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Oh, almost forgot. Anyone see the new one?

  1. qb says:

    Trekkies horrified by the new film:

    Click here.

    [I tried to embed it but the code was FUBAR. – ed]
  2. JoaoPT says:

    HULU…a boon for mankind… if you live in amerika…

    Guess I’ll get hold of that proxie thang.

  3. noname says:

    Recycling are we? So much for faking an original.

    John posted “Weekend Video Dept: Star Trek as Camelot Video” back in March 2007.


  4. geofgibson says:

    I don’t care if it is recycling, that Python meets Trek is so funny I think I peed on myself.

  5. noname says:

    # 4 geofgibson

    Pathetic, but kudos for at least, as you say; “peed on myself” instead of someone else.

  6. Uncle Dave says:

    #3: 2007? Ha! I barely remember what *I* posted last week.

  7. sargasso says:

    I watched the new one, and took exception to JJ Abrams photography and direction – he has a weird thing for shaky closeups with hand held cameras and cutting tense action scenes at critical points. A director who tortures his audience? The mid-day theater was empty but for six.

  8. amodedoma says:

    Just saw it, IT SUCKED! I mean if you never saw Star Trek TOS, and don’t mind watching the bad alien with his heart full of vengence trying to destroy the universe again, I guess it’s worth a see. I was so disappointed that I doubt I’ll ever go to the cinema again. Gene Roddenberry is rollin’ over in his frickin’ grave! My advice save your money and download this one on P2P.

  9. Shubee says:

    The latest best spoof of Star Trek is this one from the Onion News: Trekkies Bash New Star Trek Film As ‘Fun, Watchable’


    [Uhhh… QB (commenter #1) sort of got here first on this one. – ed.]

  10. Martin says:

    Is there no justice? Yesterday I donated to your blog (“Support the Blog” and avoid or reduce advertisements). And, today the site is loaded with “Hulu” videos which can’t be viewed outside the U.S.A. I live and view your blog out side the U.S.A. I’m not asking for a refund, but the timing of this is really ironic. Please avoid Hulu videos until they are available everywhere…only 300 million of the worlds 6 billion folk live in the U.S.A.

  11. hhopper says:

    I wonder what the reason is for blocking other countries from seeing videos?

  12. noname says:

    # 6 Uncle Dave, don’t you think that’s sad?

  13. Nimby says:

    Just to add my voice: Hulu needs to revamp it’s copyright agreements. Until it does, I’d ask DU not to post items I, as an US citizen living overseas, cannot view.

  14. Zybch says:

    Just stop using fucking hulu as a way to use video content to dvorak.org!
    ANYthing else is preferable!

  15. Nimby says:

    I saw the new film. I grew up reading science fiction and, when Star Trek hit TV, you’d find me glued to the screen. So, I did not expect to appreciate JJ Abram’s “reboot.” Well, it certainly takes liberties with the Star Trek timeline. But, all in all, I thought it was actually one of the better Trek films. I was surprised by the substitution of a Korean in a Japanese role, and the – uh – interactions between Spock and Uhura. Loved the new Bones. Like looking back in time. Simon Pegg as Scotty? I like Simon Pegg but he’s no Scotsman! I say it looks like a promising start to a new franchise.

  16. Shastadad says:

    I second that, stop using HULU, you have a worldwide audience and using US only providers is doing them a dis-service. I wonder how Adam Curry feels not being able to see things on your blog. Maybe he should retaliate with only British stuff on his

  17. Uncle Dave says:

    #12: Well, I, um… What was the question?

    As for Hulu, didn’t realize until this thread this was an issue. Will not use them.

  18. Jim says:

    I have no idea why people wouldn’t like the movie, but people who comment on this blog tend to have odd ideas anyway.

    It was well done, fast paced, a good reboot to the franchise and not wildly out of place. The cast were all excellent, and the story was pretty tight (oh, you don’t like time travel… guess you don’t like star trek since that was a good 15-20% of the episodes and movies).

    I’m curious what #2 will be, as this allows them to generate a completely different version of the federation that isn’t as dependent upon fanboys with no lives nitpicking every stardate.

    Perhaps we’ll get to meet other races that aren’t so humanoid this time around.

  19. Zybch says:

    #18 Its startrek Jim, but not as we know it.
    Star Trek was never ‘fast paced’, it was sci-fi for the more intelligent viewer, not those idiotic star wars fans with 90 second attention spans and a hard on for George Lucas and his CG enhanced digital penis.
    There are enough wham blam movies for the mentally challenged, the drek Abrams has run out is NOT star trek in anything but name.

  20. TheCommodore says:

    The new film? Star Trek mates with Starship Troopers. There are some enjoyable moments but overall I came away feeling like I’d just watched another cartoon rehash in the vein of Spiderman or yet another Batman movie. Drek. Sorry folks.

  21. a fan since 1966 says:

    Sorry it’s another HULU link but my favorite spoof is this SNL from 1976

    Star Trek – The Last Voyage of the Starship Enterprise

    you can google it for a non hulu look

    Chevy Chase as Spock John Belushi(I miss him) as Kirk damn! funny stuff


    ya I’ll see the new release soon and keep an open mind lets face it the 1979 movie sucked but Wrath of Khan great, glad the franchise is alive

  22. qb says:

    #9 Ed, you can click on both links and get stereo. 😉


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