Democrats: CIA is out to get us – Manu Raju – — FYI

Democrats charged Tuesday that the CIA has released documents about congressional briefings on harsh interrogation techniques in order to deflect attention and blame away from itself.

“I think there is so much embarrassment in some quarters [of the CIA] that people are going to try to shift some of the responsibility to others — that’s what I think,” said Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.), who sat on the Senate Intelligence Committee and was briefed on interrogation techniques five times between 2006 and 2007.

Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin, the No. 2 Democrat in the Senate, said he finds it “interesting” that a document detailing congressional briefings was released just as “some of the groups that have been responsible for these interrogation techniques were taking the most criticism.”

  1. bob says:

    They did it to BUsh to the cheers of the Left. Doesn’t look so good when they turn on WonderBoy, does it?

  2. Jeff says:

    They are all bureaucrats at the CIA covering their hind ends. It is no different during the Bush admin when they leaked things to get Bush in trouble as it is now with the Obama admin. In fact the leaks expose both sides as the charlatans that both parties are. It doesn’t matter who you vote for, they are the same corrupt politicians that are rewarded by the money they make from the lobbyists.

  3. cornholer says:

    funny as hell. these bastards want to act like they are so appaled by the cia actions only after the wingnuts on the left tell them they should and the cia says fuck you, you 2-faced bastards….funny

  4. amodedoma says:

    Just like J. Edgar (ROT IN HELL) Hoover all over again. Is it just me or do we need to streamline our intelligence community. FBI, CIA, NSA, ATF, and more, paranoia has a high price, that’s why it’s better not to go to extremes. Bastards’ll turn on ya! It’s a double edged sword that cuts both ways. Almost all politicians live in glass houses, they should know better than to throw stones.

  5. Paddy-O says:

    # 28 Greg Allen said, “I’d like to see some documents backing up Dick Cheney’s claim that torture saves thousands of lives.”

    Cheney has asked O’Mama to release those specific documents. O’Mama refused.

  6. smittybc says:

    The only real point here is that the Left relies on a media that is supportive, and the real breakdown here is in a media that has been trained in adult kindergartens call college. A media that won’t run the same type of stories about the Left that are run about the Right, because they’ve been trained the the Right is evil and the Left is pure of heart.
    A media that relies on caricatures the Right as non-thinking religious zealots that are identical to the Taliban. You see that stereotype run over and over again on this blog.
    In a 30 second attention span media it’s a perfect game. The public is happy not having to think, or actually read what people say, they can get to an opinion in 30 seconds or less because the template has been set, and they can feel good about themselves as being more “intellectual” than their non-thinking American Taliban countrymen.
    The problem is you will a) not have a better understanding of the world, b) you will be woefully naive about how the world behaves with one another outside of the US and the West.
    Do you honestly believe that European intelligence agencies don’t (what has been defined in media as) torture the s#!t out of detainees? Do you honestly believe Obama isn’t sending detainees to detention centers around the world where enhanced interrogation techniques are used? Those who read intel reports and not the NY Times know the difference and act accordingly, and trust the media will cover for them. That’s the game. I don’t care that it’s a game, I only care that they don’t acknowledge it.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #47, smitty,

    A media that relies on caricatures the Right as non-thinking religious zealots that are identical to the Taliban. You see that stereotype run over and over again on this blog.

    Are you claiming the “Right” have any ideas? Would you be suggesting the religious extremeists in this country don’t ally themselves with the Republicans? Are you under the impression the media is inventing the stories about torture and false imprisonment?

    Do you honestly believe that European intelligence agencies don’t (what has been defined in media as) torture the s#!t out of detainees?


    Do you honestly believe Obama isn’t sending detainees to detention centers around the world where enhanced interrogation techniques are used?


    Those who read intel reports and not the NY Times know the difference and act accordingly,

    Those who read “intel” reports are security cleared and under oath NOT to reveal what is in the reports. Just like the Democrats the right wing nuts all have their frilly undies in a bunch for. Also, those who read “intel” reports don’t blog what is in them.

    Are you suggesting YOU know what is in the “intel” reports? Another effen right wing nut poser!!!

  8. jbenson2 says:

    Pelosi gets caught making bold faced lies.

    The Democrats’ reaction?

