Jacqui Smith’s secret plan to carry on snooping – Times Online — This is how you can get control and maintain control of a populace for political and economic reasons. Can you imagine what kind of money you can make if you had access to anyone’s phone calls and email whenever you wanted it? Wow!

SPY chiefs are pressing ahead with secret plans to monitor all internet use and telephone calls in Britain despite an announcement by Jacqui Smith, the home secretary, of a ministerial climbdown over public surveillance.

GCHQ, the government’s eavesdropping centre, is developing classified technology to intercept and monitor all e-mails, website visits and social networking sessions in Britain. The agency will also be able to track telephone calls made over the internet, as well as all phone calls to land lines and mobiles.

The £1 billion snooping project — called Mastering the Internet (MTI) — will rely on thousands of “black box” probes being covertly inserted across online infrastructure.

  1. Faxon says:

    This sounds good.

  2. sargasso says:

    If you’re a foreign company representative in London trading in competition with a wholly owned UK firm, pack up now.

  3. deowll says:

    Can you encode? If you can they still need a warrent or maybe not. These people have their heads up everybody’s bums in the people’s best interest of course.

  4. Nimby says:

    More and more, it seems, the UK is ignoring what it’s citizens and even legislators say. No wonder Scotland is pushing to secede. Great Britain is rapidly becoming Fascist Britain. But, don’t worry: it’s for our own good.

    I understand the conspiracists are saying the swine flu is a genetically engineered bioweapon that will take out mostly Asians and Hispanics. Do you suppose we could engineer one that would take out only politicians?

  5. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    With widespread deployment, the police would have no excuse for not totally eliminating child porn providers and consumers in the UK. Or they might have to admit they were grossly overstating the child porn numbers from the beginning.

  6. Traaxx says:

    Hey Nimby,

    Good idea, could you extend it to NY and CA, LA and SF.



  7. Traaxx says:
    [Duplicate comment removed – Ed.]


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