Sohn and Shays

In late November, Christopher Shays was still absorbing the shock of having lost his bid for re-election after 22 years in Congress when he made a troubling discovery: Tens of thousands of dollars had disappeared from his campaign treasury.

The news got worse, according to an adviser to Mr. Shays: The man Mr. Shays entrusted to run his political operation for nearly a decade had been quietly draining the account and had spent nearly $200,000 on Red Sox tickets, limousine travel, mysterious withdrawals at the Foxwoods casino and a donation of more than $1,000 to his synagogue.

The campaign manager, Michael Sohn, has not (yet) been charged with a crime…

In an interview this week, Mr. Shays said, “To lose an election is difficult; what happened since then is unimaginable…”

Mr. Sohn began as an intern for Mr. Shays and eventually became one of his most trusted advisers, Mr. Shays said. As campaign manager, he helped lead Mr. Shays to victories through a series of tough elections over the past decade before the congressman’s defeat in November.

It was a tough period politically for Mr. Shays, who until his defeat was the only Republican from New England in the House of Representatives. Democratic leaders in Washington had made him a target for defeat, pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars into the district, while the national Republican Party…left Mr. Shays to fend for himself.

He doesn’t even get a chance to jump to the winning side.

  1. newrepublican says:

    Too bad the neocon royalty couldn’t see fit to support Shays after 22 years.

  2. bill says:

    I used to be a republican, that is, until they gave up.
    I now look forward to be told what to do and how to live the rest of my life.

    No worries!

  3. chris says:

    Those specific expenses sound more like bribes. If the employee was really taking the money himself then he would be in bracelets already. My bet is that a lot of connected people got Red Sox tickets gratis for actual campaign purposes. Politics is sales with pretensions, in sales the person that pushes the product tends to give out the swag.

    If Shays had won do you think these expenses would have been questioned. Now that he doesn’t have a fundraising platform and is paying them on his dollar…

  4. Delta Dan says:

    Mr. Sohn met Mr. Madoff, you know, the rabbi has told us that you too have a lot of connections in the financial market!

  5. Zybch says:

    “mysterious withdrawals at the Foxwoods casino”.

    HUH!! Seriously, wheres the mystery about where that particular money went??

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    #6, Ayatollah1

    This is why only Cow-Patty takes you seriously. He was loyal to the party and you wish him bad.

  7. soundwash says:

    -odd that they bring this up now (again)

    …-you left out the juice tidbit in that article. (and perhaps, some completely baseless speculation)

    “In 2008, Jim Himes, 42, a former Goldman Sachs investment banker and executive with a nonprofit agency that builds urban housing”

    -plus, he graduated from harvard, studied at oxyford and is also connected to the ford foundation..

    he’s as an elite snob connected to corrupt
    money and the upcoming nwo/globalists.

    -shayes didn’t have a chance. lol

    sorry, couldn’t resist.


  8. Rick Cain says:

    I’m sure Shays knew about the embezzlement for quite some time but kept it quiet until after his victory.

    Well the victory thing didn’t quite pan out.

  9. Troublemaker says:

    …and a donation of more than $1,000 to his synagogue.

    I think that about says it all.


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