    Their new theme song:
    Cry Me A River

  9. Toxic Asshead says:

    Agencies like the CIA and the FBI have been traditionally liberal. Even after being gutted by Clinton. Remember the “Stellar” job of they pulled during the GW administration?

  10. suckit says:

    hey gop, rebublican douche bags, it is called projection and your doing it. own it or get the fuck out.

  11. BigBoyBC says:

    When you lay down with dogs, expect to get fleas…

    Let the fleas feast upon the their flesh!

  12. dumbassliberals says:

    Democrats caught lying their ass off is as much news as reporting that noodles are eaten in Hong Kong.

  13. smittybc says:

    Are you claiming the “Right” have any ideas? Would you be suggesting the religious extremeists in this country don’t ally themselves with the Republicans? Are you under the impression the media is inventing the stories about torture and false imprisonment?

    I think that Leftist thinking is an oxymoron. I don’t know how you are defining “religious extremists” other than maybe some Somali’s that came to Minnesota and then back to Somalia to wage Jihad.

    No I’m not at all saying Media is making things up. I’m saying they don’t include information that does not fit into their ideology. Their ideology dictates only the evil Bush & Cheney could have come up with such a thing as to waterboard three terrorists for information. The “pure of heart” democrats would never have allowed such a thing. Except that they did, because at a very base line level they understand the threat and don’t want it coming back on them. Ask Pelosi.


    Well then you don’t read enough.
    Council of Europe, ‘Alleged secret detention and unlawful inter-state transfers of detainees involving Council of Europe member states’, (Council of Europe,12 June 2006). The European Union countries were/are on board, they just didn’t figure on the CIA leaking it.


    Again you didn’t read Obama’s ex order on Gitmo closely enough. The rendition program is still in play. Gitmo is still totally unresolved. But that’s OK at least you FEEL better about it.

    Are you suggesting YOU know what is in the “intel” reports? Another effen right wing nut poser!!!

    I don’t know anything more that what is available through reading open credible sources that have followed Salafi Jihadism for more than just a few years. It doesn’t take a lot of secret information to know what the threat is and how it can manifest itself. But then you would have to think and read a little which is painful to a Leftist ideologue like you.

  14. brendal says:

    Levin should just claim senility. Somebody put that donkey out to pasture.

  15. Li says:

    I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again; Neo-libs like Pelosi and Reid are no different than Neo-cons. They’re just the other side of the ‘play both sides against the middle’ sucker punch these toxic tyrants have been playing on the US for years.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #54, smitty

    I think that Leftist thinking is an oxymoron.

    Which show how much thought you put into your answer. The right wing nuts just don’t have anything new. All they can do is trot out the same old crap that eight years of Bush showed don’t work.

    No I’m not at all saying Media is making things up. I’m saying they don’t include information that does not fit into their ideology.

    Maybe you could have included some examples. Show us where the Wall Street Journal, New York Post, and FOX SPEWS cater to the “liberal agenda” and withhold news. I suspect that if they report something you don’t like then you are claiming they got it wrong.

    Well then you don’t read enough.

    I read enough. Several members of the EU Parliament were so upset with Poland they wanted to evict them from the EU. The EU Parliament said it was wrong and Poland admitted it was wrong. Why didn’t you put that down?
    Oh gee, look at that!!! A link, something “smitty” doesn’t use.

    Again you didn’t read Obama’s ex order on Gitmo closely enough.

    Do you have any evidence America is still sending its prisoners to secret detention centers? Remember, you question was,

    Do you honestly believe Obama isn’t sending detainees to detention centers around the world where enhanced interrogation techniques are used?

    And, quite honestly I don’t think we are. You made the claim, you provide the evidence that prisoners are still being sent to other countries.

    I don’t know anything more that what is available through reading open credible sources . . .

    In other words, you and your arm chair war buddies are shooting blanks from your assholes you call mouths.

    It doesn’t take a lot of secret information to know what the threat is and how it can manifest itself.

    When you are as smart as you are, I guess it doesn’t. In order to save us from terrorism, Bush attacked a country and we saw over 4,000 Americans die. No one knows the true count, but it surpasses over 100,000 Iraqis are dead. This doesn’t include those seriously injured.

    So what is the threat again? Wouldn’t it be those who caused all the killings? Yup, that sounds a lot like your hero Bush and his cronies.

  17. Sea Lawyer says:

    #56, Pelosi and Reid are nothing similar to neo-liberals.

