Legalize marijuana? Schwarzenegger says let’s debate it | — This is actually an issue that the Republicans can take to the bank (in more ways than one) if they jump on the legalization bandwagon. Obama has done nothing in this regard.

It wasn’t as though Arnold Schwarzenegger held a press conference with Cheech and Chong in the back of a van and said, “Whoa, I have this awesome idea, man…” The governor was asked if he would support the legalization and taxation of marijuana to help the state of California get out of its budgetary mess.

No, he doesn’t support that — at least right now. He said specifically, “No, I think it’s not time for that.”

It was the rest of his statement, however, that’s caused a stir around the pro-legalization world. The governor said it should be talked about.

“I think it’s time for a debate,” he said. “I think all of those ideas of creating extra revenues, I’m always for an open debate on it.”

  1. Brian says:

    Well for starters it could save the 10 billion that is spent in CA every year on eradication.

    Will not even guess how much they would save by not jailing pot smokers.

  2. Paddy-O says:

    It would bring some tax $ in. Most would stay underground to avoid, as they do now.

    Brian, CA spends almost nothing on jailing pot smokers.

  3. Improbus says:

    Legalize marijuana … what is the downside? Empty beds in prisons?

  4. Breetai says:

    It wont bring in Tax money. that’s pie in the sky it’s a freaking weed anybody and everybody can grow it on thier own.

    Dosen’t matter Republicans are too stupid to take advantage of it, they’re dead in californiae.

  5. Angus says:

    I guess the question is whether it’s a states’ rights issue, or a federal government issue. I tend to think that it’s an interstate commerce issue. If it’s legal in Cali, then other states need to respect that law, hence, a grey area.

  6. Bob says:

    As someone who is in favor a legalization, I don’t think the republicans are going to do it. In many ways this is whats killing them. Its ok to have your beliefs rooted in Christianity, but you have to temper that with the belief in individual responsibility. i.e. if somone is not hurting anyone but themselves by smoking pot, then whats the problem with letting them do it?

    I mean telling people how to run their life? That’s the exact same thing the democrats do.

  7. Bob says:

    #5, while I agree its a state issue. I also have to say, I don’t think it would be as big of a problem. In many ways it would be like gambling is now with Nevada. You can smoke as much pot as you want in California, but the moment you step out of the state and into say… Oregon, you need to be drug free.

  8. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    Marijuana has personally cost me a small fortune. Those seeds in joints explode and burn holes in my habit. And then I eat all the communion wafers. I tried the wine and it really sucked, I’d rather drink bong water. It may just be me but I think Kendall-Jackson tastes like Michael Jackson.

  9. Thinker says:

    Perhaps he wants to debate it so it can be put to rest. Legalization is a bad idea.

    #5 States can differ on what is permissable and whats not. Witness the issues of ‘Gay Marriage’, states are not required to recognize one performed in Hawaii, though they may choose too. Indeed States will acutally say explictly that they do recognize ‘something’ that was done in another state.

  10. Ah_Yea says:

    Refreshing that a politician wants to talk about this.

    Although anyone can grow marijuana if they wanted, the same goes for tobacco.

    And I don’t see very many people growing tobacco to avoid the cigarette tax.

  11. Paddy-O says:

    # 4 Breetai said, “they’re dead in californiae.”

    And with them, California’s financial stability died.

  12. Dave W says:

    Goodness, am I going to have to start liking Schwarzenegger ?

    Of course it is about time. It’s about time that government gets it through its head that it is none of their business what I or anyone else ingests. This is an excellent start, and it actually takes some balls, which Schwarzenegger actually appears to have.

    As for money..sure, its a weed that people can grow, but guess what? The supermarket produce departments are chock full of plants that people could grow if they wanted to. Most people chose not to for one reason or another. Like many, I live in an apartment building (same goes for condos) with no place for planting crops. Add to that I have a red (opposite of green) thumb and have managed to kill each and every plant I’ve ever tried to grow, so I wouldn’t bother.

    Hey, we have a Black president, gay marriage in Iowa, and General Motors, Chrysler and Bank of America are insolvent. If you’d told me these things 10 years ago, I’d have fitted you for a jacket with very, very long sleeves.

  13. ECA says:

    lets add a few other thoughts on this..
    MJ or hemp production?

    HEMP is illegal for a few reasons.
    It can be used to make paper and the WOOD corps dont like this idea. Its renewable.
    It can be used to be GREAT clothing. THAT LASTS. NO SHEEP, NO COTTON PLANTATIONS.
    Cross pollination with MJ, kills the BUZZ that MJ gives people. So, MJ has to be isolated.
    EVEN ALASKA can grow HEMP and MJ, 1 crop per year. Other places can grow upto 6 crops per year.
    It can be used a PULP product, EVEN corn stalks can, to make structured materials. to replace LUMBER.

