OK, no joke about this. Rep. Paul Broun [R-GA] has introduced a resolution to encourage Obama to declare that 2010 is The Year Of The Bible. Now, excuse me if I’m wrong about this, but I thought 2010 was going to be the Year of the Tiger.

Is anyone else sick of living in the United States of Jesustan? And, um, why are these 14 Congresscritters wasting their time with silly stuff like this when we’ve occupied 2 foreign countries and our economy is in the tank? Is it because they think the only possible way out of the mess the Republicans created is to pray? I mean, that’s SLIGHTLY less obnoxious than being merely the “party of no” but it still doesn’t get us anywhere.

Rep. Lynn Westmoreland [R-GA]
Rep. John Carter [R-TX]
Rep. James Forbes [R-VA]
Rep. John Gingrey [R-GA]
Rep. Zach Wamp [R-TN]
Rep. Todd Akin [R-MO]
Rep. Thaddeus McCotter [R-MI]
Rep. Mike Pence [R-IN]
Rep. Louis Gohmert [R-TX]
Rep. Trent Franks [R-AZ]
Rep. Jim Jordan [R-OH]
Rep. Doug Lamborn [R-CO]
Rep. Kenny Marchant [R-TX]

The only decision now is which version to use? Let the debate begin!

Thanks to Mr. Justin

  1. MrMiGu says:

    And Im sure that they would be fine declaring 2011 year of the qu’ran and 2012 year of the torah and 2013 the year of the satanic bible ……

  2. dogday says:

    Our currency says “In God We Trust” which clearly as a country we don’t. So declaring something to be something when it is not does not make it so. Mock the Republican bill as you should but don’t mock the holy name of God.

  3. Breetai says:

    Sometimes I wonder about the smoke and mirrors game the government plays with politics. No party for less government anymore? 🙁

    That sucks. Religous Totalitarians on one side and Government worshiping zombies on the other. F em both. Give me a politician who wants to limit his own authority.

  4. qb says:

    #2 “So declaring something to be something when it is not does not make it so.”

    I think you’re speaking in tongues.

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    What ever happened to separation of church and state?

    “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion”. Wouldn’t promoting the “Year of the Bible” be doing just that?

    I know the Constitution is that “damned piece of paper”, but I think it’s still important.

    The Repubs need to get the above mentioned nitwhits out of office. No one needs this kind of idiotic fanaticism.

  6. free thinker says:

    The only thing sillier than a republican is a republican with a bible in it’s hand.

  7. Skippy says:

    How long before Alfred1 declares this yet another reason why the Republicans are so smart?

  8. wbskeet37 says:

    Somehow I am finding a small sense of relief that my representative is not on this list (He is republican after all). I might take his call next time just so that I can tell him to slap these members upside the head.

  9. ECA says:

    “In god we trust” was added early 1900’s.
    Before that it was “WHO do we trust”. It changed over about the time we STOPPEd backing the USA dollar with gold.

    In a country that is diversified by many groups and religions. Its best that religion be FOR THE PERSON, and that influence be shown as they WORK for the government. BUT, the gov is SEPARATE, as it cant show favoritism for ANY one group.

    If you can find a Bible concordance and lexicon that isnt 3000 pages long..MAYBE..

  10. McCullough says:

    #5. What is this “Constitution” you speak of?

  11. John Paradox says:

    Shouldn’t the one Representative be:
    John Carter (R-Mars)?


  12. qb says:

    I’m betting 200 comments on this subject. Of course 150 will be from Alfred decrying this as “statism”. I love watching him argue with himself – he always loses.

  13. soundwash says:

    well, this just about block them from
    ever winning again..

    wonder if this paradigm shift in human consciousness due in 2012 has them scared
    out of their wits..


  14. Flip Wilson says:

    Agreed — only thing worse than a republican is one touting a bible.

    This is clearly what inbreeding has done — created a class of frick’n morons who’s leadership is based on pure stupidity.

  15. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Nice fake book cover, but The Bible for Dummies” is redundant 😉

  16. contempt says:

    It’s funny to hear leftist cry for separation of church and state when it suits their needs.

    Yep, the same people that are guilty of worshiping the Great Obamanation or are a part of the green religion.

    I guess it’s safe to conclude that one man’s religion is another’s man’s irritation.

  17. Wretched Gnu says:

    “United States of Jesustan”

    That’s perfect on so many levels….

  18. MrMiGu says:

    by “the green religion” are you reffering to capitalists, environmentalists or rastafarians 😉

  19. Ah_Yea says:

    #10 McCullough,

    “What is this “Constitution” you speak of?”

    I’m not sure, but I think it’s a new brand of toilet paper.

  20. Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee says:

    Fundamentalist religious political movement hmmm isn’t that what the Taliban is?

    What’s frightening is these guys don’t see the parallels or why we keep Church and State separate.

  21. # 16
    only people on the Right talk as if Obama is divine the rest of us think he is just so much better then Bush

  22. freddybobs68k says:

    @ 16

    It’s not funny _never_ hearing bible bashing repubs ‘crying for a separation of church and state’. Because apparently that never serves their needs.

    Your Obama == religion analogy. Brilliant. If that’s all it is I guess adoration of the Jonas brothers would qualify as religion by your metric. Makes religion seem kinda crap.

  23. grog says:

    guys, guys!

    the reasons the republicans all want to do this bible thing is because they got nothing else, no ideas, no plans, nothing.

    they lost it all, and now most of them are even losing their minds.

    it’s normal for people who are desperate and have given up hope to call out to some kind of god

    we should let them work through the grieving process, and be supportive.

    “there, there, little guys, there’ll be other elections! you’ll be back in power someday, it’s okay. remember this is america, and if you believe in yourself, you do anything you set your mind to.”

    we should quit offering epithets and offer tissues, and strong shoulders for their weary, weeping heads.

  24. contempt says:

    #18 MrMiGu

    It could be any or all, but a sure indicator is it is the one with their brain stuck neutral operating only on feelings.

    >>the rest of us think he is just so much better then Bush.

    Time will tell because it’s ALL Obama’s now or his teleprompter – it’s sometimes difficult to tell which is in charge.

  25. Special Ed says:

    No wonder the Republicans are approaching extinction.

    2011 – Year of the Fugly Lesbians
    2012 – Year of the Chicks that Weigh >400lbs.
    2013 – Year of Anyone that will Vote Republican
    2014 – Year of the Last Remaining Republican

  26. freddybobs68k says:

    @ 21

    I agree. I never heard it or saw it – except from the right wing Christian crowd. So they must be the only ones seeing it – perhaps thru that super close relationship with god and all. Or perhaps they learned it at Church. Or perhaps its one of Rush Limbaugh brilliant insights.

    Thinking about it more, wouldn’t Rush (not the band, the idiot) would work in ‘contempts’ brilliant religion analogy. Its an analogy that just keeps giving.

    As an aside, I’ve just noticed RL really is one ugly looking sun of a gun. With all that money – surely he could get an extreme makeover. I guess that’s why he’s on the radio. Hold off on the pies Rush.

  27. MikeN says:

    So would you rather have this or the bill to kick the Vatican out of the UN?

  28. grog says:

    republicans just like to complain.

    i think they hate america.

  29. contempt says:

    #27 freddybobs68k
    >>I never heard it or saw it(Obama is divine) – except from the right wing Christian crowd.

    Are you really that obtuse? Yes I guess so – when you see this expression from now on you will know that Obama is being openly mocked with no divine reference intended or implied.

  30. Rock of Ages, Let me hide myself in Thee says:

    Oh OH! I’ve got a new name for these kind of people

    Fundamentalist Christianity Fanboys the FCF


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