  18. noname says:

    The below link strongly supports what # 22 Mr. Fusion was saying and shows why # 23 Ah_Yea is full of shit::

  19. Ah_Yea says:

    Why, nobrain – ahem, noname, you should actually read your own posting instead of just the headline.

    “But four members cannot stop financing and ban activities on their own — that takes the whole Congress. So what might the four have done? They could have demanded that the full committees receive the briefings and that more information be provided. If the White House objected, they could have told their colleagues anyway. The committees then could have put a classified budget provision in the intelligence authorization bill for fiscal year 2003 cutting off money for the program, or delineating how the C.I.A. must treat detainees.”
    “The speech and debate clause of the Constitution shields senators and representatives from civil and criminal liability in the performance of their legislative duties”

    noname, like I said, this came from YOUR LINK. Stop being an Idiot.

    Now that you have hopefully chosen to increase in intelligence (Hope springs eternal), here is a link which tells you very specifically where the battle lines are being drawn.

    Try and read the entire article, and if you ever had a reading comprehension class, use it.

  20. Ah_Yea says:

    Oh, and noname, while you are brushing up on your critical thinking skills, try comprehending these as well.

  21. noname says:

    # 61 Ah_Yea, ahem, Ah_Crap what does Obama not releasing photos have to do with this topic.

    Are you trying to do your typical Repugnican play book thing again, obfuscate and distract from the issue?

    As I said in my post #18 “In summary, both CIA and the congress members who were briefed are culpable, but not equally.”

    Yes as the article points out congress could have done more. But I hold Repugnican Administration more responsible.

    I have to ask, do Repugnican like the smell of shit? Why do you and them so desperately want to keep your heads in your collective asses?

  22. JeyDi says:

    Politicians are humans, too. They make mistakes like everyone of us. But … they could do a litte bit less mistakes when they gouvern a nation.

  23. smittybc says:

    This is a bit of a fools errand in trying to explain this because you don’t see that there is a threat. But there have been hundreds of terror attacks across the globe, every continent (save Antarctica) has had to deal with Salafi Jihadism in some form or another, and the Jihadi are uniform in saying that they want an end to globalization and the West to be replaced by a religious caliphate, but you say terrorism is a result of Bush and Cheney, and really isn’t a threat. Ok fine that ends the discussion. We aren’t in the same reality. Either Salafi Jihadism exists in the world or it doesn’t. I say it does, you say it doesn’t. Fine.

    However with Obama and these memos, he has spread a poisonous hypocrisy throughout the whole society, and more specifically within the Democratic Party, that is typified by Pelosi’s denials. What the Left is saying is “Do it, by all means get the results, make us safe”, as people love to say for some reason, “but we do not want to see what it looks like, nor hear what it sounds like.”

    That gap is bound to close, and the Left will have to confront it’s own hypocrisy. Sure those (like you and Moureen Doud) will deny it and blame it on Bush, but it will be clear to everyone else. I wish Obama all the luck in the world in trying to have it both ways, but I don’t think all his charm and smoothness is going to get him through on this one.

  24. amodedoma says:

    US intelligence can appear to serve republican or democrat, conservative or liberal, agendas. Nothing could be further from the truth, they obey a higher authority – no, not god. Politics is there to distract attetion from the true power. Appocalypse is near, as things get worse their actions will become more evident.

  25. Ah_Yea says:

    Yes, nobrain, I knew you couldn’t comprehend. You must still be in high school. Critical thinking and analysis isn’t your strong point.

    “In summary, both CIA and the congress members who were briefed are culpable, but not equally.”

    What you fail to understand in your rush to be a shrill, is the fact -as presented to you- that the CIA worked under the expressed approval of both the Bush and Pelosi.

    Oh no! What a shock! It can’t be! I refuse to believe Pelosi and company are backstabbing opportunist!

    Read post #64. Unlike your bipolar self, he can see the obvious.

  26. jmb says:

    All of them are liars it’s what they get paid for . CIA the most corrupt. Evil. Republicans knew what they were doing. What was bush ? Evil. Now they put total b.s. on the news. What is really going on ?

  27. jmb says:

    She was going after the bush admin. So now Bush along with the CIA are telling her to shut the f*** up. That’s the Corrupt corporation of the U.S.A. for you. Soon things are going to get even worse. All governments are under the control of the Evil 1 !.


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