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The latest bioterrorism attack by the New World Order is likely a beta test. Yes, it is a bioterrorism attack. It was a hybrid strain created from human, swine, and bird flu from North America, Europe, and Asia. It was created in a laboratory. This doesn’t happen in nature.

Baxter was caught shipping a weaponized avian bird flu mixed strain in their vaccines last month in Europe. Again, this is proof that this deadly virus was created in a laboratory because they did exactly that last month. Bayer was caught shipping HIV in their drugs in the 80s. Both of these events are published in mainstream newspapers.

I predicted this event last month in my documented and linked article when Baxter was caught. If Baxter was trying to do this, they weren’t going to stop trying, especially when Baxter wasn’t even prosecuted for the crime, and the television news was completely silent about it…

This latest flu hasn’t been widespread and not that deadly. It seems to be just a beta test and not the real release to drastically reduce the population of the world.

Yes, the ruling elite want to reduce the population of the world. They write about it in their books, in their think tank documents, in government documents, and at their conferences. You won’t hear about it on television news because they’re part of the mainstream media trust, along with AP and Reuters, which are all owned by the same people.

They add the industrial waste and active ingredient of rat poison, known as fluoride, in your water, causing your brain, liver, and bones to rot and decay. They add mercury, which is as toxic as lead or arsenic, to the vaccines as a preservative, causing autism and sudden infant death syndrome, among several other things. Yes, the government hates you and wants to kill you. Government loves war and death.

Read on, brave people. I hope and pray you will have the courage to face up to this conspiracy.

  1. robrites says:

    1. When is the release candidate out?

    2. Can it be transferred via the internet?

  2. Sea Lawyer says:

    Adam Curry, is that you?

  3. Tyson ot NW says:

    Really? Diseases never jump species from pigs to humans? Even though we are close enough to accept tissue and some organs from pigs? And no other disease has ever jumped from bird to pig to human? It hasn’t happened a half a dozen times already in the last 200 years?

  4. Cripes. Everyone is trying to get into the act!

    More proof that libertarians who are liberals are even crazier than the religious right. I like his specious for example:

    This is why you must awaken everybody that the government and big corporations are the terrorists, not Islamic brown people hiding in caves. Switch the word “Islamic” with the word “Jew”, and you’ll understand how Hitler came to power in a democratic society.

    Yes, those radical Jewists bombing places, attacking all who are against them, forcing people to their religion, calling for a new Caliphate. Yes, just like that.

    This guy is as nutty as a fruitcake.

  5. A Nony Mouse says:

    Will we actually be able to get this beta or will MSDN/Technet crash again?

    Also, how long can we run it before we have to purchase the full version?

    This could be a great way to hook people on swine flu and then force them to pay for the full version in a few months. That’s the real danger.

    (PS – How many viruses can I have running concurrently with Swine Flu Starter Edition(TM)?)

  6. dawn says:

    Wow. I didn’t know being a left-wing libertarian was even possible. Guess it is, as long as no logic or sanity are actually involved in the process.

  7. Carcarius says:

    Why not bring back the black death if world population reduction is the motive? I am all for a slimming of our population, but I prefer this to be done through the responsible conception of children and maybe a max of 2 children per household. It’s pretty clear that the planet cannot sustain 10B people. We are more than 2/3 the way there.

  8. Li says:

    The black death can be cured with antibiotics, and requires rats as a vector. Too easy to control.

    I think that the disciples of Malthus are in many positions of power, in government and academia, and most of them would not hesitate to unleash a deadly virus, because they are convinced that the future of the human race depends upon a large population reduction. I know, I have spoken to these people, and there is no ‘conspiracy’ per se in their desires for a massive reduction in population, because they make it no secret and will tell anyone that asks. But they are wrong.

    Despite the Malthusian idea that so many of you have swallowed, I’d wager that the Earth could sustain 5x the current population, but only if we were able to access technologies and systems, present (if occasionally suppressed) in the Western world, to reduce the impact of that population upon the environment and to allow for greater population density. For instance, if we could spread the population density mitigation technologies present in Amsterdam over an area the size of Texas, the entire human race could live in that space with a good part of the state to spare. The real reason that this quintessentially English aristocrat worry bears upon these people is that there would be no room in such a world to be stomping on the face of third world brown people for fun, as the conditions in Mumbai, for instance, really can’t sustain their current populations, and the thought of raising up ‘lesser’ people to their level is unthinkable.

