The blog doesn’t usually feature produced videos of this kind since the way they are presented clearly shows a bias. However, when you consider what’s being said in the video and the recent outbreak of Swine flu, your mind wanders towards interesting and frightening conspiracy theories.

  1. J says:

    # 79 bobbo

    “Geography is easy to measure. Handwashing habits, not so much so geography is in the model and handwashing is not. ”

    But it is one of the most important issues in whether or not viruses will spread. How can you justify leaving it out? That is like ignoring that you don’t have gas as a cause for your car not runing

    “Its the best we can do and I still don’t see your alternative.”


    “Only 8 deaths so far. Ok. So how many people should die before anyone reports on it?”

    There have been more than 12 thousand people that have died since Jan from the regular Flu and it doesn’t get nearly the news cycles. I am not saying it won’t get worse but the way they are reporting it it is as if it could kill us all and there is 0 data to back that up. There is a potential but there is also a potential that a gamma ray burst could wipe us out too. Right now, you should be more afraid of the regular flu no matter how you measure it. Just wait in a few weeks whan they start talking about the hype and was it justified.

    “That town in Mexico had about 800 people who just about ALL got sick but only two babies died.”

    Wrong! As of yesterday there were only 148 confirmed cases in the world. 8 deaths. That is a .05 % chance of death from Swine flu infection. Really not that much.

    “The “first wave” was not very virulent but as it spread it morphed and the second strain rebounded and killed 50 Million.”

    Yeah the same is true for any virus but is rarely the case.

    “Joe Biden said he personally would not travel in a closed vehicle if he had a choice.”

    So? That is his choice and I am fine with that.

    “We all have choices to make, from your post J, I don’t see on what basis you would make your choices.”

    I choose based on facts and not fear mongering. Even if I would get the Swine Flu the odds are in my favor that I won’t die. I will probably wish I would die but I would with a tremendously high probably survive in tact. So I won’t be changing anything I don’t already do. This isn’t Ebola!!!

    That is all beside the point. I was just using the real numbers vs fear mongering ratio of the Swine Flu.

    2.1 works mathematically and sure you can use it for what it is BUT this video uses it to make you afraid of Muslims and that they will take over the world. It is exactly the same kind of propaganda about the Communists, using the same template, back in the 50’s. Look how that turned out.

    Mr. Fusion

    How goes it? Thanks for the welcome back. My ego swells. lol. I have been really busy for the last many months. I do come here to read a little but but posting just takes too much of my time.

    I can’t wait to see if he matches Patty cake in his level of stupidity and creative fictional facts. So far he has a good start.

  2. J says:

    # 77 Alfred1

    “The video wasn’t trying to project actual populations…it was warning what would be if all things remain the same…”

    Do you even realize how dumb that statement is?

    “Its not addressing all possible scenarios…”

    No only the one that is trying to make you afraid.

    “and nothing it predicted is impossible.”

    Getting hit on the head by a toilet seat from a space station isn’t impossible either but I don’t think I need to worry about it.

    “the earth could easily support 5 times its present population…perhaps more.”

    Wow are you stupid!!!!

    “…perhaps more.


    But we have to use pesticides etc…gasp.”

    And there is no end to your stupidity

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    (shakes head as “J” attempts to engage Alphie in an intelligent conversation with reason and logic)

  4. J says:


    BTW Today’s update the WOW has 257 confirmed cases and still only 8 deaths. That lowers the mortality rate to .03%

  5. bobsyeruncle says:

    Listen folks, dont panic – I’ve got a solution. Straight from the Muslim baby ‘ole and into mah belleh! Will be good eatin’ once pork is banned.

  6. bobsyeruncle says:

    Listen folks, don’t panic – I’ve got a solution. Straight from the Muslim baby ‘ole and into mah belleh! Will be good eatin’ once pork is banned.

  7. J says:

    # 86 J

    LOL I meant WHO WOW. And no I don’t play!

  8. brian t says:

    That bit about “share the gospel with Muslims” turns my stomach. Does the maker of this video really expect Muslims to give up their religion for … just another religion? That would be a sideways step on a backward path, like two people in a car fighting over the brake pedal. The world needs to be moving forward to a post-religious state, in my opinion, but that’s not going to happen in countries with low average intelligence.

    PS: if you don’t think there’s evidence there’s a negative correlation between religion and intelligence? Rather than me posting a long URL, I recommend you go to to and searching for authors “Lynn Harvey Nyborg”, a paper entitled “Average intelligence predicts atheism rates across 137 nations”.

  9. Thomas says:

    “Every sperm is sacred…”

    Hey, why don’t we require schools to have sex labs where kids do it in the classroom? We can provide prizes to guys that knock up the most girls. We could ban monogamous marriages …

    If anything, it is Christian uber-conservative ideals on sex that slow population growth. Just think how many more babies could be created if the Catholics let priests marry.

