1. Mark Derail says:

    The English-to-Russian translation on Wikipedia gone horribly wrong, researching “Bunny Hop”.

  2. jake says:

    Don’t worry it’s just the bunny slope.

  3. lock_down says:

    An out-of-shot Hugh Hefner looks utterly bemused at the latest attempt to re-invigorate the franchise.

  4. Dave says:

    This is not what I had in mind when I said I liked snow bunnies.

  5. Dave says:

    This is not what I had in mind when I said I wanted to duel with 100 snow bunnies.

  6. bobnino says:

    Snow Rabbit Proof Fence

  7. mentor972 says:

    I said, “Benefits” not “Bunny Fence.”

  8. pwuk says:

    Auditions for the next Monty Python film get of to a good start.

  9. Global Warming!

  10. gogglesnteeth says:

    Bunny Ninja’s!!!! Run!!!!

  11. dave says:

    Don’t smoke crack.

  12. Floyd says:

    Screwy Wabbits!

  13. Greg Allen says:

    “Burning Man Winter Session”

  14. lividd says:

    Dvorak says yea post it, I need every page view I can leach of!

  15. lividd says:


  16. ECA says:

    Rabid vampire bunnies??

    revenge of the Playboy bunnies??

    little rabbi fo fo,
    hopping thru the forest,
    picking up the field mice and Bopping them on the head….

  17. Hugh Ripper says:

    The Saharan snow troops show off their cunning disguises.

  18. NancyDisgrace says:

    Bad hare day.

  19. evilpuke says:

    They said “get out of here with that jive man, you talk the talk but you don’t walk the walk, aint nobody got that many bunnies man”.

    My manhood had been challenged. I had to answer the call. When they saw the bunnies there jaws hit the ground in disbelief. There were quiet. I had walked the walk.

    Ever since then they all gave me the respect, the respect a hundred sword wielding bunnies will bring.

  20. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I for one welcome our fencing bunny overlords!

  21. KD Martin says:

    As his brain is from the Isle of Shiffer, Alfred1 tells an editor to “give it a rest.” Let’s see what’s behind door #1.


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