    So, does that mean that this swine flu is some sort of intentional release, a beta test for a worse pandemic that can be carried on the wings of the air, or the hooves on the ground? I actually wonder, frankly; the amount of complexity in this virus, and it’s initial lethality, seem to be higher than nature would normally provide. Virus’ tend towards less complexity and less lethality, as necessary for their own survival. But I can not know. I just hope that we confront the Malthusians before their legacy is the destruction of a large part of the human race, the genetic diversity of which is vital for us to be able to colonize the stars as the centuries wear on.

  9. wumpus says:

    While public awareness of zoonotic disease has grown in recent years, it does not mean that they are manufactured infectious diseases or that the “1-world consortium” weaponized the H1N1 serotype. Also, I sincerely doubt that the morans who wrote this article would understand even the slightest attack rate or case fatality rate of microbial infections. H1N1 is not nearly as “deadly” as boring old flu; however, given the haphazard way that viruses replicate it is possible that a mutation might make H1N1 extremely pathogenic.

    #7 Unfortunately introducing Yersinia Pestis back into the population would not have nearly the desired affect. The plague got a lot of help from abysmal public sanitation and the ignorance of the general public — at least one of those factors has changed 😉
    Now if we could only convince other people not to have 6+ children we might be able to stop overpopulation.
    Some theorize that the rise of chronic disease (obesity) etc will end up having the same affect as an infectious pandemic. See L. Gordis’ Epidemiology for an interesting read.

    Whatever the case may be, it sure makes my chosen profession more exciting to talk about at parties!

  10. Robart says:

    If you were the POTUS you could easily sneak a little swine flu into a country and take out a few peeps.

    Dang, I gotta quit listening to Curry.

  11. gquaglia says:

    Tin foil time!

  12. Thinker says:

    Don’t let them flouridate your water!

  13. wumpus says:

    Don’t let them fluoridate your coffee, its messes with the taste of donuts when you dunk them.

  14. Li says:

    “Some theorize that the rise of chronic disease (obesity) etc will end up having the same affect as an infectious pandemic. See L. Gordis’ Epidemiology for an interesting read.”

    Problem is, that these diseases tend to strike the over-fed and over-stimulated populations in 1st world countries, and these nations typically already have ZPG or near ZPG birth rates.

    The key to reducing birth rates is spreading security within the social fabric and modern living technologies, which tend to push back the age of initial birth, and thus reduce the birth rate greatly overall. Remember, in the 3rd world a big family is the only social security in one’s old age that people can even hope to have.

  15. Reality Check says:

    I predict an ongoing event that will kill about 6 billion people in the next 100 years… yes, you read it correctly, within the next 100 years 6 billion people will perish, most of them a slow and drawn out death… many of them wishing for death at the end.

    This is 100% guaranteed to happen… there is no technology of any sort that can stop it.

    Weird thing is out of the 6 Billion that will go away… how many will be truly missed? Basically none.

  16. thefakedvorak says:

    i’ll miss you reality check 🙁

  17. wumpus says:

    #14 Perhaps the ZPG decline will even out with the 3rd world 8PG growth. Survival of the fittest I guess.
    I agree, the chronic disease take way to long to do their business on the population.

    #15 We really need a robot uprising to finish the job.

  18. Jim says:

    Oh no, fluoridated water spilling flu viruses into the rivers and streams!!! Aggggh!

    Hmm… wait, that happens anyway.

    Ok, nevermind.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    I would think a Liberal Libertarian is an oxymoran cooked up by evangelical right wing nuts to explain why not everyone supports torture.

  20. Guyver says:

    19, No, it’s not an oxymoron. Not every Libertarian was against the war nor do they agree on the definition of “torture”. So yes there are left and right leaning Libertarians.

    The liberals in society want to call damn near almost anything torture it seems. I shudder to think what a liberal will label sleep deprivation. There’s a huge difference in making someone fearful of dying or breaking their will versus actual decapitation and physical mutilation.

    The liberals see fear and physical pain as one in the same. But sure, we can all live in a world where asking bad guys nicely means they’ll tell us everything we need to hear.

    Although the Libertarian Party had an anti-Iraq War platform, there are plenty of Libertarians who did not agree with that stance… one of a number of reasons why the Libertarian Party is fractured.

    Some in the LP party argue that Iran has a right to make nukes as a sovereign country. (These are the same Libertarians who are anti-Iraq war). On the principle of the matter, I’ll agree that as a country they have that “right”. But with a very high degree of certainty, we pretty much also know what the Iranians are going to do with those nukes.

