Kymotropic analysis of all 81 tone pairs of the Expanded Solfeggio scale that total 1110hz… Ascending and descending concurrently.

Found by Ron Poynter.

  1. moss says:

    Great. Now, any dopers in the crowd are zoned out for the rest of the afternoon.

  2. JimR says:

    I saw God!
    He said woooooooo-bu-bu-bu-bu–ooooooooo–bu-bu-bu-bu–eeeeeeeeee

  3. AdmFubar says:

    ooohhh spirograph with audio…

  4. Dallas says:

    Not nearly as trippy as reading some of what Alfred1 writes here.

  5. Reminded me of this:

    ( How a resonance has its influence on rice )

  6. hazza says:

    #5 You are one of the less informed people that don’t realise that’s URL that include the not needed www get mangled by the software that they use on this board. FAIL.

    I only watched the first 10 seconds, realised that my music player has a visulisation just as interesting and fell asleep… thankfully a work mate woke me up.

  7. Jägermeister says:

    #5 – Pierre Serné / NetPierre

    Nice… very nice.

    #6 – hazza – You are one of the less informed people that don’t realise that’s URL that include the not needed www get mangled by the software that they use on this board. FAIL.

    Seriously, the www might be mandatory on some sites. If the software sucks… fix it.

  8. JimR says:

    In defense of Pierre, he used his own html coding to imbed the URL ( a href=… ) It is an option I have used successfully, and the www isn’t a problem using that method.

    …and, thanks Pierre… interesting link.

  9. John Paradox says:

    There is nothing wrong with your television set…


  10. hhopper says:

    You were absolutely right John…


  11. noname says:

    There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the “Dvorak Zone”.

  12. riker17 says:

    #5 – I am surprised that no one has linked crop circles to resonance yet, unless I missed the report. Very unusual rice, what kind is it?

  13. yankinwaoz says:

    OK… I consider myself fairly bright. But can someone please explain what the hell this means?

    I looked up “Kymotropic”. It is not mentioned in Wikipedia. And I can’t find it it an the dictionary. So it must be a specialized term. I assume it has to do with the graphing in the video.

    I tried looking up the word “Kymo”, which I assume is Latin or Greek. No luck. The other half, “tropic”, I assume refers to tropism behavior… that is when an organism turns or curves based on external stimuli.

    Next… I can’t find any references to an EXPANDED Solfeggio scale. From the description of this video, I assume that there are 81 unique notes. But I can’t find anything on the net that confirms that, or attempts to document what they are.

    The Solfeggio scale is the music system used for sight singing, such as the familiar 7 syllable “do-re-mu-fa-sol-la-ti”.

    Help! I feel like such an idiot.

  14. noname says:

    # 13 yankinwaoz

    Who knows how reliable this is, but this is what I found, hope it helps::

    “”Kymotropic Imaging Sound System (K.I.S.S.) is what
    we named the laser/projector that galaminos had
    commissioned to be designed and built for her work…

    It’s a heavy-duty model that employs motor-driven mirrors to
    precisely direct its laser beam to mimic the exact functions of
    an x/y phasescope like the oscilloscope-type that we also use…

    It’s perfect for larger groups or crowds because
    the laser can be projected onto walls or screens…

    As a matter of fact, galaminos will be displaying this
    system as a work of art/science next month in our
    local museum’s annual members’ art show/exhibition””

  15. Mark Derail says:


    #5 for a Science Project with my son, we did the same thing as the rice, but with a metal plate with Corn Starch and a tiny bit of water.
    Just to get the starch to a toothpaste consistency.

    I had bought a 15$ computer subwoofer that you can plug an MP3 player in. Removed the cover, so that the plate can rest on top of the speaker, and some PlayDO to keep in place.

    When playing an WAV file encoded for 60 seconds at 200 Hertz, and so on every 60 seconds to 250 Hertz, we got the famous “Starch Worms” growing.

    Oh, as a bonus testing the rig, drove our dog Batsh7t Crazy.

    At school his teacher & class were impressed (Grade 9).

    Google “Cornstarch Speaker Experiment”

    I *never* got BBCodes or HTML codes to work in this blog other than bold / italic. Works for some people, not everyone. (Here’s a try)

  16. denacron says:

    # 12
    “Very unusual rice, what kind is it?”

    Sonic rice of course!

  17. hazza says:

    Ok, how do we edit our responses? When I first looked at response #5 it was just a useless URL link that this board mangles.

    The second part of my response was not directed at the video linked by response #5, it was directed at the original story.

    The rice video is cool, the original story is not. I should have had the two paragraphs around the other way. Sorry for any confusion.

    BTW I don’t control the software they us on this blog and I agree it is stupid for it to mangle URL’s that start with www. Like hello, most sites actually re-direct you to the www when you don’t include it.

  18. 888 says:

    I just wonder what frequency my anus is resonating at?
    … because the poo I just made had one of the shapes seen in this useless video.
    Dvorak, want a picture?

  19. Lou says:

    That was annoying.

  20. Bastian says:

    That made me wanna poop!

  21. pokey says:

    Its a trick.
    Note #37 is THE BROWN NOTE!

  22. #6 A ‘learning moment’ for me 😉 Thanks for embedding the video.
    #7/8 Thanks.
    #12 Ultrasonic soundbeams from above… Hmmm
    #15 Interesting… the Tinyurl worked btw
    #16 You again? i guess i use a tinyurl next time. I agree with ‘The rice video is cool, the original story is not’

  23. Framitz says:

    1 O’scope with x and y inputs
    2 signal generators one x and one y.

    Spirograph fun; it is just that simple.

    Add another source connected to the z input for extra effects (Z is brightness).

  24. Framitz says:

    This is done in elementary electronics:

    1 O’scope with x and y inputs.
    2 signal generators one x and one y.

    Spirograph fun; it is just that simple.

    Add another source connected to the z input for extra effects (Z is brightness).

  25. soundwash says:

    Mmmm..i like sounds.

    very cool, especially the resonant
    rice dance.

    what’s even cooler is that i’ve seen these
    patterns (or fragments of) before in Crop Circle photographs. esp the rice patterns.

    curious indeed.
    makes we wonder if there is sound or time
    component embedded in some of the crop
    circle messages.


  26. soundwash says:

    watching the rice vid a few times now has me wondering if the same energy patterns would emerge if you used a different medium than

    for instance, if you use sand instead of rice would you just get a finer detailed pattern at the same frequencies, or something entirely different, visually.

    now, if you do get a notably different pattern
    (mearly because different mediums should
    impart some of their own energy signature
    into the waveform (or corrupt it)

    -and there is a relevant correlation between these energy/resonant patterns and the crop circles.

    would their be something about the energy signature of rape seed (which is the plant a large majority of the circles are drawn in)
    that needs to be factored into decoding the circles.. (the real ones, not the hoaxes)

    ..i wish the sound on this PC was working…

    anyway, just a thought.


  27. brendal says:

    I better not try this…I am running Vista.


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