    HEMP and MJ could be made CHEAPER then WOOD, Cloth, Medicines, and so forth..

  14. Cursor_ says:

    Outside of medical use Marijuana has no other useful purpose.

    I say legalise the medical use and make recreational use an offense you can be fined for but not imprisoned.

    No one should use any drug unless they are sick anyway.


  15. tomdennis says:

    I’ll pay the smoke’m tax on a pack and I won’t drive stoned.

  16. Alex says:

    “Outside of medical use Marijuana has no other useful purpose.”

    Well, let’s assume for a second your statement isn’t false, which I consider it is (recreation is a useful purpose, and this isn’t exactly the first thing we grow that has primarily a recreation purpose – see, e.g., tobacco, and alcohol). Your statement is like saying “Outside of nutritional value, Corn has no other useful purpose.”

    It does what it *does*. It creates no chemical dependency (though it can create a mental dependency; but so can everything else), it’s entirely nonviolent, studies suggest it’s non-carcinogenic, and it’s intoxication effects are far less collaterally dangerous than alcohol or other “hard” drugs. There’s no logical, clear reason to prohibit it, except for the sake of prohibition.

  17. Alex says:

    Also, no one should be surprised Arnie wants to “negotiate” about tokin’ up. He’s on film smoking a J on his “Pumping Iron” video. Self-medicating, as it were.

  18. Think2wice says:

    Interesting how everyone focuses on the money. Not one thinks of the problems as the result of making pot legal.

    People are the problem in this issue, more thatn the pot. Like alcohol and cellphones, it’s the abuse and misuse of the item.

    Alcohol is legal, it’s taxed, and look at all the health, safety and legal cost are involved in dealing with it’s abuse and misuse.

    Califonria passed laws that prohibited the use of cellphones and texting while driving. I still see people doing it, I even saw a cop the other day doing it.

    If anyone need a reason not to legalize pot to the masses. Imagine a whole state full of “Steve-Os

  19. Jägermeister says:

    Election coming up?

  20. RTaylor says:

    We can’t win the battle with the big drug lords. There’s an endless supply of entrepreneurs waiting to take over if you knock out one. Our laws just empowers them. Prohibition doesn’t work. The last time I smoked weed was 1978. Today I take xanax and antidepressants. Too many hands are in the pot against legalizing grass.

  21. LibertyLover says:

    #19, Must be.

    And I have no problem legalizing it. I really hate the fact the state sees fit to deny just such a freedom as to engage in a recreational activity that hurts no one.

    That being said, I don’t smoke it. Not because it’s illegal but because I am such a control freak I don’t like being incapacitated even slightly. Don’t drink much, either 🙂

  22. brm says:

    There’s nothing to discuss.

    Alcohol is more dangerous, yet it’s legal. If pot is ilegal, booze should be illegal. Otherwise, free the weed. End of discussion.

  23. brm says:


    Please turn in all your caffeine.

    “No one should use any drug unless they are sick anyway.”

    This is just what you think, and it’s stupid. Define ‘drug.’ Define ‘sick.’

  24. Thinker says:

    ahh…I think the ‘debate’ Arnold’s looking for is for other inventive ideas to create revenue, but not with legalization of drugs.

    Re-read the above bit…Cagey politician.

  25. SparkyOne says:

    Due to drought conditions I removed my back lawn over a year ago. I still grow grass, just not the kind the DEA likes. Very little water is required, low maintenance except for that damn harvest time (four per year where I live) but I have managed to bruit-force my way through two or three weekends of “yard work”.

  26. bogart says:

    I don’t drink, don’t smoke, don’t toke, caffeine is my only monkey but come on this is so obvious. After the dismal failure of Prohibition in the US and the illegal cannabis trade showing the same plight as illegal alcohol did, having it be legalize is the only rational thing to do.

    Sell it just like alcohol and tobacco the ATF can be the ATFMj

    Think about it the 18 Amendment is the only Amendment United States Constitution that has been repealed. hmmm wonder why… goes against 200,000 years of human nature. (that’s 6500 years for you that buy that myth)

  27. brm says:


    “Sell it just like alcohol and tobacco the ATF can be the ATFMj”

    But we don’t have an agency that sticks its nose in when I want to sell vegetables from my garden. That’s part of the ‘problem’ with weed – anyone can grow it.

  28. bogart says:

    not sure about your neck of the woods

    Most States permit the manufacture of wine or beer in home for personal consumption, and not for sale.

  29. bogart says:

    28 continued sorry hit post to soon

    The selling part is where the tax money would come from and the buyers would get to buy a consistent product in safe places from unarmed sellers.

  30. #4 people can grow tomatoes too, but they still buy then at the store.


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