    So do you prevent what will most likely happen? Or do you wait to put out fires? If you are a Libertarian who believes in Iran has a right to make their nukes, then you believe in a “wait and see” stance and lean to the left. If you are a Libertarian who believes that we should stop Iran from making nukes because we know it’s highly likely it’s going to be used against us directly by the Iranians or through one of their “customers”, then you believe in being proactive about a likely national threat and you lean to the right.

    In either case, national defense matters and the topic of “torture” are two topics the Libertarians cannot agree upon because people are actually split on the matter. Not so for Liberals and Conservatives.

    Believe it or not even abortion can be a sticky topic amongst Libertarians.

  21. 888 says:

    What’s wrong with some pruning of the most useless species on the planet? We didn’t have any major numbers-reducing war for one of the longest periods of time in history I guess, people simply became so unpatriotic and don’t want to die for their countries anymore (except for few religious freaks like some muslims).
    Of course Govts. had to take necessary steps.

    Bad job, Baxter.
    Keep on trying (but not too hard, as I’m sure you don’t want to go back to stone ages).

  22. Mark T. says:

    I was listening to XM radio the other morning on the way to work and caught some of “Coast to Coast” with George Noory.

    They had a guy on that was explaining how the Swine Flu was created in a lab by modifying the Asian Bird Flu. He claimed that the Bird Flu was created by secret government agents to kill Asians. The new virus outbreak is supposedly aimed at Asians again but since, he claims, that Native Americans are Asian in descent, that the flu will only kill Asians and Hispanics!

    So, if you are of European, African, or Middle Eastern descent, then you are SAFE! No worries for you!

  23. Greg Allen says:

    “New World Order” is so yesterday.

    It is now the “National Council for a New America” that has all the conspiracy gang freaked out.

  24. Nimby says:

    I can’t access the article. Access Denied (license expired) says the error message. Not really important. Just wondering if it was Alex Jones? Every now and then I’ll download his show and have a laugh. Must be scary to live in his world…

    Anyway, I can’t believe honorable people like Oblahblahblahma would be involved in such a dastardly conspiracy. Besides, the flu only really takes out the old and the sick. So, if this epidemic did run rampant thru the US it would only save Social Security and make any new health care plan more feasible.

    Oh, wait…

  25. the real alfred says:

    Take you pick of conspiracy theorists.

    Make no mistake about it. Illegal aliens are carriers of the new strain of human swine avian flu from Mexico… Could this be a terrorist attack…?”

    Radio Host Michael Savage

  26. rasmuno says:

    The flu comes every year killing 36 thousand in the US and more in countries with poor hygene.

    And yeah, there are almost 7 billion people in the world right now, almost all of them will be dead in 100 years.

  27. woody says:

    Tob shebbe goyim harog!

  28. Rick says:

    I don’t doubt for a second that the nWo types want me dead. But seriously, fluoride strengthens teeth.

  29. Hugh Ripper says:

    Ok. Bear with me here. This guy is a little nutty but..

    If you were actually trying to get H1N1 to mutate to a more deadly strain, how would you go about it? Maybe its difficult to do it in a lab and it would require releasing it into a densely populated area and see what happens. Mexico?

    With the absence of morality I see amongst right wingers and corporatists, I’m sure doing something like this would not way too hard on the conscience.

    I love conspiracy theories in the same way I like a good political thriller. This guys attitude is a little too paranoid for mine, but this heart is in the right place.

    JCD says “Yes, those radical Jewists bombing places, attacking all who are against them, forcing people to their religion, calling for a new Caliphate. Yes, just like that.”

    You could argue that the Iraq war(s) were doing the same thing with Christianity at the helm. I agree its trendy amongst the liberal left to rail against Islamophobia in the name of political correctness, but its only a small minority of muslims that want to destroy the West and install Sharia. We need to remember that hating the muslim world because of the actions of a few nutjobs is unjust.

  30. McCullough says:

    While I agree that the guy is a little nutty, let’s not lose focus on some of the charges. Bayer DID KNOWINGLY ship AIDS tainted product overseas, Baxter DID release flu vaccine with the live bird flu virus in it. And that’s what is admitted. And nobody has done anything about it. Spare me your tin-foil hat bullshit. Where the fuck are your priorities?

    Conspiracy or not, are you people so stupid that you would take a vaccine from the morons at Baxter. Really? Because either it was a potentially fatal mistake that can cause a world wide pandemic, or it was intentional. Screw it. Line up for your gov’t mandated flu shot , maybe you idiots need to die.


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