OLBERMANN: Sean, my offer still stands, 1,000 dollars a second. This is not a stunt nor game. Prove to those families you are a man of your word. In fact, prove you are a man.

For that kind of money, I could hang in there for a while……or barring that, how do I contribute?

  1. I think he said that injest as it wasn’t an official announcement. So where’s the story?

  2. eaze says:

    toture has only increased since the last administration, lets not make this a blame bush thing.

  3. Dallas says:

    Subjecting themselves to torture could be a huge fund raising idea for Republicans.

    This puts me in an interesting dilemma but put me down for $1,000 for 3 continuous minutes for Cheney.

  4. diggerkm2002 says:

    I’d pay a ton to see Oberstupid waterboarded!

  5. Flip Wilson says:

    The douche DID say he’d do it for charity.

    Goes to prove that the douche is in fact a douche.

    Hey, sure Olberman is being opportunistic, but that’s besides the point.

    Let’s call a douche a douche — Hannity is in fact a chicken-hawk douche.

    Actually he’s a pussy. Sorry you douches. He’s actually a pussy.

  6. Tom says:

    #1. Of course he said it jokingly. You don’t think this guy has the guts to be tortured for charity now did you?

  7. Hochstetter says:

    “my father served in WWII I can say what ever I want” Can you believe this stuff? That line made me as sick as when Bush said “I earned political capital, and now I intend to spend It” it after winning(?) one of narrowest re-elections in history.

    If it was good enough for the Gestapo and Dick Cheney it should be good enough for Olbermann, as long as Hannity gets the full twenty minute ride. Oh wait torture of mentally ill is probably illegal even if they ask for it. Damn I was counting my pennies to buy into this.

    All kidding aside Weatherboarding is dangerous their is a real risk of brain damage or death this stunt is a bad idea. I’d like Hannity to be canceled and his wako ideas exposed for what they are not killed.

    How long before teenagers are trying this at home and some one gets hurt?

  8. Jägermeister says:

    #6 – Tom – You don’t think this guy has the guts to be tortured for charity now did you?

    No, but he okayed being interrogated – using enhanced interrogation techniques – for charity.

  9. Tom says:

    #9. Uh, OK I’ll bite. So why doesnt he go ahead and do it…you know…for a charity for the servicemen’s families?

    Because it’s torture and Hannity is nothing but a neo con chickenshit blowhard.


  10. echeola says:

    he should do it. there have been several journalists that subjected themselves to it. the conclusion among most is that it sucks.

  11. Hochstetter says:

    Yes MSNBC has taken the Fox model to use for the other side; they both have left the high ground to others. Its torture to watch them I can’t do it glad d vorak. org/blog will give us some tasty parts.

  12. jccalhoun says:

    I think he said that injest as it wasn’t an official announcement. So where’s the story?
    If he says “yes” and then volunteers “I’ll do it for the troop’s families” in jest he has a horrible sense of humor.

  13. BubbaRay says:

    I’ve got a few bucks saved up for waterboarding day, hit ’em both. They’re breathing air a human needs.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #12, Ayatollah1

    Say what? There is a video of Hannity denying water boarding is torture and saying he would do it. How is Olberman twisting or taking his words out of context? Olberman not only is taking him at his word, but is offering significant money to charity for Hannity to do it.

    Typical wing nut. All talk but will never back up what he says or claims. Just like Ayatollah, Cow-Patty, Lyin’ Mike, ‘tempt, ‘dro, RBG, . . .

  15. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Alfred, stop kidding yourself. Hannity made an ass of himself and Olberman called his bluff. It’s really just that simple.

    If anyone wants to see the real wingnuts, head over to foxnews.com and check the comments on the political stories. Those people are seriously freakin’ angry and spouting all sorts of crazy knuckleheaded shit. They certainly have active political fantasies.

  16. Hochstetter says:

    Ad hominem
    That’s a pretty big word for our little Alfred1 here actually that would be a great nick name for him

    “Everything Obermann said about Hannity is a lie, a complete mischaracteriztion of the event.”

    So you didn’t watch both videos come on is English a second language for you? “Everything”?

    Charles Grodin out Hannited Hannity, Obermann doing his Job (call out Fox hypocrites and ignore his own) hopped on it. WELL PLAYED!
    Balls in Hannity court. He should be more careful when he has another player (Grodin) in the game.

    This could actually happen its all about ratings and money not principles. The principles of the viewers is just what they use to sell the shows to sheep who watch them.

    This could be the best media catfight since Jon Stewart VS. Jim Cramer.

  17. Montanaguy says:

    No one sees the irony in this? A liberal mouthppiece paying to torture another person??

  18. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Alfred, are you brain dead or just stupid?

    “We can waterboard you? Sure. I’ll do it for charity.

    “Put your money where your mouth is.”

    Don’t spin this, just listen to the words Hannity says. If he backs out, he confirms his status as a gasbag weasel-mouthed sh!thead.

