Telegraph – 07 May 2009:
Experts from Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives and her Social Democrat (SPD) coalition partners have agreed to outlaw all games in which players shoot at each other with pellets.
The governing parties say paintball trivialises violence and risks lowering the threshold for committing violent acts…
A 17-year-old shot dead 15
people in the southwestern town of Winnenden, before killing himself in March, stunning many Germans and leading politicians to call for tighter gun rules…
The new rules would also grant authorities more rights in conducting checks with people owning guns, the sources said.
Sources in the SPD said the parties were also moving towards on agreement on the creation of a nationwide weapons register and were considering setting up biometric security locks for weapons’ stores.
Check out more Glamour Girls of Paintball pictures here!
They’ve taken their queue from the US. Ban the toy guns rather than the real ones, that’ll stop the shootings.
WHO remembers the collage the Banned that Squirt gun game??
Each person drew a card and a persons name, had to find and shoot them, take the OTHER persons victim, and continue, until the end.
Paint ball is, cowboy and indians/making war and its NOT EASY TO CHEAT and say “YOU MISSED”.
Keeping blaming and pointing fingers, we will SOON be back to the 14-15th century..BLAME everyone and everything for the toilet NOT flushing..
Murder kill for occasion, school shooter have their subjective justifications. The society has to unfold the enigma of WHY they do that. Paintball, Weapons, FPS, or mental disorder – falls to short for an explanation.
Quest to understand school shootings
Interesting topic. Dumb law. We have dumb laws in the us too but my question is what ever happened to the phrase ” he’s crazy”? Some things just can’t be fixed / answered by making a senseless law. Are there not already laws against shooting people? Making more laws will not stop people from breaking them.