  10. boolez says:

    It’s an interesting study in demographics but it is only sort of right about rate of change. Still I find it more then a bit racists which lends to unfounded conspiracies. The narrator fails to make the difference between an influx of Islamic/Muslim immigrants and that of Arabs. One’s ethnicity and one’s religion may not be the same and should not be assumed to be the same. I have more then a few Arab friends who fled various middle eastern countries because of their Christian (and in one instance Zoroaster)convictions. I can only assume that because of their country of origin this short clip would count them as part of a vast Islamic invation.

    Further they fail to say what portion of this new population have changed faiths or else become secularized. It’s a irresponsible video that will only cause more xenophobia then we already have. And the upshot is what….make more babies? Give me a break please!

  11. ArianeB says:

    #77 “Loons think the earth has reached its capacity…but if we rid ourselves of loony tyranny…the earth could easily support 5 times its present population…perhaps more.


    But we have to use pesticides etc…gasp.”

    Umm, wherever you heard this, they are lying. This is a “religious” belief (no scientific basis whatsoever) held by economists and believers in St. Milton Friedman, but all evidence says it is false.

    If the holding capacity of the Earth is 5 times what it is now, why are we already depleting the ocean fish faster than they can create new fish? Why are we depleting forests faster than they can grow back? And then there is oil, which most experts now agree has peaked. Pesticides are made from oil, fertilizer from Natural Gas which will soon peak.

    The evidence is supporting that we are already over capacity population wise. If so there are 3 possible outs:

    1. Lower birth rates and adjust world population by attrition.
    2. Artificial human population control via war.
    3. Natural human population control via famine and disease.

    I believe that this ignorant position that we are not overpopulated is going to guarantee that situation 2 or 3 (or both) is in our future.

  12. ArianeB says:

    The amount of open space available matters not. Over population has to do with the amount of renewable food and water resources.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #97, dro,

    #95 High on sarcasm, aren’t we?

    Low on reading comprehension and rational thinking, aren’t you?

  14. bobbo says:

    Just to make 100 for no particular reason: a few days back I posted the websites that analyse why this outbreak with only 150 deaths so far could well lead to a killing pandemic whereas the normal flu for this year having killed 15,000 is only of the standard non-pandemic type.

    From memory–it is species jumping which is always bad straight out of the chute, and it has taken young healthy people, not the very young and very old, probably some other issues I didn’t understand like the advantage of having 4 viral bases instead of 2 or 3.

    Its gonna happen someday and its already over due.

    And as far as fear of Russia goes, YES==it worked. We defeated them. We can’t defeat the Muslim Religion if we stay asleep and think they are as useless as christians. Fact is they are EVEN DUMBER and just simply need to be kept in their own holes.

    I say choose man or god, country or religion. Wrong thread, but feels good anyway.

  15. ECA says:

    we need to FORCE them to group up..into 1 BASE religion.
    one UNDERSTANDING of what they believe..
    GRAB all their leaders and PUT them in a room and WRITE UP, 1 concordance of THEIR TRUTH.
    Kill, murder, molest, ABUSE any that DONT live by the 1 write up.

    Something to think about.
    1. MOST muslims that dont live in those countries, LEFT for REASON.
    2. The leaders in those nation ALSO saw that there was another way to take over the world. And shipped out over 1/2 of there own people.

    Even shipping out their OWN militants, if you look at many of these countries you see some MAJOR PROBLEMS. FEMALE ABUSE is among the highest. In some of these nation you will see a LACK of FEMALES and OVER POPULATION. What do you do? SHIP OUT, marry out of other nations(then BRING THEM BACK, its a movie, look it up) or STAY and spread your beliefs.

    You cant bottle them up and HOLD them in those nations, ITS TO LATE, it started in the 70’s.. There are more MUSLIMS in the REST of the world, then in muslim nations..

  16. kyus3 says:

    looks like its game over. glad i’ll be dead by the time these towelheads take over.

  17. bobbo says:

    Hah, hah. The reason most religious nut bags leave their own country is so that they can establish even more intolerant religions in their new lands.

    And so it is.

  18. Sexual Itellectual says:

    Biological Imperative demands that groups threatened with extinction propagate at an accelerated rate.

  19. Sexual Intellectual says:

    The Biological Imperative demands that groups threatened with extinction propagate at an accelerated rate.

  20. deowll says:

    The West has committed genocide on the West by reducing the birth rate to present levels. Europe and North America are population sinks. If you don’t know and understand that you are ignorant. It has been common knowledge for decades. I can even recall reading about it Readers Digest before my hair turned gray.

    The ethnic groups that are willing to have large numbers of kids are going to take over. The rest are going to pretty much vanish in the next 100 years. Nothing I know of can prevent it.

    The Christian faith is dying both because of low birth rate, few conversions and youth leaving the church.

