Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. What to do? This chat is presented as-is for anyone who wants to listen in. We discuss the market conditions with some unique insights.

More importantly we look at the current Bull Market.

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  1. Higghawker says:

    I believe rising gas prices are going to be the determining factor? At a time when everyone is barely afloat, this will plummet most. This is my biggest fear.

  2. denacron says:

    The census in my area was odd. They came to “Map” properties. They would ask permission to enter your property and write down that there were buildings on it. No question of what the buildings were for or who might be in them. The information would have better gotten from the county court house records.

    The census taker spent no more than five minutes at it and asking for entry was the only question they asked. In fact she would not communicate beyond that.

    A few days ago a close friend of my wife took the new census job. My wife asked what census she would taking but her friend said she could not talk about that. Not the specifics of data acquired or about what data the census was to target.

    I think the odor of bullshit surrounds this bogus census. A make-work job perhaps?

  3. Sea Lawyer says:

    #2, I’m sure it’s totally legit… insomuch as the census is used primarily as a statistics gathering tool for whatever social engineering initiatives they fuel. That is also if you believe the government should be shaping society and influencing outcomes.

    The apportionment of representatives has become a very minor purpose of the census.

  4. soundwash says:

    census: well since most of America is owned by
    foreign interests, they want to have exact coordinates to the properties they own when we
    finally pop the treasury bubble and come collect
    their hard assets..(?)

    not to mention the whitehouse (Rahmmi?) is now overseeing the census..shady stuff that.

    on oil prices: shipping costs should double soon as there are about 110 supertankers being retired (taken out of service) through 2010.

    something foobared my abilty to copy and paste
    anything…(links etc)

    try googling 110+single+hull+supertankers taken out of service for a clue..

    plus, china is stockpiling everything and making deals with Venezuela, -oil for infrastructure etc..


    gotta run


  5. SparkyOne says:

    No need to hide pot use in California?

    Come on John, I attended a DEA raid sponsored by the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, last August. The County continues to cooperate, providing “security” for the DEA during the raids. People with valid recommendations/caregiver certifications in this state are still going to jail.

    In fact the County Board of Supervisors has yet to implement the terms of Proposition 215. They are still in queue for the Supreme Court.

    Puke politicians, they used to work for us.

  6. Trader201 says:

    Andrew and John:

    What makes DH Unplugged SO great is the interplay between Andrew (who is a financial guru) and John (who is a regular guy with an interest in finance) Listeners relate to Andrews financial knowledge against John’s “Every guy” lack of financial knowledge.

    I don’t want to be mean but Dvorak needs to stop pretending he’s a financial guru.
    What makes the podcast great is that John’s NOT a financial guru…Charging for DH UNplugged would be a quick ticket to no listeners. I spoke to Andrew at the Vegas money show and he agreed with me that charging for the DH Unplugged podcast would be a mistake.

    Traders are people who can quickly change their plan and trade the market they’re being given…… Dvorak is a smart and overly opinionated person who CAN’T change his oppinion and therefore is a bad trader/investor. If a trade goes against your position, GET OUT and reverse. That’s how traders survive. Sell your losers and add to your winners.

    Someone like John doesn’t get this and remains convinced he’s right all the way down to zero. He does have vast tech knowledge and while I respect his tech savvy opinions, he’s the quintessential BAD trader who locks himself into a position and never changes in order to trade the market that’s in front of him.

    The market is ALWAYS right.
    Un-flexible people like usually blow out their accounts and make bad traders.
    I do however respect John’s tech knowledge and always find him correct regarding tech and new software/hardware. When listening to TWIT I always agree with him!

    No offense but people like John make the worst traders-they have exactly the wrong personality to adjust quickly and trade the constantly changing market.
    It’s John’s naive market knowledge put up against the Andrew Horrowitz knowledge which makes DH Unplugged so special…….

    No one would pay for a podcast between a market guru and a market amateur.
    It always shocks me that market amateurs like John think they are smarter than those of us who have blown up our accounts multiple times and FINALLY learned how to make money in the markets.

    Please keep up the great podcast! Keep it free! And please continue the wonderful interplay between a market guru and a regular guy!

    Lastly, if John could PLEASE stop talking about his ONE great trade shorting crude with the 2X ETF we’d all appreciate it. The true sign of an amateur trader is one who ALWAYS talks about their one great trade…….and never talks about their losers……On TWIT you always stop the conversation when it becomes a “Twitter” gabfest yet you talk about crude short more often than Obama goes on TV..


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