• Amazon pushes content onto the iPhone.
  • Intel looks as if it will get hit with a multi-billion dollar fine by the EU.
  • Android market share to increase in 2009.
  • Palm Pre has charger without wires.
  • 160,000 more medical records stolen from Cal Berkeley.
  • There is a buzz concerning the University of Missouri. J-school now requires iPhone.
  • Yahoo nude photo scandal heats up.
  • NYT has new Adobe Air edition.
  • Microsoft says Win7 out by Xmas for sure. Patch Tuesday for Win7 getting ready.
  • Show brought to you by Squarespace.com Code word: TECH.

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  1. B.Dog says:

    I guess that by requiring the iPhone, students can tack the price onto their student aid, but it’s not actually mandatory.


  2. Hugh Ripper says:

    I read books on my IPhone, and although is not quite as good as reading a real book, its pretty readable, easy on the eyes because the text is backlit and you don’t have to hold it open like a book.

  3. OvenMaster says:

    If Intel or Micro$oft or any other company doing business in the EU is found to have broken EU law, then they should be found guilty and fined.

    If they don’t want to play by the EU’s rules, they don’t have to. No one is holding a gun to their head to force them to do business in Europe or any other place. All they have to do is withdraw from the European market. When in Rome, right?

  4. brendal says:

    I had to buy a manual typewriter to get into J-school – and then walk in the snow 5 miles to get there!

  5. Stu Mulne says:

    I had to walk five miles uphill each day to go to school, and five miles uphill to return home…. (The Law of Gravity had yet to be passed, I guess….)

    Manual typewriters…. While in College, I had an electric at the former day job, and keys to the front door. Heaven…. Wrote a lot of papers out there….

    About the wireless charger. I’d love it…. When the wife and I go someplace, I have to charge my phone, her phone, at least one camera, and sometimes a PC. Being able to plug the whole mess into an outlet somewhere and just put the device near the charger would be a slight advantage. Form factor and “how close” issues, though, might be a problem.

    That would make a hell of a mobile charger setup, too. My wife doesn’t know how to plug her phone into her car…. Don’t ask…. 😀

    Reading a book on a Kindle or similar device…. Not a lot of fun at 63, but it’s still a great way to “pack” the instruction manual for a modern camera.

    When the mud monster was Bat Mitzvah about ten years ago, the little dickens wouldn’t let me look at her copy of the prayerbook while rehearsing. I found a copy of the appropriate service online, and some software for the Palm III that could handle the Hebrew. The kid was not amused 😀 ….

    Worked well enough, except that my version was slightly different (in English) than hers. Not at all unusual, but a tad confusing.

    (Not nearly as confusing as Passover at Mom’s. She’s got two different editions of the same Haggadah – prayerbook for Passover – and they look the same until you notice slightly different texts, pagination, etc. Given that she’s got more than a dozen of them, and we use these exactly twice a year, if that often, getting a new set seems to not be an option.)


  6. Hugh Ripper says:

    #5 Pedro you’re an idiot. I’ve never owned or even used a mac much. I use PCs. The iPhone is a good product that does things BETTER than windows mobile.


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