Griddle Virgin Mary and masked Mexican wrestlers. What more could you ask for? Sounds like the start of a script for a Will Ferrell movie. Or for drumming up business for your restaurant.

A restaurant in the small town of Calexico on the California-Mexico border has attracted a lot of diners after the image of the Virgin Mary was reported to have appeared on the food griddle.

After the restaurant’s cook reported the sighting of Our Lady of Guadalupe, restaurant manager Brenda Martinez revealed that there have been more than 100 people who have visited the place to have a look at the image.

Among the awe-struck was a group of masked Mexican wrestlers who arrived on April 30 for an exhibition at a nearby swap meet.

  1. the real alfred says:

    Wow alfred1, you’re a bucket of yucks. Is there any thread that you can’t kill?

  2. The Warden says:

    Looks more like a Mexican drug lord took the genitals of someone he didn’t like and grilled them.

  3. Faxon says:

    Putting this stupidity out there just encourages the ignorant masses to look at it and somehow equate a smear of oil to some religious dogma crap. If the fuckless Virgin Mary wanted to magically make her totally vague and incoherent image appear somewhere, surely she would choose a good god-damn griddle in Mexico. Fuck me.

  4. jescott418 says:

    I guess you can be made to believe whatever you want. But I guess if it reinforces your faith then more power to you!

  5. steve says:

    Am I the only one who thinks this spot looks like a melted dildo?

  6. Dallas says:

    #6.. LOL. I thought the same but was respectful of those that wish to worship it.

  7. Judge Jewdy says:

    #6 – Nah, I was thinking it looks like a butt plug.

  8. Mr Diesel says:


    Now that’s funny. A classy butt plug.

  9. Jägermeister says:

    #8 – Judge Judy

    LOL – It sure does…

  10. m.c. in l.v. says:

    Why is it that she only has one pose? Are people really that stupid? It boggles the mind.

  11. WanKhairil says:

    Here’s a suggestion: In addition to the ‘Myteriously Appearing Deities’ segment, you should also have ‘Mysteriously Appearing Masked Wrestlers’ segment.

    Who knew these guys actually walk around town wearing masks looking at griddles.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #4, faxon

    The virgin Mary bullshit is bullshit. In those times young women often engaged in pre-maritial sex. Nothing new there. Many times they would claim the baby to be divinely inspired. Often, in embarrassment, the family would ship her off to an aunt or sister in another town. Or she would be married to an older man or widower.

    In Mary’s case it would appear that she was married off to someone much older. Whether Joseph believed her claim she was impregnated by a holy spirit or he was happy to get some young meat to boff, we’ll never know. BTW, Mary’s cousin tried the same trick of claiming she got knocked up by a holy spirit first.

    Which is stupider, putting this out there as some sign of divine message or that so many worship Mary for getting knocked up by a ghost?

  13. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #13 – You just know Joseph was thinking, “man, that is the last time I take a job out of town.” And those dicks at work saying, “Hey Joseph, how’s the son of God? Bwahahah.”

  14. Special Ed says:

    Isn’t that blonde wrestler Dog the Bounty Hunter’s wife?

  15. jobs says:

    #15 That was the first thing I thought.

    I don’t think anyone is worshiping this one. Just something to see. You know like if someone had a mole on their butt that looked like Dvorak.

  16. Mac Guy says:



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