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NBC News
Published: April 29, 2009

A Texas bus driver has lost his job, after causing a crash because he was texting on his cell phone, while driving.
Security video from inside the San Antonio public transportation bus shows traffic stopped on the highway in June of 2008, as the bus barrels toward cars at a standstill.
Video from inside the bus shows the driver pulling the phone from his pocket and texting, taking his eyes off the road for up to six minutes before the crash happens.

A Google search of “texting bus drivers” brings up way too many hits.

  1. Sea Lawyer says:

    Pretty ridiculous. It only gets worse once we get more and more touchscreen phones, where even more attention gets diverted away from where it should be.

  2. danijel says:

    God I hate the NBC…

  3. AdmFubar says:

    ok what format is the embedded video in???

  4. Fussing says:

    Fuzzing with texting, CD’s, radio, coffee, makeup, maps, and children all cause mash ups. Get them all banned.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:


  6. ECA says:

    Iv only had 1 driver, on a cellphone in the MERGE lane, PULL OVER and wave me by..

  7. chuck says:

    Every time I’m in a taxi, the driver seems to spend more time on his cell-phone (or adjusting the volume on the Al-quaeda radio station) all the time.

  8. George says:

    If they believed in anything but money, I’m sure the personal injury lawyers would thank God every night for cell phones.

  9. Instant Armaggedon says:

    Every vehicle should come with a factory-installed cell phone jammer.

  10. Poppa Boner says:

    #9 – This still doesn’t stop stupidity. How about the old guy that bought an RV and turned on the cruise control and went in the back to make a sandwich.

  11. deowll says:

    Everybody has brain dead momments. You take a chance and you pay the price and so do others.

    I no longer try to explain other people’s acts of staggering stupidity. I just worry about my own.

  12. gmcnewlook says:

    thats ridicous, altough bus operators using their cellphones happen more than you think, and this story proves it,

  13. Uncle Patso says:

    I wish my car played it like the mindless tune on the ice cream truck: “HANG UP AND DRIVE!”

  14. orangetiki says:

    *CRY “Pay attention when there are so many lives at stake!!” lol that part cracked me up


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