(Click photo to enlarge.)

You’ve got to give them credit. They’re consistent in their protection of greed.

President Obama and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner announced on Monday a crackdown on offshore tax havens that could produce $210 billion in new tax revenue over the next decade.

The White House will face opposition to the proposal from the business community and Congress. Before the announcement, a Republican leadership staffer circulated an email citing a Bloomberg report saying the proposal “would be the biggest tax increase on U.S. corporations since 1986.” And Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell (Ken.) said later on Monday that he could not endorse Obama’s plan since it “gives preferential treatment to foreign companies at the expense of U.S.-based companies.”

  1. LibertyLover says:


    The men (black men) were slaves to other men (white men). The women were chattels and had no vote. Is that not beholden? Slaves are explicitly mentioned in the constitution.


    There comes a point where I have to ask if you are even reading the posts or just picking out what you want to see.

    Did you not see this in the numerous posts, in numerous different formats?

    Already answered. The culture at the time only counted White Men as “men.” […] The culture has evolved to include women, indians, blacks, asians, etc into the definition of “men.” The idea of freedom in that regard has not changed.

    I believe that answers your questions.

    Another was the advantage of his birth.

    How did his birth help him?

  2. #97 – Liberty Bullshit Artist,

    It is you who are not reading posts. By today’s standards, many human beings were not free. You refuse to answer this crucial issue.

    Do you believe black men are the equal of white men? I do.

    Do you believe black men deserve freedom? I do.

    Do you believe black men were free when the constitution was written? I don’t.

    You sir, are completely and utterly full of shit.

    As for Gates, being born in a privileged family as opposed to in the slums with access to good schools as opposed to completely and utterly insufficient schools is a huge advantage.

    Granted, it is an advantage that both of us likely had. However, it is an advantage that a great many people are lacking.

    Those born into slums are far less likely to become the next Bill Gates, no?

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    #91, Liberty Liar,

    #89, If you need to depend upon others’ writings to form your own opinions then you don’t have much of a critical thinking capacity.

    Again, you are wrong. How does it feel to be wrong so much?

    I quote from other people’s writing when they say more eloquently what I believe. I found the theories. I didn’t have to be convinced of them.

    It is called “parroting”. Several time you have referred others to read sites or books and articles espousing your point of view. You didn’t take short passages to back up a fact, but opinion as if some Liebertarian is a smarter person or has some authority. Some High School drop out’s diatribe about how income tax is illegal is not an expert opinion.

    Others, such as Misanthropic Scott (as do I) also often cites articles and books. The difference there is he is backing up an argument already made with a source of factual information. Again, the difference is an extinction of a species is factual, who is the worse politician is opinion.

    Telling us we don’t know or understand an argument because we didn’t read a specific opinion article is farcical. That is the same argument Alfred1 constantly makes in regards to his bible.

    Well, I have to go. Have a good day.

    You always seem to run off when confronted with a lucid argument. Why is that?

    Nope. I stick around much longer than others to answer your silly points. Some of us however, do have things to do other than sit in mommy’s basement typing on a computer.

    The silly thing is I gave you notice that I had other obligations. I extended a courtesy that I was not slighting you by not answering. Instead you accuse me of running off as if you frighten me.

    Posers don’t frighten me.

  4. LibertyLover says:

    #97, Do you believe black men are the equal of white men? I do.

    Do you believe black men deserve freedom? I do.

    Do you believe black men were free when the constitution was written? I don’t.

    I agree.

    This doesn’t negate the fact that the idea of freedom, of a people not subservient to any one thing or person, was truly born.

    If aliens were to land today and be granted full citizenship, would that negate the fact that because they weren’t considered in the original definition of men, make the definition of freedom any less accurate? No.

    You sir, are completely and utterly full of shit.

    Ah, the response of those who can’t seem to justify their responses.

    I already know you are not a fan of the republican ideal (not the party, but the structure). I didn’t realize you also weren’t a fan of the idea of freedom from tyranny.

  5. LibertyLover says:


    I gonna play you for a minute:

    You don’t know what you are talking about. You are wrong. I don’t need to show you are wrong because other people agree with me. I can post links because they mean something but all of your links are shit because they come from someone who doesn’t believe in the Obamessiah. blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

    There. Now we’re even.

    The silly thing is I gave you notice that I had other obligations. I extended a courtesy that I was not slighting you by not answering.

    Says you. If that had been the only thing you wrote, I would have accepted that. Telling me I am full of shit and THEN saying good bye is akin to screaming, “I’m taking my bat and ball and going home.”

  6. #99 – Liberty Loser,

    When Iceland was founded, they brought their slaves with them (mainly Irish and Scots). The Chieftains ruled for generations.

    This was a quote from your post #67. You used this statement to prove that Iceland did not start the ideal of people not being subservient to others.

    So, if slavery negates this idea for you, then you should remain consistent in your beliefs.

    If (Slavery != free society in Iceland) then Slavery != free society in America.

    Have you no logic circuits? Or, do you not read your own posts?


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