Time’s cover story is about the shrinking of the Republican party. This past week, a national poll indicates that those who identify themselves as Republicans has slipped to 31%. A different poll puts the figure even lower: 21%. Fewer woman are identifying themselves as Republicans. Arlan Spector left the party, although his defection may be more of the save your ass kind.

Few doubt the Republicans shot themselves in the foot multiple times these past eight years. While the country may be generally a little right of center, the Republicans can’t get themselves right enough to the exclusion of those who disagree and might vote for someone who isn’t a Dem, but can’t stand their stands. While we’re hardly saying the Dems are shining beacons of purity and light, they do have the WH and Congress, and a much higher number of Americans claiming membership.

Where do you stand on the political spectrum? With which party do you associate yourself? What do you think the Republicans can do to keep from dying out? Should the party die out as others in the past have and be replaced with a center right party? Are the Democrats too far left? Not far left enough?

Where are you on the political spectrum?

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  1. LotsaLuck says:

    # 34 JimD said, on May 10th, 2009 at 10:07 am

    The party of the GREEDY OBESE PIGS (GOP) is in it’s DEATH THROWS !!! First Specter, and then “Joe the Plumber” are quiting, and now Prick Cheney is ready to DRUM COLIN POWELL OUT OF THE PARTY TOO !!! I guess the …..


    Hey, JimD – where you been? I had finally just gotten my hearing back.


  2. Traaxx says:

    UncleDavishit is full of it again!

    Another Demoncrat/Commie judgemental NAZI baby muder making up facts to cover his genetic guilt of being white and rich and part of the elite Double Think left. If that is enough name calling maybe you could look at facts.

    Both parties are Globalist anti-middle class. Both parties want to make it a crime to be a nationalist, both parties are anti-American. Looking at President Hussein running around the globe chummy with all the Muslims and America haters is a little sicking. Now we’ve been treated to a Bush holding hands with a Muslim and now President Hussein Obambi has gone of with full body fondling. Disgusting is an understatement.

    Until we get a nationalist party that will run a Presidental candiate we won’t be getting any of our jobs back and we’ll continue to be unendated with trash of the world – adverstised as the Welfare trash that do the jobs Americans won’t – ie sit on Welfare, commit felonies, rape any under tenage that happens to wonder out alone and claim that it’s part of their culture. Bothl the Bushes and Clinton and Obambis are self-serving trash and traitors to this country.



  3. Ultra-left, other (Liberal), and as far from Alfie as it is possible to be.

  4. #27 – Alfred1,

    [Sarah Palin] is the embodiment of liberty, her pioneer lifestyle implies freedom from Government…

    Really? Have you not been paying attention? Check out how much debt she ran up in Wasilla. They had none when she became mayor. They had 20 megabucks worth of debt. What kind of freedom from government is that?


    Of course, she must have done something great with the money in a town of around 8,000 people, right?

    “The huge increases in tax revenues during her mayoral administration weren’t enough to fund everything on her wish list though, borrowed money was needed, too. She inherited a city with zero debt, but left it with indebtedness of over $22-million. What did Mayor Palin encourage the voters to borrow money for? Was it the infrastructure that she said she supported? The sewage treatment plant that the city lacked? Or a new library? No. $1-million for a park, $15-million-plus for construction of a multi-use sports complex…She also supported bonds for $5.5-million for road projects that could have been done in 5-7 years without any borrowing.”

    Palin is not for what you stand for Alfie, except for the possibly of her being a dominionist.


  5. BubbaRay says:


    For Alfred1, from the “Bubble Boy”, for attempting to turn this blog into the Alfred1 show and generally making a complete fool of himself.

    I will also make certain not one single picture you want posted is ever in-lined here, and that’s for calling me a fascist, you scripture spouting annoyance.

  6. Uncle Patso says:

    # 3 Petrov said, in part:

    “With both parties run by lawyers, does it matter which is in office? What do lawyers know about creating wealth?”

    They seem to do alright for themselves. The only “poor” lawyer I ever met was an ex-lawyer (as in disbarred).

    – – – – –

    This thread is proving to be very interesting reading, a nice representation of much of the political spectrum in America today, including the barely literate and the obsessed. In particular, #17’s analysis of the reasons for the shrinking of the Republican party is the best I’ve seen, better than that of any of the supposed “pundits” on TV and the op-ed page.

  7. #51 – BubbaRay,

    Excellent use of the BRDDA!!

  8. Buzz says:

    How to revitalize the Republican Party:

    Split it.

    Part A are the true conservatives. Paramountly defending the Constitution, individual rights, freedom to choose one’s own path and bodily decisions. Attempting to reduce the size of government wherever prudent. Gracefully slowing the tendency to have government and policy move too fast. Conserving the environment, energy, routine government spending and the use of force to push political agendas. Conservation at all levels. The thoughtful, paced approach.

    Part B are the religious affiliates, believers that somehow God should be involved in politics, spend and don’t tax-ers, waterboarders, slogans-above-reason-ists, Texas-will-secede-rather-than-help-its-unemployed-ers, faith-based-initiativists and creationists.

    Who could argue that people who think religion trumps physics don’t need their own special group?

    Eventually Part B folk will be reduced to the Jesu-Taliban they really are, and Part A folk will grow into their rightful and promising place in American politics. Conserving things.

    By keeping these two under the same umbrella, schizophrenic behavior will continue in all three major categories: positive (i.e. hallucinations, delusions, racing thoughts), negative (i.e. apathy, lack of emotion, poor or nonexistant social functioning), and cognitive (disorganized thoughts, difficulty concentrating and/or following instructions, difficulty completing tasks, memory problems).

    After a while, Part A will rename itself. Candidate names: The Right Party. Classic Republicans. Bob.

  9. bobsyeruncle says:


    Alfred – why do you hate America?

  10. Buzz,

    Nicely stated.

    Minor correction: Conservatives != Conservationists.

    The former is generally opposed to change. The latter are generally trying to preserve the biosphere.

    Now. Can we split the Democratic party too? Or, can we at least bring back the Liberal party so that Modern American Liberals have a representative party as well?

    Better yet, let’s go to a zero party system where we vote for candidates instead of parties.


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