    Atheism is doomed pretty much for the same reason: a birth rate that leaves it with no future. It depends on converts and Islam does not allow people to convert. A father is supposed to kill his children if they convert.

    Islam will prevail because they and a few others are going to be only people around having families.

    It doesn’t make me happy because I’m a member of a dieing group but I can do simple math and I figured this out a very long ago. If I followed Mohammad I’d be ultra happy about it.

    Any muslum who adopts western values and birth rates is going to be as doomed as the rest.

    It’s the groups that don’t adopt birth control that are going to take over because they are the ones producing the next generation and it doesn’t matter how ignorant, backward, and warlike you think they are or if you like it or dislike it.

    Facts are. Deal with it any way you want.
    Denial seems to be popular with the group and since nobody is going to change the demographics of the situation if it makes you happy go for it.

  21. fpp2002 says:

    #109 – Alfred, we really should be paying for abortions of stupid people so that stupid people like you would never be born.

  22. Thomas says:

    > The irony is, as left loons
    > cause this scenario to occur
    > via abortion and alternative
    > life styles…when they reap
    > Sharia law for their stupidity…
    > probably the first carbon
    > footprints to be beheaded
    > are the very same loons.

    Are you seriously equating the legal restriction on aborting a birth, at any stage, with a antiquated religious practice like Sharia law? You need to put down the bong or take the hunk of coal you are trying to make into a diamond out of your tokhes and wake up.

    The number of abortions in a given year is a fraction of all births. It has no significant effect on the birth rate. .

    By the far, the biggest effect on birth rate is economics. The reason that people in the US have around 1.2 children per household is that it is hundreds of times more expensive to have children in US than it is in the Middle East. Improve the economic conditions in those countries and the birth rate will drop like a stone.

    As many have said before, the reason the birth rate in Europe and the US is lower is because of economics. It has little to do with religion and it has little to do with ethnic groups. Improve the economic conditions of the countries with high birth rates and that rate will fall.

    Why stop there? If you really want people popping out babies there are far better ways. Eliminate monogamous marriage. Encourage teen pregnancy. Outlaw all birth control etc. If you are going to play social planner and want people pumping out kids, there are much better incentives that will achieve that effect.

  23. ArianeB says:

    The movie Idiocracy comes to mind

  24. Hmeyers says:

    This is a non-concern.

    Islam is spreading because it has a stronger culture, but it will also mature.

    Look at China, they have grown to be an economic powerhouse yet they scarcely resemble the closed and stoic communist China of old.

    The world is a melting pot and the ideas fostered by Western civilization will blend into the Muslim culture where it has merit and erode where they do not.

    There will be a Muslim renewal, a new golden age.

  25. ECA says:

    THEY WONT grow until they do ALL of their INFIGHTING, and DONT involve US/WE..

    Problem I see is CHRISTIANS did the SAME thing.
    wondering the world bringing JESUS, and condemning other BELIEFS, and FIGHTING IDEALS back home.

    WE dont want them to INVOLVE the rest of the world.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    #100, Bobbo,

    Great comment. Works for me.

  27. dr_wally says:

    Does anyone think that traditional Islamic beliefs will stand up to modern western culture over the long haul? If you look at the bulk of the Muslims in a place like the UK, they have largely integrated into modern society. Not all, of course, but most. The females go to school, may wear a light headscarf, but for the most part after a couple of generations they are more or less westerners. Look at our own country and how wave after wave of immigrants have assimilated and now define “American” culture. Only a tiny fraction would be interested in exchanging US law for Sharia, fewer than would have us be run by Christian biblical laws. As America absorbs the current Hispanic influx, there will be changes of course but I don’t think Spanish is the future language of the US.

    A better question is to ask why would Islam be attractive to someone? It is apparently very attractive to poor, powerless populations with little hope of life success. I don’t see droves of people running to become Muslims — it is mostly an inherited religion (you are what your parents are) assisted by some nasty penalties for abandoning it. Like all religions, if people have secular alternatives, they tend to drift away from rigid orthodoxy — there is no “burning issue” to bind them. The fastest growing religion is atheism, after all…..

  28. Timuchin says:

    I have a book by Bruce Bawer, a homosexual who went to the Netherlands to get married. It’s called, “While Europe Slept.” After a couple of years he came back to the United States in fear. The Muslims were wearing t-shirts, stating which year they were going to take over the Netherlands. They intend to kill all homosexuals and feminists at that time. They intend to get rid of all non-muslim history and culture. The art museums and libraries will be burned.

    He came back to America to form an alliance with the Christians against the Muslims, despite some prejudice from the Christians.

    Even if you consider all Christians to be liars, read what a non-Christian homosexual has to say!

  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    #118, Timmy,

    And I have a book by Herman Mellville about a man who swore to his dieing breath to conquer a Great White whale.

    He was wrong too.


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