barking at the moon

    Ya, right. So when are you going to post that reference to your claim that Obama sold drugs? Just to allay any comments that you might be making silly, baseless claims.

  17. audion says:

    I realize this is a non-shiny uninteresting point, but…

    Whether torture is effective should be completely beside the point.

    It is wrong.

    It should simply be taboo. Lowering yourself to arguing about its efficacy just makes it seem it is a reasonable alternative.

    And the current administration should be concerned with bringing as much sunlight down on what has occurred and not trying to cover it up.

  18. MrMiGu says:

    Alfred, you give me sh!t for arguing something that I cant prove, and then go and claim that obama was a drug dealer, based on assumptions that you make? How hypocritical.

    Sure, I have no proof for what I was arguing, much like how you have no proof for your beleifs. But I am just using the same rationale that you do…..I beleive this based on what I see. That the former VP convinced the country lied to convince the country to go to war so he could give his former company millions, if not billions of dollars. I only bring this up because you said you have such faith that he is telling the truth on this issue.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #16, Ayatollah,

    Its my 150+ IQ…I think lots faster than I type…I realize you don’t have that problem…a room temperature IQ

    Since when did the scale become inverted?

    With all due respect, which isn’t much, I always thought parrots weren’t that bright. Sure they can babble the same repetitive, meaningless crap until the universe collapses. That doesn’t mean they are actually intelligent or even understand what they are babbling about.

  20. Mr Diesel says:

    News Flash – That lying c*nt Peelosi is on the news right now claiming she didn’t know anything about waterboarding. She is lying through her teeth and blaming Bush for everything.

    What a fucking c*nt.

  21. Mr Diesel says:

    She also said that the CIA lied to (mislead) congress on what they were doing……

    Right, you lying c*nt.

    Now she brings up WMDs. Throwing every buzz term she can to get the heat off her lying c*nt ass.

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    #24, Ayatollah1,

    #23 Not a BASELESS claim…given most drug users deal to support their habits…even if its in small quantities…even if it was only once…its still dealing…

    C’mon you piece of worthless fecal matter. You made a claim you can’t back up, NOT a probability. Just like your lying bible, full of worthless babbling that in the light of day has to scamper under a rock.

    Cheney PROBABLY cost many more lives than the 9/11 hijackers did, yet you refuse to admit it. You are so blinded with love by his a**hole pucker you can’t see anything BUT his sh!t.

    And if you would like me to demonstrate Cheney’s complicity in the death of tens or even over 100,000 innocent people, I will right after you show us when and where Obama sold drugs.

  23. Mr. Fusion says:


    Your general love for torturing people and easy justification of it is truly disturbing.

    You claim to be a Christian. The symbol of your faith is the cross. Do you even realize the implication of that symbol?

    When Jesus was crucified 2000 years ago, it was in one of the most horrific ways possible. By torture. Beaten, forced to carry the cross member through the streets, nails driven through his arms and ankles, hung until his own breathing caused the fluid to build in his lungs until he suffocated.

    Yup, how Christian of you to justify torture to save your family (if your pet goldfish counts). The very same excuse the Romans used to justify their torture and execution of Jesus. Did you want to quote the passage about “Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s”

    So you torture someone to protect your family, even kill him. What if that person is innocent. What then?

    What if I pulled you off the street and tortured YOU or even one of your family members because I thought you had or even might have some information that could save my family? What if a relative needed a kidney, would you prevent me from kidnapping you and taking one of yours without benefit of anesthesia? Think a little about these questions before you answer.

  24. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Alfred: Cheney is calling for the facts to be released.

    Then why did he fight so vehemently against the initial release of the first photos?

    The level of hypocrisy and contradiction in your posts is beyond healthy.

    And with the ginormous IQ you certainly are aware that the smart wing of the GOP is raising $213 to buy Cheney a one-way ticket back to Casper WY.

  25. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Torture is a terrific tool because it is so flexible. Many countries have traditionally used it to extract false confessions, yet our guys used it to extract reliable information. It seems to be whatever you want it to be. I guess the trick is in correct interpretation of the screams.

  26. Mr Diesel says:

    #34 Mr Fusion

    Your points are exactly why I think constantly when I carry my concealed weapon. Any taking of a human life would weigh heavily on me the rest of my life whether justifiable or not.

    (Which is why I didn’t comment on the torture, just the lying c*nt on TV.)

  27. brendal says:

    “I know! Let’s get the whole country involved in a heated debate over torture and they won’t notice that we’re doing X in Z…buahahahah!”

    You guys are suckers.

  28. Rabble Rouser says:

    I would trust Cheney to shoot someone “by accident,” more that I would trust Obama to do the same thing.

    Other than that I wouldn’t trust Cheney with a damn thing. He’s just a lying sack of bovine fecal matter!

  29. Mr Diesel says:

    #40 Alfred1

    Funny post

  30. Glenn E. says:

    Waterboarding isn’t about interrogating terrorist prisoners. It’s about scaring the crap out of one’s citizens, that the same thing could be done to them, if they step out of line. It’s just like all the other crap the government does, approves of, stands behinds, or protects from scientific scrunity, that is completely worthless, such as the polygraph test. It’s a tool of intimidation, aimed at the rest of us. They’ve been about to keep what went on, on Grenada, all these years. But they couldn’t keep a lid on waterboarding down at Gitmo. Why?! Because they wanted us to know about it, and be scared. It a fine tool for keeping the citizens in line, during these tough economic times.


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