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The more often Americans go to church, the more likely they are to support the torture of suspected terrorists, according to a new survey.

More than half of people who attend services at least once a week — 54 percent — said the use of torture against suspected terrorists is “often” or “sometimes” justified. Only 42 percent of people who “seldom or never” go to services agreed, according the analysis released by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life.

White evangelical Protestants were the religious group most likely to say torture is often or sometimes justified — more than six in 10 supported it. People unaffiliated with any religious organization were least likely to back it. Only four in 10 of them did.

The religious group most likely to say torture is never justified was Protestant denominations — such as Episcopalians, Lutherans and Presbyterians — categorized as “mainline” Protestants, in contrast to evangelicals. Just over three in 10 of them said torture is never justified. A quarter of the religiously unaffiliated said the same, compared with two in 10 white non-Hispanic Catholics and one in eight evangelicals.

Is anyone surprised?

  1. #212 – smartalix,

    The O.T. is still very much a part of Christianity. Else, the religion would not include such basics as Genesis or the 10 commandments.

  2. fpp2002 says:

    214 – I’ve read the bible, and it is the most contradictory, violent, sexist, racist, intolerant book I’ve ever read. It is nothing more than an ancient book of superstition and fairytales.

    And if you think there are no contradictions, it is clear you haven’t read it.

  3. #214 – Alfred1,

    I too encourage everyone to read scripture. It’s one of the best ways to learn just how stupid religion is. The texts of all of the flavors of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic relgion (deliberately singular) are violent, self-contradictory, and xenophobic.

    A friend of a friend had to drop her bible as literature course in college. She had never read the O.T. before and it was shaking her faith. Rather than lead a rational and sane life, she put the book down.


    You have not even successfully explained (or even attempted to explain) your own self-contradictory beliefs as noted in my post #198. Such beliefs would make some sense only if you believe that life begins at conception … and ends at birth. Even then, not much sense.

    You are a prime example of the way in which religion can twist one’s morals into believing bad is good and good is bad.

    Just think about the way that you actually believe it is OK to hack up a woman and her nursing infant for the crime of believing differently than yourself. Remember that there are others who would have done the same to you and your mother because she believes differently than them. Think carefully about both sides.

    Then take a good hard look at the evil son of a bitch you have become.

    Then drop the bible, stomp on it once or twice for good measure, and join the good and decent folks of the world.

  4. smartalix says:


    Scott, Christ does say that his is the new testament, and for people to lay aside the old.

  5. #217 – Ralfie Malfie,

    You can’t answer one contradiction. Why would I burden you with 9 more?

    #218 smartalix,

    Matthew 5:17

    Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill.

  6. Hey Malfie,

    Given the vast number of gods out there, what will you do in the very likely scenario that you have picked the wrong one?

    God admitted there are other gods right in the first commandment. So, there must be others, since the bible is, by your assertion infallible.

    What will you do if you die and find out the Muslims or Hindus or Jews or ancient Greeks and Romans or ancient Norse or ancient Egyptians have it right?

    Do you hedge your bets?

    I suppose if the Hindus have it right, at least you’ll get another chance. However, if the Muslims have it right, you’re toast!!

    What if you merely have the wrong flavor of Christianity. What if you are Catholic and god is Mormon, or if you are Episcopal and god is Baptist, or if you are Lutheran and god is Russian Orthodox or any number of other combinations?

    What will you do?

    By a popularity contest, you’ve got a good shot, being a member of the runner up sect. However, that only holds true if the various subsects are not considered.

    If popularity is not the issue, then your odds are equal with any religion. How did you choose the one true religion over all of the false ones?

    Whatever … the odds are not in your favor any way you slice it. Maybe if you’re lucky though, Satan will at least give you a reach around.


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