Daylife/AP Photo used by permission
Utah Governor Jon Huntsman, Jr. and a “pure” Republican

A Michigan Republican says she canceled an event set to be attended by Utah’s moderate GOP governor because it would have betrayed the party’s values.

Kent County, Mich., Republican Chairwoman Joanne Voorhees canceled the party fundraiser scheduled for Saturday, which was to be attended by Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr…

The voters want and expect us to stand on principle and return to our roots,” Voorhees was quoted by the Grand Rapids Press as saying in an e-mail. “Unfortunately, by holding an event with Governor Huntsman, we would be doing the exact opposite.”

Voorhees didn’t specify in the e-mail why the fundraiser was canceled, and she didn’t return calls to the Tribune. However, the group Campaign for Michigan Families praised the cancellation, saying it was because of Huntsman’s support of civil unions for same-sex couples.

So, Republicans are going to win elections – by turning away Republicans who win elections?

  1. Sea Lawyer says:

    Smells like a winning strategy to me…

    Instead of jumping to the Democratic Party, these moderate Republicans would be better served to abandon that sinking ship and reform into a new one.

  2. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Smaller is bigger.

  3. Alex says:

    “the GOP will be reduced to a midnight candle vigil for lost sperm in Bumfuck Texas.”

    Assuming Texas doesn’t secede first, of course.

  4. Paddy-O says:

    Kinda strange. Just because the guy is okay with civil unions? Obama is against Gay marriage and the Dems are okay with that position.

  5. chuck says:

    The Republicans are too big to fail. Give them a government bail-out.

  6. Dallas says:

    Amusing to watch the GOP party struggle with how to be relevant again.

    If the GOP feels compelled to cart that whiny bitch with her winks and smirks to reinvigorate the party, I think it will just draw in the usual fringe:

    * The KKK
    * Delusional granny saying “Obama is a Muslim”
    * Timothy McVeigh wannabees
    * The Alfred1 “religious freaks R US”
    * The Paddy-O “I’m an expert because of Google”
    * The MikeN “I’m here cause I got nutt’n to do”

  7. Mojo Yugen says:

    I’m still trying to wrap my head around the phrase “Utah’s moderate GOP governor”.

  8. Phydeau says:

    I think stuff like this is the natural conclusion of the Republican Party’s Southern Strategy. When you start appealing to fear and hatred to win votes, you need to keep the fear and hatred going year after year to galvanize the electorate. It’s the opposite of the “big tent” philosophy. In the short run, fear and hatred are big motivators to get people out to vote. But in the long run, it consumes itself. Those who don’t agree with the fear and hatred are purged from the party.

    I think very few people can sustain fear and hatred in themselves for long periods of time. It’s corroding to the soul. The ones who can are the GOP’s dwindling base. Thus as the GOP gets smaller, the voice of the hateful and fearful gets louder and louder.

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    . . . and the Republican Party rapidly becomes a regional force.

  10. MikeN says:

    Funny how people tell the Republicans what to do to win elections, but even if the GOP did that , they’d still vote for the Democrat.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #7, Dallas, and #9, Phydeau,

    Well said, both.


    #7, Dallas,

    Unfortunately, the truth doesn’t count as satire so I can’t award the you the humor prize.

  12. orangetiki says:

    Caption for photo:

    Palin “Hey what are you doing back there?”

    Huntsman “Hurry up we have to make more babies before the Muslims take over. We’ve already lost Europe”

  13. Mr. Fusion says:


    Obama is against Gay marriage and the Dems are okay with that position.

    The Democrats do not require unrestrained obedience as do the Republicans. They will tolerate differing views among themselves.

    When are you going to post that link about all those Americans committing war crimes and atrocities against civilians during WWII? Someone as smart as you shouldn’t have any trouble finding some back-up to what you posted.

  14. Paddy-O says:

    # 14 Mr. Fusion said, “The Democrats do not require unrestrained obedience as do the Republicans. They will tolerate differing views among themselves.”

    Correct. That’s why they are ahead in the game. That was the gist of my comment.

  15. Ah_Yea says:

    Hold it, Michigan GOP’er doesn’t want to be in the same room with the Utah Governor?

    I would have thought she would have had more of a problem with Romney, also from Utah.

    After all, wasn’t it Romney who said that it would be better to let the Automotive companies go into bankrupcy and then rebuild them?

    And didn’t Obama take the Automotive states based on the promise that he wouldn’t let the car companies go bankrupt because no one would buy a car from a bankrupt company?

    Foolish Romney, thinking he could win an election by telling the truth!

  16. MikeN says:

    >all those Americans committing war crimes and atrocities against civilians during WWII?