  19. Hochstetter says:


    Olbermann: “Hannity volunteers to be waterboarded and says he will do it for the families of the troops”

    Groden: would you consent to be waterboarded so we can get the truth out of you?
    Hannity: Sure

    Groden asks for a volunteer and gets it.

    so Everything Olbermann said was not a lie.

    Hannity has to stay in character while he is on the air and support this wacky notion that waterboarded is not torture. Groden’s quick wit seized on this and took him to task.

    Now Hannity has to put up or look even more stupid you think this is a circus is bad wait until Monday when Colbert and Stewart get a hold of it.

    Olbermann show has to show up with 20k or lots more in cash for the fun.

    I think this is a bad idea and just might happen we men are in reality pretty stupid when some one ask us to step outside for no good reason except foolish pride.

  20. Two to the Head says:

    #20 Alfred1


    Hello kettle? Pot calling.

  21. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Oh, and the context is this…Hannity has met his match in a face-to-face interview, something he’s usually far too chicken to do live…he never allows anyone else to control the conversation, which lets him jump away from topics he doesn’t want to discuss. His mic is always hotter then anyone else, he always shouts down the other if he doesn’t like where they’re headed or what’s being said…but not here.

    Hannity got owned big time. Olberman is a blowhard, but none of his facts are wrong. None of them.

  22. Not-Alfred1 says:

    The distraction of ‘waterboarding’ and the debate of it’s use a torture.

    a) Hannity said he would do it… he should go ahead and do it, not once, not twice, but a dozen times. Once is not torture, it is an experiment.

    b) Then if he is any kind of reporter, maybe he should start to investigate the 27 documented deaths that have happened during interrogation. We may not talk about that in the USA, but the rest of the world sure does.

    The problem with torture is where do you stop. Should we torture drug users to find out who their dealer is? Should we torture brown people to find out if they are in the USA legally? Should we torture you to make sure that you are not a child molester? How often should we schedule your interrogation to find out if you paid your taxes? You sat next to someone on the no-fly list.. we better interrogate you. Joe over there said you are a terrorist… torture will let us know if you are telling the truth!

  23. Hugh Ripper says:

    There needs to be a ‘torture awareness’ course or a ‘torture theme park’ available for torture deniers to be able to experience interrogation first hand and make up their own minds on what constitutes torture.
    Plus it will be really good experience for surviving the inevitable police state.

  24. RBG says:

    28 Not-Alfred1

    I see where you’re going with this. When we torture people with bullets going randomly through enemy guts in Afghanistan, then by your logic, this must lead to shooting people for smoking in the US. How can it be possible for anyone to draw the line?

    Or maybe we can just torture those who say they know but won’t tell where they placed a bomb to kill American soldiers.

    We’ll use the same people in our society we entrust every day to make important life-or-death decisions to also know the appropriate use of torture.


  25. Traaxx says:

    That’s racist, “if you weren’t jew like me, I’d have problem with you”. Shows the true colors of the progressive Demon-autocrats. So only a Jew can have those view……………..


  26. bobbo says:

    Its not torture when you volunteer to do it and it will stop when you say so.

    Hannity the Manatee is a flaming repuglican hypocrite, just like Alfie, and Olberman “made” news by underlining it for all to see in its starkest ugliest form.

    Still surprising/educational/confirming/sad/damaging to America to see it all in real time hypocrisy though.

  27. Mr Diesel says:

    It seems like a far characterization to say that Hannity said he would do it for charity.

    While I’m conservative and listen to his radio show often I think that he should do it. A man is only as good as his word.

    If only there was some way to get him to last for a couple of minutes to really put a squeeze on Olberdick’s wallet that would be great.

    Hannity said it and Olberdick didn’t lie about it or twist anything.

  28. Mr. Fusion says:

    Slightly off topic,

    I am imagining a scenario where Congress holds hearings on torture. Those who authorized the use should be asked if water boarding is torture. If they agree then fine. Allow them to explain why it was authorized.

    If they deny it is torture then water board them until they tell how much they didn’t pay in taxes last year, how often they cheat on their spouse, are they really gay, have they had an intimate sexual affair with Rush Limbaugh, how often did they do drugs in the Oval Office with George Bush, etc. Since this isn’t torture, repeated sessions might be in order. Then we’ll allow the wing nuts to determine how much information should be used later.

  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    #34, Mr. Diesel,

    If only there was some way to get him to last for a couple of minutes to really put a squeeze on Olberdick’s wallet that would be great.

    Maybe Hannity could get some of his friends that also deny water boarding is torture to also take a turn. I think maybe George Bush and Dick Cheney together could garner enough pledges to, if not pay off, substantially pay down the national debt.

  30. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #34…Hannity has stepped in it big time. If he doesn’t do it, he’s a liar. If he goes for it and doesn’t last long, the “enhanced interrogation” spin is skewered. The only way he gets out of this with his honor intact is to last several minutes to prove it’s not so bad.


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