• Activision sales surge.
  • How big can the Kindle get?
  • Microsoft dumps WGA.
  • 3D Realms goes under. No more Duke Nukem Forever.
  • NASA to return to the moon.
  • Hacker steals Virginia health records. He demands $10 million for its return.
  • Twitter co-founder says Twitter not for sale.
  • PC World says Win 7 not that fast.
  • Dell has plans for Android.
  • Microsoft search to be built on open source.
  • As economy softens Microsoft studies the mundane.
  • This show sponsored by Squarespace.com Code word: Tech.

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  1. tcc3 says:

    I guess Duke got some more gum. =(

  2. Angel H. Wong says:

    Why they killed Duke Nukem? Was it because of the violence? NO! Was it because the police were portrayed as anthropomorphic pigs? NO! Was it because you can kill your enemies in more fun ways that Soldier of Fortune does? NO!


  3. Esteban says:

    The reason PC World is going up in search results: PCMag no longer has a print edition. 🙁

  4. Zybch says:

    #2 I just started playing SoF again yesterday for the first time in AGES, found the CDs in a box of forgotten stuff during a clean up.
    I love that you can shoot people’s arms and legs off, and the “Groin Shot!” always brings a smile to my face and a tear to my eye.
    Pity SoF II was so lame.

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    Wow, Wong!

    Let me tell you why Duke Nukem Forever died.

    It because the whole thing was a S-C-A-M!

    Apparently it was easier and more profitable to soak the investor Cash-Cow for 20 years or so than actually sell a product with a 6 month shelf life.

    The cow simply ran dry.

    About the Kindle II. I would buy one in a heartbeat if the price were ~$200 + dollars.

    I’ve got a whole slew of PDF books I would like to get to but simply don’t because they are well over 400 pages each and the printing cost alone would be far over $200. But for what Amazon wants? No way, not until the price goes way down.

  6. Glenn E. says:

    It so nice (no, not really!) that NASA doesn’t feel they should feel the economic pinch, that the rest of the country is facing. In fact, in the face of a near financial meltdown, they lobby to go back to the moon! And for what justifiable and scientifically practical reasons, they’d be very hard pressed to supply. They just want to go there, BECAUSE (mommy). And for that, they should get there annual budget nearly doubled. And I’m sure Obama and congress will comply. Because they’re all just willing (and well fed) pawns of the Aerospace/Military Industrial Complex. For which all this “exploration” is pure gravy, in these hard times. And what an amazing coincidence that the new Star Trek movie comes out, at this time. NOT! Hollywood is just such a pimp for all things taxpayer paid for. The filmmakers get a huge financial break, on the use of government owned hardware and personnel (soldiers). So to not promote costly programs, would very likely cost them dearly, in future productions. And the Pentagon still runs an office for censoring and approving ALL Tv and Movie scripts (not just the ones about military life).

  7. Glenn E. says:

    There has been all this talk of late about the PC becoming obsolete. And something like a cross between the Kindle and the iPhone taking its place. I think that’s a mistaken belief. The PC has yet to tackle true 3D display. Or maybe some kind of screen-free visual output, that can detect hand movements or interactions. IOWs, point to something being displayed in thin air, and the PC would react. A possible replacement for the computer mouse. Or at least an aid to it.

    But until computing device learn how to accurately interpret human speech. I can’t see the PC and its keyboard disappearing too soon. And I’m not comfortable with the whole Cloud Computing concept anyway. It takes control away from the users, as to what they are allowed to do with their personal information. It could easily degrade into a “Big Brother” style of information control. Either overtly or covertly (probably the latter, at first). And the corporations in control of the cloud software, could be taken over at any time, by another entity, or the government off on some anti-terrorist campaign. I’m sure there will be some justification made for why your silvery data cloud suddenly has a dark and sinister lining.

  8. Uncle Patso says:

    Why go back to the moon? 1) To mine all the Helium3, of course! 2) Tourism! 3) To build and launch the Mars mission!

    I like the tweeting birds! They sound even louder and more numerous than the ones outside my window right now!

  9. Dallas says:

    How big can the Kindle get?

    My Kindle can get pretty big. Har

  10. Paddy-O says:

    Hmm, Win 7 not much better than Vista. Vista slower than XP. Vista never gained traction in the enterprise. What is the market for 7 other than new home machines?

  11. amodedoma says:

    Microsoft is studying energy use. I find that hard to believe. Let’s face it PC’s are ramping up their electrical consumption in line with the OS’s they support. Thanks to M$ Gigawatts of energy are getting totally wasted so people can be impressed with the WOW factor. Most PC users aren’t doing anything that requires a multi processor running at breakneck speed. Yes, who’d of guessed it more power equals more power consumption. If I were a student I’d base a thesis on this one cause it’s big. We could probrably turn climate change around if we’d just use the PC power we need.

  12. Angel H. Wong says:

    #12 Amodedoma,

    Unfortunately, most users want things pretty and would rather waste electricity on it.

  13. deowll says:

    The guy is smart but foolish. If he’d just sold the data on the black market he might have gotten away with it. Now he is being seriously hunted and he didn’t get paid.

    I’d suggest he get rid of all the evidence and get on with his life.

    We’re the government. You can trust us with your data. Sure we can.

  14. deowll says:

    On the size of the kendle.

    I’d say about the size of a legal pad.

    I can see putting those in a library or lugging them to class.

    However, as along as this ereader costs as much or more than a netbook or a cheap laptop I don’t see much reason to buy an ereader rather than a netbook/laptop unless the ereader can do as much as the netbook/laptop.


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