Kids, if they teach it in school, it has to be true.


  1. #8 – Randomized,

    They can think that as long as they admit the big bang was Joseph banging Mary.

    A) According to Eccentrica Gallumbits, Zaphod Beeblebrox was the best bang since the big one.

    B) The immaculate conception refers to the conception of Mary who was also born of a virgin in order to be pure enough to be the mother of Christ.

    The incarnation of Christ refers to Jesus’s conception in Mary.

    Both Mary and her mother were impregnated by God. Since Jesus == God == Holy Spirit, Jesus is not only the greatest motherfucker of all time, he is the greatest grandmotherfucker of all time.

    Talk about a big bangfest!

    (Let’s see what Alfie has to say about that. I just couldn’t resist.)

  2. LibertyLover says:

    #89 This is why we need nationalized education.


    Bush I Bad, Clinton Good.
    Clinton Bad, Bush II Good.
    Bush II Bad, Obama Good.
    ad nauseum . . .

    That’s all we need, to have our children’s education dictated by public policy. It’s bad enough now, it would only get worse.

    And where would we get the money for this?
    And who gets to choose what is taught?

  3. jccalhoun says:

    “It doesn’t matter who suggests schools not teach speculative myth as fact, it only matter if its speculative myth…we don’t want to teach that as fact.”

    So school shouldn’t teach economics? Or English since language is a creation of man and the “rules” are not really rules at all but suggestions? Or health class since nutrition and the causes of diseases is speculative?

  4. #14 – Alfred1,

    Faith alone can give certainty on those issues…whether its secular or religious…both should be kept out of school…

    Faith teaches absolutely nothing at all. Faith has not given us any technical advances. Faith has not improved our morals. Faith has done nothing for us.

    Besides, so many people have already had her that she’s all reamed out. I have no interest in Faith.

    In other words, don’t teach your liberal myths to my kids.

    In what way is science liberal? Must you label everything you don’t like and can’t understand liberal? Does liberal to you just mean “too complicated for my poor little brain”?

    Somewhere in the world, a gnat is flying around solving ordinary differential equations in his/her head without regretting for a moment having switched brains with you.

  5. #17 – tcc3,

    They should just declare Pi = 3. Makes the math much easier.

    I don’t know … people keep trying to tell me that Πr2. However, everyone knows that Π are round.

  6. Dang. Superscript didn’t work … that was supposed to be Pi R squared …

  7. #18 – Sea Lawyer,

    If the “Big Bang” is the beginning point for the universe, isn’t that just in this iteration? I thought I’ve read that a theory is that the universe is continually expanding and collapsing on itself. So it is actually be infinitely old.

    Sorry Sea Lawyer, that was a fun hypothesis. Data didn’t support it though. Turns out that the universe is not only expanding, but the expansion is accelerating. So there will be no gnab gib (or big crunch).

  8. #94 – LibertyLover,

    #89 This is why we need nationalized education.

    And where would we get the money for this?
    And who gets to choose what is taught?

    Who chooses now? Where does the money come from now? What a stupid line of reasoning!

  9. LibertyLover says:

    #100, Who chooses now? Where does the money come from now?

    Exactly! What a mess.

    Give the money back to the parents and let them choose how to educate their children. National standards are a failure.

  10. Alex says:

    “Let’s see what Alfie has to say about that.”

    $10 to your $1 that he’ll call you a “loon”.

  11. #26 – Alfred1,

    Evolution is absurd…it doesn’t fit reality at all…

    That is only because you don’t recognize facts when you see them. Evolution is not a theory, though Natural Selection is. Even so, theory does not mean in science what it means in your pea brain.

    If evolution does not match reality, then please explain the following predictions of evolution.

    Intermediate whale species: Basilosaurus & Ambulocetus.

    Intermediate seal species:

    Intermediate feathers: found on early birds in fossils from Mongolia.

    Intermediate hominid species.

    And, the best of all, Neil Shubin was looking for early limb evolution of land animals. He knew that 380 million years ago there were fossils without limbs. 365 million years ago we have fossils of fully formed limbs.

    So, he looked for exposed 370-375 million year old sedimentary rock (the rock in which fossils are found). He found it on Ellesmere Island. He went on 3 expeditions there to search for fossils.

    He found Tiktaalik.

    If evolution is false, how does it make so many successful predictions?

    Further, let’s switch to medicine. Do you get a new flu shot every year? I have diabetes; so I need to. Why a new one every year? Because influenza evolves. (Check swine flu, a new species.)

    Why do they test medicines on mice, rats, rabbits, pigs, rhesus monkeys, and chimps?

    (Note, I’m not asking a moral question here. I believe it is completely immoral to perform medical tests on chimps and other great apes for any reason.)

    What I am asking though is why does it work??!!?

    If animals are not related to humans, why test medicine on them? Clearly there is nothing to be learned by testing on species that are completely unrelated.

    Since you don’t believe in science, I’d suggest that you go back to the level of technology of biblical times.

  12. #101 – LibertyLover,

    Give the money back to the parents and let them choose how to educate their children. National standards are a failure.

    As this shows, many would choose not to educate their children at all. Will you pay to support the uneducated masses you wish to create?