    So Fusion, do you agree with Jon Stewart that dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima was a war crime?

  17. jescott418 says:

    I think the Rebublican’s will have to wait for their Right wings beliefs to become popular again. I for one am against any parties because they require too much of a fall in line policy. Sometimes people just think outside of a certain box and they should not be shunned for this. No matter Rebublican or Democrat.We would be better off to have people running for office on their own stances and not of a certain party.

  18. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Alfred, the number of Americans who currently claim to be Republican is around 25%. The trend is headed…

    Your 1983-era agenda is done and over, demonstrably ineffective, and voters tossed it out of Washington like yesterday’s dog shit. Clinging to Newt’s Contract on America is like 1909’s horse breeders telling farmers that tractors will never catch on.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #17, Alphie, the Evangelical, Sociopathic, Right Wing Nut, Loon, and Quaalude Queen,

    >So, Republicans are going to win elections – by turning away Republicans who win elections?

    Yes, that is precisely how we will.

    Of course opponents always tell their opposition what they are doing wrong…so they can win…

    So I don’t expect any here to realize the soundness of this strategy…

    For once you are correct. Only a brain dead Republican could explain that. Alienate your base and the voters in order to win, ya riiiight!

    Its call representing the people…the majority of whom are not for same sex couples etc ad nauseam…

    There is increasingly a shift to tolerate gay marriage and lifestyles. Even those apposed to it are more neutral. Why? Because the Evangelical Christians have pushed normal people to the left with their rhetoric and extreme demands.

  20. GregA says:


    Obviously you are not a student of demographics. You ARE the loony fringe. You are an extreme and diminishing minority that is rapidly becoming irrelevant.

    Your postings are that of a madman, like the guys in Hyde park in London.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #18, Lyin’ Mike,

    I don’t answer for Stewart. I only want Cow-Patty to answer the question.

  22. Phydeau says:

    We can tolerate your existence, we will not advance your agenda and teach our children its blessed by God…as you insist we do.

    Hey Alfie, no one’s asking your god to bless their union… we’ve heard what your god thinks, he’s a pretty nasty and bigoted guy (strangely like his followers, how about that). You don’t have to allow those eeeevil homosexuals to get married in your church, OK? There there now.

    We want to represent those Americans who work for a living, pay their taxes, want less government in their lives and do not want our schools become liberal reeducation centers where loon agenda is drilled incessently into the minds of our children.

    Ya know, this used to work pretty good, painting Democrats as shiftless lazy bums who never met a huge government program they didn’t like. But that dog just won’t hunt any more. And that’s all you have left… the Republicans don’t have anything except fear and hatred nowadays.

    And why is it that the same wingnuts who claim to have such a strong foundation, bedrock family values, blah blah blah, are so afraid of their kids getting “reeducated” by the schools? Why the hell are they so insecure if they’re teaching their kids such rock-solid bedrock values?

  23. Paddy-O says:

    # 25 Phydeau said, “Ya know, this used to work pretty good, painting Democrats as shiftless lazy bums who never met a huge government program they didn’t like. But that dog just won’t hunt any more.”

    Really? You say that after they just passed the largest one in history? Weird.

  24. dogday says:

    When you lose sight of original values and start to grade on a curve it leads to moral relativism which is a bankrupt concept.

    Republicans may never win another election as the US turns toward a post modern view.

  25. jbellies says:

    Why don’t conservatives propose that the gov’t get out of the marriage biz? Leave it to the churches. Wouldn’t that also solve their internal dissention, or do they just like to argue (no question mark, rhetorical question).

  26. Alex says:

    “And why is it that the same wingnuts who claim to have such a strong foundation, bedrock family values, blah blah blah, are so afraid of their kids getting “reeducated” by the schools? Why the hell are they so insecure if they’re teaching their kids such rock-solid bedrock values?”

    Because, well… I think I shall borrow a quote:

    “Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.

    “But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall.”

  27. tcc3 says:

    I’ve often argued that point. “marriage” for gays is the wrong argument. “Civil unions” for everyone is the right argument.

    If the Conservative Christians were really concerned about religious freedom, then thats the argument they would support. The concern is reduced ability to push their lifestyle on everyone else. Gotta keep butts in the pews, you know.

  28. Alex says:

    #31 – I know – I’m supporting your point, based on Alfie’s own logic.

  29. Dallas says:

    Republican party plans a come back!

    Seems the GOP is launching an outreach program where they will leave their bubble and see what Americans care about. I think that is awesome!

    They also created a Facebook account, looking for a new “logo and getting something pierced.

    Sounds like a plan.

  30. Phydeau says:

    OK, I understand Alex, sorry, was being dense. 🙂


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