  13. LibertyLover says:

    #104, You are making an assumption.

    If parents don’t want to educate their kids, no law is going to make them.


  14. #88
    I am fascinated by religions, why we invented them how long will they last, how much they help and hurt society.

    Alfred1 study up on your calculus that gravity thing will be easy for you to except but still no evidence of god sorry.

  15. Beonarri says:

    How does Evolution relate to the age of the Universe? Instead of debating the actual topic at hand, you pigeon hole it into something that’s easier to debate.

    Well, for religious people to debate it, by copying and repeating arguments that have been taken apart and disproven for decades, if not a century. There is no debate in the scientific community. And if evidence came around that proved the existence of a god or gods or god-like beings, who created the Universe, scientists would test that evidence and if it panned out, they’d accept it. That’s how rational thought works.

  16. JimR says:

    M.Scott…”I don’t know … people keep trying to tell me that Πr2. However, everyone knows that Π are round.”

    That’s got to be an old one but I never heard it before… LOL. Maybe I’m getting senile…

    … and good posts BTW.

  17. badtimes says:

    Alfred in #7 has misrepresented the article in Scientific American. I’ll leave it to those who are interested to read the article.
    Alfred, I’ve seen you distort Christian scripture to justify and mandate torture; now (no surprise) you distort this article to support your bizarre personal cosmology. I can only conclude that you are surrounded by an impenetrable shield of self-delusion and sophistry. You evidently exist in an Alfred-centric universe. Good luck to you.

  18. LibertyLover says:

    #109, The only way most religious fanatics would ever accept that is if God himself came down and said, “RTFA!”

    And since we know the odds of that happeni…

    brb, someone just walked into my office

    (mumble, mumble, mumble)

    Never mind.

  19. J says:

    # 88 Alfred1

    “For example, that gravity exists is proved by everything being affected by it, being pulled down by it.”

    Ah no! That is not a proof for any of the theories of gravity I am familiar with. You do realize there is more than one THEORY of gravity right? Being pulled down????? That is such narrow minded thinking. According to one theory of gravity not “everything” is “affected” by it. You are the exact type of person that confuses the FACT of evolution with the numerous theories that explain it. DUMBASS!!!

    Perhaps you should educated yourself about science before you come on here and try to debate a subject that involves it.

  20. #88 – Alfred1,

    #87 Will you accept indirect proof? For example, that gravity exists is proved by everything being affected by it, being pulled down by it.

    You must have missed the latest in creationism, Intelligent Falling.

  21. J says:

    # 88 Alfred1

    Hey Dumbass…….just in case you are wondering. We have much more evidence and understanding of evolution that we do of gravity.

    Go chew on that chum for awhile you dolt!

  22. Rick says:

    It’s still hard to top the time that the Indiana General Assembly tried to legislate the value of pi. But that wasn’t a question of any kind of religious fundamentalist, just an elected official who thought too much of his mathematical skills.

  23. Sea Lawyer says:

    #99 “So there will be no gnab gib (or big crunch).”

    Well that is disappointing. I was looking forward to repeating all of this again in a couple hundred billion years. ><

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    Well, it looks like Alphie has abandoned this thread.

  25. JimR says:

    Re: #116, Fusion… he has to leave when the fallacies of his convictions starts a crack through his delusion. Otherwise he has nothing to live for.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    The best thing about wing nuts like Alphie, Cow-Patty, and others is that they wake people up to the kind of party the Republicans are.

    Thanks guys, it looks like the Democrats will be picking up even more seats in 2010.

  27. Dallas says:

    LOL. That picture of Jesus holding a baby dino is just priceless. So funny.

    As a show of support for my fellow Christians, I will write in 6,500 years as my preference for the age of the universe.

    Hopefully, we can put this issue to bed with a clear majority.

  28. Toxic Asshead says:

    Aw, give poor Alfie a break. There are people who think mankind causes global warming. That’s just as scientific and valid as the stuff he was spouting.

  29. ArianeB says:

    #120 you can give him a break, since your selective beliefs are just as unscientific as his.

    I won’t.

    Global warming has been scientifically proven to be caused by added CO2 in the atmosphere, and fossil fuel burning by humans is the primary source of the added CO2. If you are not willing to accept the hundreds of peer reviewed scientific studies that have proven this, well I have no use for your type of self-selective ignorance either.

  30. ECA says:

    Im going to be on the KIDS SIDE OF THIS..

    no matter what you THINK/beleive/SAY/hear/BITCH ABOUT..

    as a person is growing up..they NEED FACTS.
    If you teach something as FACT..SHOW your proof.

    POINT: Christians AINT been around more then 2009 years..OR are you a believer of the doctrines of the jewish FAITH??
    POINT: this is an open society.. you want ALL TRUTH..fine..lets get Bhudda into this..and HIS creation.. Lets not forget Muslim, Rhashnish(sp) and about 4 other CREATIONIST beliefs..
    Once you get all this into the schooling..we will all be theologists..and can decide for ourselves..

    Unless you wish to teach them yourselves or WITH the school, and goto CHURCH, and BE AT HOME for your child..

    And you wonder WHY kids have a hard time in school.


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